Commit cc629be8 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Added text for deprecated old Wiki

parent 86b5d53d
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ ad_proc im_wiki_base_component { object_type object_id } {
db_foreach wikis $wikis_sql {
incr ctr
append wikis_html "<b>$wiki_title</b><br>\n"
append wikis_html "<hr><b>Deprecated: Old $wiki_title</b><br>\n"
if {0 != $object_id} {
append wikis_html "<li><A href=\"/$wiki_mount/$object_name_mangled\">$object_name</A>\n"
......@@ -153,5 +153,11 @@ ad_proc im_wiki_base_component { object_type object_id } {
# Skip the component if there is no Wiki
if {0 == $ctr} { return "" }
append wikis_html "<br>Please tell your system administrator to
go to /acs-admin/apm/ and to delete the package 'Wiki' in order
to delete this deprecated version of the wiki. This old 'wiki'
has been replaced by 'XoWiki'. Please migrate existing 'wiki'
pages to the new 'XoWiki'."
return $wikis_html
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