Commit 8c756156 authored by Christof Damian 's avatar Christof Damian

- update start_date/end_date

parent 6679eb10
......@@ -210,7 +210,6 @@ where
t.task_id = :task_id
and p.project_id = :task_id
} -new_data {
# Issue from Anke@opus5: project_path is unique
......@@ -218,6 +217,9 @@ where
# task_nr and project_path
set task_nr [string tolower $task_nr]
set start_date_sql [template::util::date get_property sql_date $start_date]
set end_date_sql [template::util::date get_property sql_timestamp $end_date]
db_exec_plsql task_insert {}
db_dml task_update {}
db_dml project_update {}
......@@ -225,7 +227,6 @@ where
} -edit_data {
set task_nr [string tolower $task_nr]
set start_date_sql [template::util::date get_property sql_date $start_date]
set end_date_sql [template::util::date get_property sql_timestamp $end_date]
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