Commit 0fb422a2 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Sencha Touch Timesheet:

  Fixed very strange navigation issue with the HourForm
  remaining in the Navigation view.
  Used a very ugly workaround, but yes, it works
parent 178ec23f
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Ext.application({
'SplashPage', // Initial screen with ]po[ logo
'NoteForm', // Note edite/create form
'NoteNavigationView', // Container for navigation between NoteList and NoteForm
'TaskForm', // Note edite/create form
'TimesheetMainProjectListNavigationView', // Navigation container for Timesheet sub-application
'TimesheetTaskList', // Edit/Create page for hours
......@@ -24,14 +24,26 @@ Ext.define('PO.controller.TimesheetTaskListController', {
control: {
'timesheetTaskList': {
itemtap: 'onItemTapTaskList', // Tapped on the task list
activate: 'onActivateTaskList'
itemtap: 'onItemTap', // Tapped on the task list
activate: 'onActivate'
onActivateTaskList: function() {
console.log('TimesheetTaskList container is active');
onActivate: function() {
console.log('TimesheetTaskListController: onActivate');
// Destroy doesn't seem to work for the HourForm,
// or it's simply not possible to pop() an item from within the item.
var navView = this.getTimesheetMainProjectListNavigationView();
var items = navView.getInnerItems();
if (items.length >= 3) {
// Remove one item from the stack of the navigation bar.
// Otherwise the Back button will appear even in the last page
......@@ -39,14 +51,14 @@ Ext.define('PO.controller.TimesheetTaskListController', {
* Differentiate between tapping on the button vs. on the main text
* and show the HourDetailPage vs. the TaskDetailPage.
onItemTapTaskList: function(view, index, target, record, event) {
console.log('TimesheetTaskListController: Tapped on task');
onItemTap: function(view, index, target, record, event) {
console.log('TimesheetTaskListController: onItemTap: Tapped on task item (button or task name)');
if( == "button"){
// Tapped on the button
this.onLogHours(view, index, target, record, event);
this.onItemTapLogHours(view, index, target, record, event);
} else {
// Tapped on the task
this.onShowTaskDetails(view, index, target, record, event);
this.onItemTapShowTaskDetails(view, index, target, record, event);
......@@ -54,11 +66,11 @@ Ext.define('PO.controller.TimesheetTaskListController', {
* Tapped on the name of the task.
* Push a panel to show the details of the task.
onShowTaskDetails: function(view, index, target, record, event) {
console.log('TimesheetTaskListController: Tapped on task name');
onItemTapShowTaskDetails: function(view, index, target, record, event) {
console.log('TimesheetTaskListController: onItemTapShowTaskDetails: Tapped on task name');
var view = this.getTimesheetMainProjectListNavigationView();
xtype: 'projectPanelDetail',
xtype: 'taskForm',
record: record
......@@ -69,8 +81,8 @@ Ext.define('PO.controller.TimesheetTaskListController', {
* The ProjecTaskList store consists of "timesheet task"
* objects which are sub-types of "project".
onLogHours: function(view, index, target, record, event) {
console.log('TimesheetTaskListController: Tapped on Log button');
onItemTapLogHours: function(view, index, target, record, event) {
console.log('TimesheetTaskListController: onItemTapLogHours: Tapped on Log button');
// Get the name and ID of the task tapped
var task_id = record.get('project_id');
......@@ -88,7 +100,6 @@ Ext.define('PO.controller.TimesheetTaskListController', {
scope: this, // this is the controller...
callback: function(records, operation, success) {
console.log("onItemTapTaskList: loaded store: "+success);
if (!success) {
var msg = operation.getError();
return Ext.Msg.alert('Failed', msg);
......@@ -89,7 +89,16 @@ Ext.define('PO.view.HourForm', {
// Return to the list of hours page
var projView = button.up('timesheetMainProjectListNavigationView');
var projView = button.up('timesheetMainProjectListNavigationView');
projView.pop(1, false);
}, 100);
}, {
xtype: 'button',
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