Commit 80b81907 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Working on Attendance integration

parent 71063350
......@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ set add_hours_all_p [im_permission $current_user_id "add_hours_all"]
set add_hours_direct_reports_p [im_permission $current_user_id "add_hours_direct_reports"]
set base_url_confirm_wf "/intranet-timesheet2-workflow/conf-objects/new-timesheet-workflow"
set work_l10n [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-attendance-management.Work "Work"]
set break_l10n [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-attendance-management.Break "Break"]
set hour_l10n [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-core.Hour_abbrev "h"]
switch $user_id_from_search {
"" - all - mine - direct_reports - employees - customers - providers {
set user_id_from_search $current_user_id
......@@ -187,6 +191,8 @@ if {$attendance_management_installed_p} {
# Sum up all attendances for all days of that month
# and store into att_work_hash and att_break_hash
set attendance_work 0.0
set attendance_break 0.0
db_foreach attendances $attendance_sql {
set att_type [string tolower $type]
switch $attendance_type_id {
......@@ -196,6 +202,7 @@ if {$attendance_management_installed_p} {
if {[info exists att_work_hash($attendance_start_julian)]} { set v $att_work_hash($attendance_start_julian) }
set v [expr $v + $duration_hours]
set att_work_hash($attendance_start_julian) $v
set attendance_work [expr $attendance_work + $duration_hours;]
92110 {
# Break
......@@ -203,6 +210,7 @@ if {$attendance_management_installed_p} {
if {[info exists att_break_hash($attendance_start_julian)]} { set v $att_break_hash($attendance_start_julian) }
set v [expr $v + $duration_hours]
set att_break_hash($attendance_start_julian) $v
set attendance_break [expr $attendance_break + $duration_hours;]
......@@ -408,19 +416,25 @@ for { set current_date $first_julian_date} { $current_date <= $last_julian_date
# Monthly hour approval request
if { $current_date_ansi == $last_day_of_month_ansi && ("monthly" in $confirmation_period) } {
set start_date_month_julian [dt_ansi_to_julian_single_arg $first_day_of_month_ansi]
set end_date_month_julian [dt_ansi_to_julian_single_arg $last_day_of_month_ansi]
set conf_url [export_vars -base $base_url_confirm_wf { {user_id $user_id_from_search} {start_date_julian $start_date_month_julian } {end_date_julian $end_date_month_julian} return_url } ]
set button_txt [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-timesheet2.Confirm_monthly_hours "Confirm hours for this month"]
append html "<p>&nbsp;</p><a href='$conf_url' class=button>$button_txt</a>"
# Attendance Management
if {$attendance_management_installed_p} {
set work ""
# Get the URL and the ID of the portlet in order to show a direct link
if {[catch {
db_1row portlet_props "
select plugin_id, page_url
from im_component_plugins
where plugin_name = 'Attendance Management' and
package_name = 'intranet-attendance-management'
} err_msg]} {
ad_return_complaint 1 "<b>Error locating the attendance portlet</b>:
There is no portlet named 'Attendance Management' of package 'intranet-attendance-management'.<br>"
set work_url [export_vars -base $page_url {{view_name "component"} plugin_id {julian $current_date}}]
# Calculate the actual work/break time
set work 0
if {[info exists att_work_hash($current_date)]} {
set work [expr round(10.0 * $att_work_hash($current_date)) / 10.0]
......@@ -429,14 +443,47 @@ for { set current_date $first_julian_date} { $current_date <= $last_julian_date
set break [expr round(10.0 * $att_break_hash($current_date)) / 10.0]
# Calculate color coding
set attendance_required [im_attendance_daily_attendance_hours -user_id $current_user_id]
set color_html ""
if {$work < $attendance_required} { set color_html "<font color=red>" }
set color_html_end ""
if {"" ne $color_html} { set color_html_end "</font>" }
# Write out lines for work and break
set line_items [list]
if {"" ne $work} { lappend line_items "Work: ${work}h" }
if {"" ne $break} { lappend line_items "Break: ${break}h" }
if {"" ne $work} {
lappend line_items "<a href=$work_url target=_>$color_html $work_l10n: ${work}${hour_l10n}$color_html_end</a>"
if {"" ne $break} {
lappend line_items "$break_l10n: ${break}${hour_l10n}"
if {[llength $line_items] > 0} {
append html "<br>[join $line_items ", "]"
append html "<br>[join $line_items ",<br> "]"
# Count workdays
# Comparison at the end of the month
if {$current_date_ansi == $last_day_of_month_ansi} {
append html "<br>Attend. month: [expr round(10.0 * $attendance_work) / 10.0]${hour_l10n}"
# Monthly hour approval request
if { $current_date_ansi == $last_day_of_month_ansi && ("monthly" in $confirmation_period) } {
set start_date_month_julian [dt_ansi_to_julian_single_arg $first_day_of_month_ansi]
set end_date_month_julian [dt_ansi_to_julian_single_arg $last_day_of_month_ansi]
set conf_url [export_vars -base $base_url_confirm_wf { {user_id $user_id_from_search} {start_date_julian $start_date_month_julian } {end_date_julian $end_date_month_julian} return_url } ]
set button_txt [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-timesheet2.Confirm_monthly_hours "Confirm hours for this month"]
append html "<p>&nbsp;</p><a href='$conf_url' class=button>$button_txt</a>"
ns_set put $calendar_details $current_date "$html<br>&nbsp;"
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