Commit 647ff8d2 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Added stackgrace to error message

parent 9f6049c2
......@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_timesheet_task_list_component {
append table_body_html "\t<td valign=top>"
set cmd "append table_body_html $column_var"
if {[catch {eval $cmd} err]} {
ns_log Error "im_timesheet_task_list_component: Error evaluating cmd=$cmd: $err"
ns_log Error "im_timesheet_task_list_component: Error evaluating cmd=$cmd: $err [ad_print_stack_trace]"
append table_body_html "<pre>$err</pre>"
append table_body_html "</td>\n"
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