Commit 9c9d1b9b authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Modified im_workflow__assign_to_supervisor to use custom_arg and Senior Managers as default

parent 5cead720
-- upgrade-
SELECT acs_log__debug('/packages/intranet-workflow/sql/postgresql/upgrade/upgrade-','');
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- Unassigned callback that assigns the transition to the supervisor of the owner
-- of the underlying object, or use custom_arg as a default
create or replace function im_workflow__assign_to_supervisor (integer, text)
returns integer as $$
p_task_id alias for $1;
p_custom_arg alias for $2;
v_case_id integer; v_object_id integer;
v_creation_user integer; v_creation_ip varchar;
v_journal_id integer; v_object_type varchar;
v_owner_id integer; v_owner_name varchar;
v_supervisor_id integer; v_supervisor_name varchar;
v_transition_key varchar; v_default_party_id integer;
v_str text;
-- Get information about the transition and the "environment"
select tr.transition_key, t.case_id, c.object_id, o.creation_user, o.creation_ip, o.object_type
into v_transition_key, v_case_id, v_object_id, v_creation_user, v_creation_ip, v_object_type
from wf_tasks t, wf_cases c, wf_transitions tr, acs_objects o
where t.task_id = p_task_id
and t.case_id = c.case_id
and o.object_id = t.case_id
and t.workflow_key = tr.workflow_key
and t.transition_key = tr.transition_key;
select e.employee_id, im_name_from_user_id(e.employee_id),
e.supervisor_id, im_name_from_user_id(e.supervisor_id)
into v_owner_id, v_owner_name,
v_supervisor_id, v_supervisor_name
from im_employees e
where e.employee_id = v_creation_user;
IF v_supervisor_id is not null THEN
v_journal_id := journal_entry__new(
null, v_case_id,
v_transition_key || ' assign_to_supervisor ' || v_supervisor_name,
v_transition_key || ' assign_to_supervisor ' || v_supervisor_name,
now(), v_creation_user, v_creation_ip,
'Assigning to ' || v_supervisor_name || ', the supervisor of ' || v_owner_name || '.'
PERFORM workflow_case__add_task_assignment(p_task_id, v_supervisor_id, 'f');
PERFORM workflow_case__notify_assignee (p_task_id, v_supervisor_id, null, null,
'wf_' || v_object_type || '_assignment_notif');
return 0;
-- No supervisor found, assign to custom_arg party_id (user or group)
RAISE NOTICE 'im_workflow__assign_to_supervisor(task_id=%, oid=%): No supervisor of object creator, assigning to party_id in custom_arg="%" ', p_task_id, v_object_id, p_custom_arg;
-- Cast to integer from parties.party_id. NULL argument gracefully handled or use global default
v_default_party_id := select party_id from parties where party_id::varchar = p_custom_arg;
IF v_default_party_id is null THEN v_default_party_id := select group_id from groups where group_name = 'Senior Managers'; END IF;
IF v_default_party_id is not null THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'im_workflow__assign_to_supervisor(task_id=%, oid=%): Assigning to party_id in custom_arg="%" ', p_task_id, v_object_id, p_custom_arg;
v_journal_id := journal_entry__new(
null, v_case_id,
v_transition_key || ' assign_to_default ' || acs_object__name(v_default_party_id),
v_transition_key || ' assign_to_default ' || acs_object__name(v_default_party_id),
now(), v_creation_user, v_creation_ip,
'No supervisor found, assigning to default party ' || acs_object__name(v_default_party_id)
PERFORM workflow_case__add_task_assignment(p_task_id, v_default_party_id, 'f');
PERFORM workflow_case__notify_assignee (p_task_id, v_default_party_id, null, null,
'wf_' || v_object_type || '_assignment_notif');
return 0;
end;$$ language 'plpgsql';
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