Commit 0f2ea227 authored by adrtel's avatar adrtel

- Added audit events on related_object_id and context_id

parent 3b08fa8b
......@@ -374,12 +374,20 @@ db_transaction {
# Audit
# Create direct audits on the object, but also create
# "after_update" events on the related objects
# (typically project + user), so you can write rules there.
if {$create_response_p} {
im_audit -object_id $response_id -object_type "survsimp_response" -action after_create
} else {
im_audit -object_id $response_id -object_type "survsimp_response" -action after_update
im_audit -object_id $related_object_id -action after_update
im_audit -object_id $related_context_id -action after_update
# Survey type-specific stuff
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