Commit 05e40fc0 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- fixed issue if the list timesheet_conf_object is pointing at a task

  (and not at a project)
parent a87cf3e6
......@@ -39,6 +39,24 @@ if {![info exists message]} { set message "" }
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
set conf_project_options [im_project_options]
if {[info exists conf_id]} {
# Add the conf_item's project to the options, if not already there
# Otherwise the component can't show the project's name
set conf_project_id [db_string conf_pid "select conf_project_id from im_timesheet_conf_objects where conf_id = :conf_id" -default ""]
set found_p 0
foreach ptuple $conf_project_options {
set pname [lindex $ptuple 0]
set pid [lindex $ptuple 1]
if {$pid == $conf_project_id} { set found_p 1 }
if {!$found_p} {
set conf_project_name [db_string conf_pid "select project_name from im_projects where project_id = :conf_project_id" -default ""]
lappend conf_project_options [list $conf_project_name $conf_project_id]
set conf_type_options [db_list_of_lists conf_type_options "
select conf_type, conf_type_id
from im_timesheet_conf_object_types
......@@ -95,7 +113,6 @@ if {"delete" == $button_pressed} {
ad_returnredirect $return_url
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# The Form
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -120,9 +137,11 @@ ad_form \
ad_form -extend -name $form_id \
-select_query {
select *
from im_timesheet_conf_objects
where conf_id = :conf_id
} -new_data {
db_exec_plsql create_conf "
SELECT im_conf__new(
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