Commit 64703ab3 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- fixed hard-coded workflow key for timesheet approval workflow

  on behalf of OneBCG
parent 5dcdf9b4
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_timesheet_workflow_spawn_update_workflow {
{-workflow_key "timesheet_approval_workflow_wf" }
{-workflow_key "" }
} {
Check if there is already a WF running for that project/user/date
and either reset this WF or create a new one if there wasn't one before.
......@@ -63,15 +63,20 @@ ad_proc -public im_timesheet_workflow_spawn_update_workflow {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a new Timesheet Confirmation Object if not there
set conf_object_id [im_timesheet_conf_object_new \
-project_id $project_id \
-user_id $wf_user_id \
-start_date $start_date \
-end_date $end_date \
set conf_type_id [im_timesheet_conf_obj_type_default]
set conf_status_id [im_timesheet_conf_obj_status_active]
# Mark all hours in the included conf_obj as included
db_dml update_hours "
set conf_object_id [im_timesheet_conf_object_new \
-project_id $project_id \
-user_id $wf_user_id \
-start_date $start_date \
-end_date $end_date \
-conf_type_id $conf_type_id \
-conf_status_id $conf_status_id \
# Mark all hours in the included conf_obj as included
db_dml update_hours "
update im_hours
set conf_object_id = :conf_object_id
from (
......@@ -91,31 +96,25 @@ ad_proc -public im_timesheet_workflow_spawn_update_workflow { = and
im_hours.user_id = h.user_id and
im_hours.project_id = h.project_id
set ttt {
switch [llength $conf_object_ids] {
0 {
append result_html "<li>No previous confirmation object found - Creating new confirmation object.\n"
1 {
set conf_object_id [lindex $conf_object_ids 0]
append result_html "<li>Confirmation object already exists: #$conf_object_id\n"
default {
ad_return_complaint 1 "<b>Internal Error: Too many confirmation objects</b>:
We have found more the one confirmation object ($conf_object_ids)
for the given project_id=$project_id, user_id=$user_id and start_date=$start_date.
Please inform your System Administrator.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Check if the WF-Key is valid
# Determine workflow key from im_category.aux_string1 and
# check if the WF-Key is valid.
if {"" == $workflow_key} {
set workflow_key [db_string conf_object_wf_key "
select aux_string1
from im_categories
where category_id = :conf_type_id
if {"" == $workflow_key} {
# Fallback to factory provided default approval WF
set workflow_key "timesheet_approval_wf"
set wf_valid_p [db_string wf_valid_check "
select count(*)
......@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ foreach project_id $project_list {
-user_id $wf_user_id \
-start_date $start_date \
-end_date $end_date \
-workflow_key "timesheet_approval_wf" \
append li_html "<ul>\n$debug_html\n</ul>\n"
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