Commit 75c1bc1b authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Sales Pipeline: WIP

parent 2ab7d36a
......@@ -23,9 +23,8 @@ function launchDiagram(){
// Store of chart items with chart specific values x_axis, color, etc.
var chartStore = Ext.create('', {
fields: ['x_axis', 'y_axis', 'color', 'diameter', 'caption'],
data: [
fields: ['x_axis', 'y_axis', 'color', 'diameter', 'caption', 'project_id'],
data: []
// Transform project values into chart values
......@@ -50,19 +49,11 @@ function launchDiagram(){
y_axis: presales_probability,
color: color,
diameter: 10,
caption: rec.get('project_name')
caption: rec.get('project_name'),
project_id: rec.get('project_id')
function createHandler(fieldName) {
return function(sprite, record, attr, index, store) {
return Ext.apply(attr, {
radius: record.get('diameter'),
fill: record.get('color')
var chart = new Ext.chart.Chart({
width: 300,
height: 300,
......@@ -81,7 +72,17 @@ function launchDiagram(){
yField: 'y_axis',
highlight: true,
markerConfig: { type: 'circle' },
renderer: createHandler('xxx'),
renderer: function(sprite, record, attr, index, store) {
// Set the properties of every scatter sprite
// project_id allows us to trace the drag-and-drop sprite
// back to it's original store for updating the entry there.
var newAttr = Ext.apply(attr, {
radius: record.get('diameter'),
fill: record.get('color'),
project_id: record.get('project_id')
return newAttr;
tips: {
trackMouse: false,
anchor: 'left',
......@@ -112,15 +113,15 @@ function launchDiagram(){
attrs.stroke = 'blue';
attrs['stroke-opacity'] = 1.0;
dndSpriteShadow = sprite.surface.add(attrs).show(true);
dndSpriteShadow.dndOrgSprite = sprite;
dndSpriteShadow.dndStartXY = event.getXY();
dndSpriteShadow.dndOrgSprite = sprite;
dndSpriteShadow.dndStartXY = event.getXY();
var onSurfaceMouseMove = function(event, eOpts) {
if (dndSpriteShadow == null) { return; }
// console.log("onSurfaceMouseMove: "+event.getXY());
var xy = event.getXY();
var startXY = dndSpriteShadow.dndStartXY;
var startXY = dndSpriteShadow.dndStartXY;
x: xy[0] - startXY[0],
y: xy[1] - startXY[1]
......@@ -132,14 +133,30 @@ function launchDiagram(){
// Subtract the start position from offset
var xy = event.getXY();
var startXY = dndSpriteShadow.dndStartXY;
var x = xy[0];
var y = xy[1];
var startXY = dndSpriteShadow.dndStartXY;
xy[0] = xy[0] - startXY[0];
xy[1] = xy[1] - startXY[1];
surface = chart.surface;
surface = chart.surface;
// Update the sprite via the underyling store
console.log("onSurfaceMouseUp: "+xy);
// Update the sprite via the underyling store
var project_id = dndSpriteShadow.attr.project_id;
var xAxis = chart.axes.get('bottom');
var yAxis = chart.axes.get('left');
// Calculate X value
var xFromCoor = xAxis.x;
var xLengthCoor = xAxis.length;
var xToCoor = xFromCoor + xLengthCoor;
var xFromValue = xAxis.from;
var xToValue =;
var newValue = xFromValue + (x - xFromCoor) * (xToValue - xFromValue) / (xToCoor - xFromCoor);
console.log("onSurfaceMouseUp: pid="+project_id+", x/y="+xy);
// Close the DnD operation
this.remove(dndSpriteShadow, true);
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