Commit 27e60b12 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- extended the associated reports to timesheet component by cube

  - if it contains a '?', indicating that it takes arguments
parent ab3409a7
......@@ -331,10 +331,14 @@ Please log your hours now or consult with your supervisor."
set start_date "2000-01-01"
set end_date "2100-01-01"
# show those menus from the Timesheet group ('reporting-timesheet-%')
# that have a '?' in the URL, indicating that they take arguments.
set menu_select_sql "
select m.*
from im_menus m
where label = 'reporting-timesheet-customer-project'
where label like 'reporting-timesheet-%'
and position('?' in url) != 0
and im_object_permission_p(m.menu_id, :user_id, 'read') = 't'
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