Commit 7964d84e authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Fixed hard error if list of projects last week is empty

- Added a link to the headers of the weekly view to go to
  daily views
parent 32fa5cdb
......@@ -357,11 +357,12 @@ if {$project_id in {1 2}} { > now()::date - :days_in_past::integer and
tree_root_key(p.tree_sortkey) = main_p.tree_sortkey
if {[llength $main_project_id_list] == 0} { set main_project_id_list [list 0] }
set parent_project_sql "
select p.project_id
from im_projects p
where p.project_id in ([join $main_project_id_list ","])
select pppp.project_id
from im_projects pppp
where pppp.project_id in ([join $main_project_id_list ","])
# Project specified => only one project
......@@ -406,9 +407,9 @@ if {$project_id in {1 2}} {
set parent_project_sql "
select p.project_id
from im_projects p
where p.project_id in ([join $main_project_id_list ","])
select ppp.project_id
from im_projects ppp
where ppp.project_id in ([join $main_project_id_list ","])
# An entire list of project has been selected
......@@ -1328,12 +1329,15 @@ set week_header_html ""
set i 0
foreach j $weekly_logging_days {
set julian_day_offset [expr {$julian_week_start + $i}]
set julian_day_offset [expr $julian_week_start + $i]
im_security_alert_check_integer -location "intranet-timesheet2/hours/new.tcl" -value $julian_day_offset
set header_day_of_week [util_memoize [list db_string day_of_week "select to_char(to_date('$julian_day_offset', 'J'), 'Dy')"]]
set header_day_of_week_l10n [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-timesheet2.Day_of_week_$header_day_of_week $header_day_of_week]
set header_date [util_memoize [list db_string header "select to_char(to_date('$julian_day_offset', 'J'), '$weekly_column_date_format')"]]
append week_header_html "<th>$header_day_of_week_l10n<br>$header_date</th>\n"
set header_single_day_link [export_vars -base "/intranet-timesheet2/hours/new" {return_url {julian_date $julian_day_offset} user_id_from_search {show_week_p 0}}]
append week_header_html "<th><a href='$header_single_day_link'>$header_day_of_week_l10n<br>$header_date</a></th>\n"
incr i
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