Commit 188b087d authored by po34devklaus's avatar po34devklaus

-- projects

parent c1d4b14e
......@@ -18,6 +18,86 @@ ad_library {
@cvs-id $Id$
namespace eval xmlrpc-rest {}
ad_register_proc GET /intranet-xmlrpc/rest/* xmlrpc-rest::dispatchRest
ad_register_proc POST /intranet-xmlrpc/rest/* xmlrpc-rest::dispatchRest
ad_proc -public xmlrpc-rest::dispatchRest {} {
@return dispatches REST requests
@author Klaus Hofeditz
} {
set user_id [ad_maybe_redirect_for_registration]
set urlpieces [ns_conn urlv]
set path [lrange $urlpieces 2 [llength $urlpieces]]
set url_query [ns_conn query]
switch [lindex $urlpieces 2] {
companies { return [xmlrpc-rest::handle_rest_company [ns_conn method] $path $url_query $user_id ] }
timesheet { return [xmlrpc-rest::handle_rest_timesheet [ns_conn method] $path $url_query $user_id ] }
projects { doc_return 200 "text/plain" [xmlrpc-rest::handle_rest_project [ns_conn method] $path $url_query $user_id] }
default { ad_return_complaint 1 "ressource not available"}
ad_proc -public xmlrpc-rest::handle_rest_project {method path url_query user_id} {
@return the URL that is listening for RPC requests
} {
set output "\{\"ResultSet\":\n\{\n\"Result\": \[\n"
set search_string ""
set query_list [split $url_query &]
# Getting list of projects
set project_options [im_project_list -exclude_subprojects_p 0 -exclude_status_id [im_project_status_closed] -project_id 0]
# ad_return_complaint 1 $project_options
# find searchstring
foreach sub_list $query_list {
set query_item [split $sub_list = ]
if {"search_string" == [lindex $query_item 0] } {
set search_string [lindex $query_item 1]
# ad_return_complaint 1 $search_string
foreach sub_list $project_options {
if { [llength $sub_list] } {
if { 0 != [llength [lindex $sub_list 0]] } {
if { [string first [string tolower $search_string] [string tolower [lindex $sub_list 0]]] != -1 } {
append output "\{\"Project\":\""
append output [string map {  ""} [lindex $sub_list 0] ]
append output "\"\},"
set output "[string range $output 0 [expr [string length $output]-2]]"
append output "\]\}\n\}"
# ad_return_complaint 1 $output
return $output
ad_proc -public xmlrpc-rest::handle_rest_timesheet {method path param} {
@return the URL that is listening for RPC requests
} {
# only project timesheet data day / project
# setup nsv array to hold procs that are registered for xml-rpc access
nsv_array set xmlrpc_procs [list]
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