Commit 0878458c authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- BaselKB changes

parent 136ff42e
......@@ -2,33 +2,34 @@
<!-- Generated by the OpenACS Package Manager -->
<package key="intranet-timesheet2" url="" type="apm_application">
<package-name>]project-open[ Timesheet2 </package-name>
<pretty-plural>]project-open[ Timesheet2 </pretty-plural>
<package-name>]project-open[ Advanced Timesheet Management</package-name>
<pretty-plural>Project/Open Advanced Timesheet Management</pretty-plural>
<version name="" url="">
<owner url="">Frank Bergmann</owner>
<vendor url="">]project-open[</vendor>
<provides url="intranet-timesheet2" version="3.0.0"/>
<provides url="intranet-timesheet2" version=""/>
<requires url="intranet-core" version="3.0.0"/>
<requires url="intranet-cost" version="3.0.0"/>
<requires url="intranet-timesheet2-tasks" version="3.0.0"/>
<requires url="intranet-material" version="3.0.0"/>
<requires url="intranet-timesheet2-tasks" version="3.0.0"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="SyncHoursInterval" default="1000000" description="Interval for the Hours-Costs synchronizer to between checks if new im_hours items have been generated to be synchronized. This interval can be &quot;never&quot; (1000000) if timesheet hours are captured by the system itself. However, you should set this interval to something less for systems importing im_hours from an external source."/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="SyncHoursP" default="1" description="Should we create im_cost Cost-Items for each timesheet hour? This is usually the case, unless the profit &amp; loss function is not being used."/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="TimesheetHoursPerAbsence" default="8" description="Specifies the equivalent hours of a day of absences. 8 by default."/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="TimesheetRedirectHomeIfEmptyHoursP" default="0" description="Redirect the user from the Home page to the timesheet if there are not enough hours logged?"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="TimesheetRedirectProjectIfEmptyHoursP" default="0" description="Redirect the user from the project pages to the timesheet if there are not enough hours logged?"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="TimesheetRedirectNumDays" default="7" description="The number of days to check for redirection"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="TimesheetRedirectNumHoursInDays" default="32" description="The number of hours that should be logged in NumDays (see above)"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="TimesheetHoursPerAbsence" default="8" description="Specifies the equivalent hours of a day of absences. 8 by default."/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="TimesheetRedirectProjectIfEmptyHoursP" default="0" description="Redirect the user from the project pages to the timesheet if there are not enough hours logged?"/>
......@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ ad_proc -public im_timesheet2_sync_timesheet_costs {
create costs for new im_hours entries coming
from an external application
} {
set sync_timesheet_costs [parameter::get_from_package_key -package_key intranet-timesheet2 -parameter SyncHoursP -default 1]
if {!$sync_timesheet_costs} { return }
set default_currency [ad_parameter -package_id [im_package_cost_id] "DefaultCurrency" "" "EUR"]
set user_sql ""
......@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ db_foreach hours_timesheet $sql {
append results "
<td><nobr>$indent <A href=\"$project_url\">$project_name</A></nobr></td>
<td><nobr>$indent <A href=\"$project_url\">$project_nr - $project_name</A></nobr></td>
<td><INPUT NAME=hours.$project_id size=5 MAXLENGTH=5 value=\"$hours\">$p_hours</td>
<INPUT NAME=notes.$project_id size=60 value=\"[ns_quotehtml [value_if_exists note]]\">
......@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ set page_body "
# 2. Checkoff a set of projects and hit the submit button at
# the end of the page
# ToDo: Decide and cleanup!!!
set sql "
......@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ from
) see_all
p.project_id = r.object_id
and p.project_status_id in ([im_project_status_open])
) perm,
im_projects p
......@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@ db_foreach projects_list $sql {
append page_body "
<input type=checkbox name=project_id_list value=$project_id>
<a href=$target?on_what_id=$project_id&[export_url_vars on_which_table julian_date]>
$project_nr - $project_name
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