Commit a4696dd0 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Mail Tracking:

  Disable callback, because it creates strange errors
parent 0b29be8a
......@@ -10,72 +10,89 @@ ad_library {
@cvs-id $Id$
ad_proc -public -callback acs_mail_lite::complex_send -impl mail_tracking {
{-from_addr ""}
{-to_party_ids ""}
{-cc_party_ids ""}
{-bcc_party_ids ""}
{-to_addr ""}
{-cc_addr ""}
{-bcc_addr ""}
{-body ""}
{-subject ""}
{-object_id ""}
{-file_ids ""}
} {
create a new entry in the mail tracking table
} {
# We need to put lindex here since the value from
# the swithc converts this "element element" to this
# "{element element}"
set file_ids [string trim $file_ids "{}"]
foreach optional_param {cc_party_ids bcc_party_ids to_addr cc_addr bcc_addr body subject object_id file_ids to_party_ids} {
if {![info exists $optional_param]} {
set $optional_param {}
set log_id [mail_tracking::new -package_id $package_id \
-sender_id $from_party_id \
-from_addr $from_addr \
-recipient_ids $to_party_ids \
-cc_ids $cc_party_ids \
-bcc_ids $bcc_party_ids \
-to_addr $to_addr \
-cc_addr $cc_addr \
-bcc_addr $bcc_addr \
-body $body \
-message_id $message_id \
-subject $subject \
-file_ids $file_ids \
-object_id $object_id]
# fraber 140906: Unable to fix error:
# This callback produces strange errors that "from_party_id" is
# not defined. Now just disabling, because mail-tracking doesn't
# seem to be used anymore.
# ad_proc -public -callback acs_mail_lite::complex_send -impl mail_tracking {
# {-package_id:required}
# {-from_party_id:required}
# {-from_addr ""}
# {-to_party_ids ""}
# {-cc_party_ids ""}
# {-bcc_party_ids ""}
# {-to_addr ""}
# {-cc_addr ""}
# {-bcc_addr ""}
# {-body ""}
# {-message_id:required}
# {-subject ""}
# {-object_id ""}
# {-file_ids ""}
# } {
# create a new entry in the mail tracking table
# } {
# # We need to put lindex here since the value from
# # the swithc converts this "element element" to this
# # "{element element}"
# set file_ids [string trim $file_ids "{}"]
# foreach optional_param {cc_party_ids bcc_party_ids to_addr cc_addr bcc_addr body subject object_id file_ids to_party_ids} {
# if {![info exists $optional_param]} {
# set $optional_param {}
# }
# }
# set log_id [mail_tracking::new -package_id $package_id \
# -sender_id $from_party_id \
# -from_addr $from_addr \
# -recipient_ids $to_party_ids \
# -cc_ids $cc_party_ids \
# -bcc_ids $bcc_party_ids \
# -to_addr $to_addr \
# -cc_addr $cc_addr \
# -bcc_addr $bcc_addr \
# -body $body \
# -message_id $message_id \
# -subject $subject \
# -file_ids $file_ids \
# -object_id $object_id]
# }
ad_proc -public -callback acs_mail_lite::send -impl mail_tracking {
} {
create a new entry in the mail tracking table
} {
ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::send -impl mail_tracking -package_id $package_id -from_party_id $from_party_id -to_party_id $to_party_id -message_id $message_id -subject $subject"
# fraber 140906: Unable to fix error:
# This callback produces strange errors that "from_party_id" is
# not defined. Now just disabling, because mail-tracking doesn't
# seem to be used anymore.
# ad_proc -public -callback acs_mail_lite::send -impl mail_tracking {
# {-package_id:required}
# {-from_party_id:required}
# {-to_party_id:required}
# {-body:required}
# {-message_id:required}
# {-subject:required}
# } {
# create a new entry in the mail tracking table
# } {
# if {[info exists from_party_id]} { return }
# if {[info exists to_party_id]} { return }
# ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::send -impl mail_tracking -package_id $package_id -from_party_id $from_party_id -to_party_id $to_party_id -message_id $message_id -subject $subject"
# set log_id [mail_tracking::new -package_id $package_id \
# -sender_id $from_party_id \
# -recipient_ids $to_party_id \
# -body $body \
# -message_id $message_id \
# -subject $subject]
# }
set log_id [mail_tracking::new -package_id $package_id \
-sender_id $from_party_id \
-recipient_ids $to_party_id \
-body $body \
-message_id $message_id \
-subject $subject]
ad_proc -public -callback fs::file_delete -impl mail-tracking {
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