Commit 3635af95 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- fixed issue with PG 8.1

parent 039b0841
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_timesheet_workflow_spawn_update_workflow {
# Mark all hours in the included conf_obj as included
db_dml update_hours "
update im_hours hh
update im_hours
set conf_object_id = :conf_object_id
from (
select h.*
......@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ ad_proc -public im_timesheet_workflow_spawn_update_workflow {
h.user_id = :wf_user_id
) h
where = and
hh.user_id = h.user_id and
hh.project_id = h.project_id = and
im_hours.user_id = h.user_id and
im_hours.project_id = h.project_id
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