Commit 3de4ed6d authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Created files for most packages

parent 9c219cee
# ]po[ Wiki Interface
This package is part of ]project-open[, an open-source enterprise project management system.
For more information about ]project-open[ please see:
* [Documentation Wiki](
* [V5.0 Download](
* [Installation Instructions](
About ]po[ Wiki Interface:
<p><p>The <strong><span class="brand"><span class="brandsec">]</span><span class="brandfirst">project-open</span><span class="brandsec">[</span></span></strong> Wiki module is a standard implementation of a Wiki engine. A &quot;Wiki&quot; is a kind of Content Management System (CMS) with very low barriers for users to create an edit contents. Features: <ul><li><strong>Seamless Integration With <span class="brand"><span class="brandsec">]</span><span class="brandfirst">project-open</span><span class="brandsec">[</span></span></strong>: Every major <strong><span class="brand"><span class="brandsec">]</span><span class="brandfirst">po</span><span class="brandsec">[</span></span></strong> business object (Project, Customer, User, ...) is mapped to a <strong><span class="brand"><span class="brandsec">]</span><span class="brandfirst">po</span><span class="brandsec">[</span></span></strong> Wiki page, allowing for seamless integration between structured and unstructured information of a business object. <li><strong> Flexible Permissions Architecture</strong>: Read, write and admin permissions can be assigned to all system user groups, including &quot;The Public&quot; (for use in public web sites) and &quot;Registered Users&quot; (any registered user), apart from the usual <strong><span class="brand"><span class="brandsec">]</span><span class="brandfirst">po</span><span class="brandsec">[</span></span></strong> user groups such as Employees, Project Mangers, ... <li><strong>Multiple Wikis per System</strong>: <strong><span class="brand"><span class="brandsec">]</span><span class="brandfirst">po</span><span class="brandsec">[</span></span></strong> supports more then one Wiki per <strong><span class="brand"><span class="brandsec">]</span><span class="brandfirst">po</span><span class="brandsec">[</span></span></strong> system with potentially different permissions settings. So a company may setup a public &quot;Marketing Wiki&quot;, but may maintain a second &quot;Employee Wiki&quot; for internal purposes only.</ul><p>
# Online Reference Documentation
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