Commit ffe42f97 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Added a check that the _year_ of a new absence is not before the current year.

This is necessary in order not to confuse the vacation logic
parent ac0b7a75
......@@ -208,9 +208,6 @@ if {[info exists absence_id]} {
set edit_p [eval [list $edit_perm_func -absence_id $absence_id]]
set delete_p [eval [list $delete_perm_func -absence_id $absence_id]]
# ad_return_complaint 1 "edit_p=$edit_p, delete_p=$delete_p, admin=$admin, user_admin_p=$user_admin_p, edit_func=$edit_perm_func, delete_perm_func=$delete_perm_func"
if {$user_admin_p || $edit_p} {
lappend actions [list [lang::message::lookup {} intranet-timesheet2.Edit Edit] edit]
......@@ -380,10 +377,18 @@ ad_form -extend -name absence -on_request {
} -validate {
{[im_absence_formatted_duration_to_days $duration_days] > 0}
"Positive number expected"
{ [lindex $start_date 0] >= [db_string this_year "select extract(year from now())"] || $user_admin_p }
"You can not create new absences for the last year or earlier.<br>
Please contact your administrator for exceptions."
} -new_data {
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