Commit d29444d2 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Fixed timesheet home portlet

parent ac0b7a75
......@@ -280,12 +280,17 @@ ad_proc -public im_timesheet_home_component {user_id} {
set expected_hours [parameter::get -package_id [im_package_timesheet2_id] -parameter "TimesheetRedirectNumHoursInDays" -default 32]
set available_perc [util_memoize [list db_string percent_available "select availability from im_employees where employee_id = $user_id" -default 100] 60]
if {"" == $available_perc} { set available_perc 100 }
set expected_hours [expr {$expected_hours * $available_perc / 100}]
set expected_hours [expr $expected_hours * $available_perc / 100]
set hours_html ""
set log_them_now_link "<a href=/intranet-timesheet2/hours/index>"
set num_hours [im_timesheet_hours_sum -user_id $user_id -number_days $num_days]
set absences_hours [im_timesheet_absences_sum -user_id $user_id -number_days $num_days]
set absence_hours [im_timesheet_absences_sum -user_id $user_id -number_days $num_days]
set absences_hours_message ""
if {$absence_hours > 0} {
set absences_hours_message [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-timesheet2.and_absence_hours "and %absence_hours% hours of absences"]
if {$num_hours == 0} {
set message "<b>[_ intranet-timesheet2.lt_You_havent_logged_you]</a></b>\n"
......@@ -293,20 +298,14 @@ ad_proc -public im_timesheet_home_component {user_id} {
set message "[_ intranet-timesheet2.lt_You_logged_num_hours_]"
set absences_hours_message ""
if { [expr {$num_hours + $absences_hours}] < $expected_hours && $add_hours } {
if {[expr $num_hours + $absence_hours] < $expected_hours && $add_hours} {
if {$absences_hours > 0} {
set absences_hours_message [lang::message::lookup "" \
intranet-timesheet2.and_absences_hours \
"and %absences_hours% hours of absences"]
set default_message "
You have only logged %num_hours% hours %absences_hours_message%
in the last %num_days% days out of %expected_hours% expected hours.
You have only logged $num_hours hours of project work $absences_hours_message
in the last $num_days days out of $expected_hours expected hours.
set message "<b>[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-timesheet2.You_need_to_log_hours $default_message]</b>"
if {$redirect_p} {
set header [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-timesheet2.Please_Log_Your_Hours "Please Log Your Hours"]
ad_returnredirect [export_vars -base "/intranet-timesheet2/hours/index" {header message}]
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