Commit beb7fade authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Fixed upgrade error

parent 8c56c7ec
SELECT acs_log__debug('/packages/intranet-timesheet2-tasks/sql/postgresql/upgrade/upgrade-','');
-- Add difference_format_id to im_timesheet_task_dependencies
create or replace function inline_0 ()
returns integer as $body$
v_count integer;
-- Check if colum exists in the database
select count(*) into v_count from user_tab_columns
where lower(table_name) = 'im_timesheet_task_dependencies' and lower(column_name) = 'difference_format_id';
IF v_count > 0 THEN return 1; END IF;
alter table im_timesheet_task_dependencies add difference_format_id integer
constraint im_timesheet_task_dep_diff_format_fk references im_categories;
return 0;
END;$body$ language 'plpgsql';
SELECT inline_0 ();
DROP FUNCTION inline_0 ();
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