Commit f5810122 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Export from L10n server

parent ac88400a
......@@ -8,11 +8,15 @@
<msg key="Company_Wiki">Company Wiki</msg>
<msg key="HomeWiki">Home Wiki</msg>
<msg key="Main_Index">Main Index</msg>
<msg key="Need_to_create_company_page">No XoWiki page exists for your company &#39;%company_name%&#39; yet.&lt;br/&gt;
Please create one by clicking on this link.</msg>
<msg key="Need_to_create_company_template">You need to create a company template.&lt;br/&gt;
Just click on this link and then press &#39;Edit&#39; to customize the template.</msg>
<msg key="Need_to_create_conf_item_template">You need to create a conf_item template.
Just click on this link and then press &#39;Edit&#39; to customize the template.</msg>
<msg key="Need_to_create_project_page">No XoWiki page exists for your project &#39;internal_sla&#39; yet.&lt;br&gt;
Please create one by clicking on this link.</msg>
<msg key="Need_to_create_project_template">You need to create a project template.&lt;br&gt;
<msg key="Need_to_create_project_template">You need to create a project template.&lt;br&gt;
Just click on this link and then press &#39;Edit&#39; to customize the template.</msg>
<msg key="Project_Wiki">Project Wiki</msg>
<msg key="User_Wiki">Wiki</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="intranet-wiki" package_version="" locale="pl_PL" charset="utf-8">
<message_catalog package_key="intranet-wiki" locale="pl_PL" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Company_Wiki">Baza wiedzy firmy</msg>
<msg key="HomeWiki">Główna baza wiedzy</msg>
<msg key="Need_to_create_company_page">Firma &#39;%company_name%&#39; nie ma jeszcze strony XoWiki.&lt;br/&gt;
Kliknij na ten link, aby ją utworzyć.</msg>
<msg key="Need_to_create_company_template">Musisz utworzyć wzorzec dla firmy.&lt;br/&gt;Po prostu kliknij na ten link, a później naciśnij &#34;Edytuj&#34;, żeby dostosować wzorzec.</msg>
<msg key="Project_Wiki">Baza wiedzy projektu</msg>
<msg key="User_Wiki">Baza wiedzy</msg>
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