Commit bdc58f5e authored by podesign's avatar podesign

- fixing issues from UNED

parent 7d7679dc
Pipeline #1019 failed with stages
......@@ -16,8 +16,12 @@
<h1>Reference Material</h1>
<p>Please read through the reference material:</p>
<li><a href="sql-for-web-nerds/">SQL for Web Nerds</a> - SQL reduced to the essence
<li><a href="tcl-for-web-nerds/">TCL for Web Nerds</a> - TCL reduced to the essence
<li><a href="../sql-for-web-nerds/">SQL for Web Nerds</a>
- SQL reduced to the essence
<li><a href="../tcl-for-web-nerds/">TCL for Web Nerds</a>
- TCL reduced to the essence
<li><a href="/doc/db-api.html">The OpenACS Database API</a>
(you can skip the section on "bind variables")
......@@ -72,15 +76,15 @@
Extend quotations by a new next field called "source"
and add this field to all relevant pages.
<li>Exercise 1.2 XML Export:<br>
Export quotations in XML format. Check Google for suitable XML standards.
<li>Exercise 1.3 Implement Searching:<br>
<li>Exercise 1.2 Implement Searching:<br>
Add a small form at the top of list-quotes.tcl that takes a single query
word from the user. Build a target for this form that returns all quotes
containing the specified word. Your search should be case-insensitive and
also look through the authors column.
<li>Exercise 1.3 XML Export:<br>
Export quotations in XML format. Check Google for suitable XML standards.
......@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ including database table and PlPg/SQL database API.</td>
<tr valign=top>
<td><ul><li><a href="list-notes">list-notes</a></ul></td>
<td>Show a list of notes with the option to delete multiple notes</td>
<td>(<a href="../show-source?file_name=2-notes/new.tcl"><nobr>tcl source</nobr></a>)</td>
<td>(<a href="../show-source?file_name=2-notes/new.adp"><nobr>adp source</nobr></a>)</td>
<td>(<a href="../show-source?file_name=2-notes/list-notes.tcl"><nobr>tcl source</nobr></a>)</td>
<td>(<a href="../show-source?file_name=2-notes/list-notes.adp"><nobr>adp source</nobr></a>)</td>
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