Commit 0e862f98 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Simple Survey:

  Disabled line with ns_share, because it's not supported
  by NaviServer anyway...
parent f483f201
......@@ -419,11 +419,16 @@ order by creation_date desc" {
ns_share ad_new_stuff_module_list
# fraber 170314: Not supported by NaviServer
# I also don't understand what this does, because
# ad_new_stuff_module_list is not used anywhere else.
# ns_share ad_new_stuff_module_list
# if { ![info exists ad_new_stuff_module_list] || [util_search_list_of_lists $ad_new_stuff_module_list "Surveys" 0] == -1 } {
# lappend ad_new_stuff_module_list [list "Surveys" ad_survsimp_new_stuff]
# }
if { ![info exists ad_new_stuff_module_list] || [util_search_list_of_lists $ad_new_stuff_module_list "Surveys" 0] == -1 } {
lappend ad_new_stuff_module_list [list "Surveys" ad_survsimp_new_stuff]
ad_proc -public survsimp_survey_short_name_to_id {short_name} "Returns the id of the survey
given the short name" {
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