Commit c594df8c authored by adrtel's avatar adrtel

- Tighened foreign-key constraint to im_projects instead

  of acs_objects
parent 20495bf0
......@@ -320,12 +320,12 @@ create table im_timesheet_task_dependencies (
constraint im_timesheet_task_map_one_nn
not null
constraint im_timesheet_task_map_one_fk
references acs_objects,
references im_projects,
task_id_two integer
constraint im_timesheet_task_map_two_nn
not null
constraint im_timesheet_task_map_two_fk
references acs_objects,
references im_projects,
-- status currently not used
dependency_status_id integer default 9740
constraint im_timesheet_task_map_dep_status_nn
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