Commit 48560b59 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Fixed rounding, only showing current user

parent c9878a02
......@@ -167,9 +167,6 @@ if {![im_column_exists im_hours conf_object_id]} { set confirm_timesheet_hours_p
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Attendance Management
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -182,8 +179,9 @@ if {$attendance_management_installed_p} {
im_category_from_id(ai.attendance_type_id) as type,
round((extract(epoch from attendance_end - attendance_start) / 3600)::numeric, 2) as duration_hours
from im_attendance_intervals ai
where ai.attendance_start::date >= :first_day_of_month_ansi::date and
ai.attendance_id is not null and -- discard elements in process
where ai.attendance_user_id = :current_user_id and
ai.attendance_start::date >= :first_day_of_month_ansi::date and
ai.attendance_id is not null and -- discard elements in process of completing
ai.attendance_end::date <= :last_day_of_month_ansi::date
......@@ -424,9 +422,13 @@ for { set current_date $first_julian_date} { $current_date <= $last_julian_date
# Attendance Management
if {$attendance_management_installed_p} {
set work ""
if {[info exists att_work_hash($current_date)]} { set work $att_work_hash($current_date) }
if {[info exists att_work_hash($current_date)]} {
set work [expr round(10.0 * $att_work_hash($current_date)) / 10.0]
set break ""
if {[info exists att_break_hash($current_date)]} { set work $att_break_hash($current_date) }
if {[info exists att_break_hash($current_date)]} {
set work [expr round(10.0 * $att_break_hash($current_date)) / 10.0]
set line_items [list]
if {"" ne $work} { lappend line_items "Work: ${work}h" }
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