Commit bcea1eba authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- reorganized timesheet /hours/new-2 page to work as a "synchronizer"

  between the "screen" and the "database" hours
parent 12073825
...@@ -220,6 +220,78 @@ ad_proc -public im_timesheet_conf_object_new { ...@@ -220,6 +220,78 @@ ad_proc -public im_timesheet_conf_object_new {
} }
ad_proc -public im_timesheet_conf_object_delete {
} {
Delete a confirmation object for the specified (main-) project
that covers the specified day.
} {
# Check for ConfirmationObjects matching the conditions
set conf_ids [db_list main_pids "
select distinct
im_hours h,
im_projects p,
im_projects main_p,
im_timesheet_conf_objects c
where = to_date(:day_julian, 'J') and
h.user_id = :user_id and
h.project_id = :project_id and
h.project_id = p.project_id and
tree_ancestor_key(p.tree_sortkey, 1) = main_p.tree_sortkey and
c.conf_project_id = main_p.project_id and
c.conf_user_id = :user_id and
to_date(:day_julian, 'J') between c.start_date and c.end_date
# Delete the conf_objects
set ctr 0
foreach conf_id $conf_ids {
db_string conf_delete "select im_timesheet_conf_object__delete(:conf_id)"
incr ctr
return $ctr
ad_proc -public im_timesheet_costs_delete {
} {
Delete any cost items related to hours logged for the specified project
and day.
} {
set del_cost_ids [db_list del_cost_ids "
select h.cost_id
from im_hours h
where h.project_id = :project_id
and h.user_id = :user_id
and = to_date(:day_julian, 'J')
set ctr 0
foreach cost_id $del_cost_ids {
db_dml update_hours "
update im_hours
set cost_id = null
where cost_id = :cost_id
db_string del_ts_costs "select im_cost__delete(:cost_id)"
incr ctr
return $ctr
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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