Commit 0a6407b0 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- added aux script to delete timesheet costs

parent 6763d058
-- aux_delete_timesheet_costs.sql
-- Auxillary Script: Delete all cost items generated by the
-- timesheet cost sweeper.
-- Executing this script is useful if you want to recalculate
-- all timesheet costs based on a new compound cost rate
-- during the installation of ]po[.
create or replace function inline_0 ()
returns integer as '
-- Remove links to cost items
update im_hours
set cost_id = null;
FOR row IN
select *
from im_costs c
where cost_type_id = 3718
RAISE NOTICE ''Deleteting cost_item: %'', row.cost_id;
-- update im_hours
-- set cost_id = null
-- where cost_id = row.cost_id;
PERFORM im_cost__delete(row.cost_id);
return 0;
END;' language 'plpgsql';
select inline_0 ();
drop function inline_0();
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