Commit 543ab060 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- added a function to close editing hours for the last month

parent 50a8709d
......@@ -69,6 +69,29 @@ set context_bar [im_context_bar [list index "[_ intranet-timesheet2.Hours]"] "[_
set permissive_logging [parameter::get_from_package_key -package_key intranet-timesheet2 -parameter PermissiveHourLogging -default "permissive"]
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Logic to check if the user is allowed to log hours
# ---------------------------------------------------------
set edit_hours_p "t"
# When should we consider the last month to be closed?
set last_month_closing_day [parameter::get_from_package_key -package_key intranet-timesheet2 -parameter TimesheetLastMonthClosingDay -default 0]
if {0 != $last_month_closing_day && "" != $last_month_closing_day} {
# Check that $julian_date is before the Nth of the next month:
# Select the 1st day of the last month:
set first_of_last_month [db_string last_month "
select to_char(now()::date - :last_month_closing_day::integer + '0 Month'::interval, 'YYYY-MM-01')
set edit_hours_p [db_string e "select to_date(:julian_date, 'J') > :first_of_last_month::date"]
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Check for registered hours
# ---------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -370,15 +393,26 @@ db_foreach hours_timesheet $sql {
append results "
if {"t" == $edit_hours_p} {
append results "
<td><nobr>$indent <A href=\"$project_url\">$project_nr - $project_name</A></nobr></td>
<td><INPUT NAME=hours.$project_id size=5 MAXLENGTH=5 value=\"$hours\">$p_hours</td>
<INPUT NAME=notes.$project_id size=60 value=\"[ns_quotehtml [value_if_exists note]]\">
} else {
if {"" == $hours} { set hours "-" }
append results "
<td><nobr>$indent <A href=\"$project_url\">$project_nr - $project_name</A></nobr></td>
<td align=right>$hours</td>
<td>[value_if_exists note] $p_notes</td>
append results "</tr>\n"
incr ctr
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