Commit 672ac844 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Improved name of timesheet cost item naming

parent b887f86a
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_timesheet2_sync_timesheet_costs {
db_foreach hours $sql {
ns_log Notice "sync: uid=$hour_user_id, pid=$project_id, day=$day"
set cost_name "Timesheet $hour_date $project_nr $user_name"
set cost_name "$hours hours on $hour_date on $project_nr by $user_name"
set cost_id [im_cost::new -cost_name $cost_name -user_id $hour_user_id -creation_ip "" -cost_type_id [im_cost_type_timesheet]]
lappend cost_ids $cost_id
db_dml update_hours "
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