Commit 5a8624e7 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Initial Import

# /packages/xml-rpc/tcl/system-init.tcl
ad_library {
Register standard system procs
@author Vinod Kurup []
@creation-date Thu Oct 9 22:21:14 2003
@cvs-id $Id$
xmlrpc::register_proc system.listMethods
xmlrpc::register_proc system.methodHelp
xmlrpc::register_proc system.multicall
xmlrpc::register_proc system.add
# /packages/xml-rpc/tcl/system-procs.tcl
ad_library {
Standard reserved nmethods
@author Vinod Kurup []
@creation-date Thu Oct 9 22:14:04 2003
@cvs-id $Id$
ad_proc -public system.listMethods {} {
Enumerate the methods implemented by the XML-RPC server.
The system.listMethods method requires no parameters.
@return an array of strings, each of which is the name of a method
implemented by the server.
@author Vinod Kurup
} {
set result [list]
foreach proc_name [xmlrpc::list_methods] {
lappend result [list -string $proc_name]
return [list -array $result]
# system.methodSignature not implemented because we don't keep track of
# parameter types or return types
ad_proc -public system.methodHelp {
} {
This method takes one parameter, the name of a method implemented by
the XML-RPC server.
@param methodName method implemented in XML-RPC
@return a documentation string describing the use of that method.
If no such string is available, an empty string is returned. The
documentation string may contain HTML markup.
@author Vinod Kurup
} {
return [list -string [api_proc_documentation $methodName]]
ad_proc -public system.multicall {
} {
Perform multiple requests in one call - see$1208
Takes an array of XML-RPC calls encoded as structs of the form (in a
Pythonish notation here):
{'methodName': string, 'params': array}
@param array array of structs containing XML-RPC calls
@return an array of responses. There will be one response for each call
in the original array. The result will either be a one-item array
containing the result value - this mirrors the use of &lt;params> in
&lt;methodResponse> - or a struct of the form found inside the
standard &lt;fault> element.
@author Vinod Kurup
} {
set responses [list]
foreach call $array {
# parse the call for methodName and params
if { [catch {
array unset c
array set c $call
set method $c(methodName)
set params $c(params)
} errmsg ] } {
# if we can't get a methodName and params, then fault
lappend responses [list -struct \
[list faultCode [list -int 5] \
faultString "Invalid request. $errmsg"
} else {
# call the method
set errno [catch {xmlrpc::invoke_method $method $params} result]
if { $errno } {
# fault
lappend responses [list -struct \
[list faultCode [list -int $errno] \
faultString $result]]
} else {
lappend responses $result
return [list -array $responses]
ad_proc -public system.add {
} {
Simple test function.
Add a variable number of integers.
@param args variable number of integers
@return integer sum
} {
set sum 0
foreach value $args {
incr sum $value
return [list -int $sum]
# /packages/xml-rpc/tcl/test/xml-rpc-test-procs.tcl
ad_library {
Test the XML-RPC interface
@author Vinod Kurup []
@creation-date Sat Oct 25 10:49:55 2003
@cvs-id $Id$
aa_register_case -cats script xml_rpc_mounted {
Test to make sure the xml-rpc package has been mounted
} {
aa_run_with_teardown -rollback -test_code {
aa_false "XML-RPC url not null" [empty_string_p [xmlrpc::url]]
aa_register_case -cats script xml_rpc_fault {
Test the fault generation code
} {
set expected_code 22
set expected_string "my error message with <b>html</b> codes"
aa_run_with_teardown -rollback -test_code {
set result [xmlrpc::fault $expected_code $expected_string]
# extract faultCode and faultString
set doc [xml_parse -persist $result]
set value_node [xml_node_get_first_child [xml_node_get_first_child [xml_doc_get_first_node $doc]]]
array set fault [xmlrpc::decode_value $value_node]
xml_doc_free $doc
aa_equals "Proper faultCode" $fault(faultCode) $expected_code
aa_equals "Proper faultString" $fault(faultString) $expected_string
ad_proc -private xmlrpc_decode_test_prep { value } {
Takes the contents of a &lt;value> node, calls xmlrpc::decode_value and
returns the result. This is done repeatedly in the xml_rpc_decode_value
test, so I broke it out into a separate function for that purpose
} {
set doc [xml_parse -persist "<value>$value</value>"]
set result [xmlrpc::decode_value [xml_doc_get_first_node $doc]]
xml_doc_free $doc
return $result
aa_register_case -cats script xml_rpc_decode_value {
Test xmlrpc::decode_value to be sure it decodes properly
} {
aa_run_with_teardown -rollback -test_code {
set result [xmlrpc_decode_test_prep "<string>a string</string>"]
aa_equals "string test" $result "a string"
set result [xmlrpc_decode_test_prep "- a naked string"]
aa_equals "naked string test" $result "- a naked string"
set result [xmlrpc_decode_test_prep "<int>22</int>"]
aa_equals "int test" $result 22
set result [xmlrpc_decode_test_prep "<int>33</int>"]
aa_equals "i4 test" $result 33
set result [xmlrpc_decode_test_prep "<double>3.1415</double>"]
aa_equals "double test" $result 3.1415
set result [xmlrpc_decode_test_prep "<boolean>1</boolean>"]
aa_equals "boolean test 1" $result 1
set result [xmlrpc_decode_test_prep "<boolean>f</boolean>"]
aa_equals "boolean test 2" $result 0
set result [xmlrpc_decode_test_prep "<dateTime.iso8601>20030821T083122</dateTime.iso8601>"]
aa_equals "date test" $result 1061469082
unset result
array set result [xmlrpc_decode_test_prep "<struct><member><name>id</name><value><int>19</int></value></member><member><name>content</name><value><string>My content</string></value></member></struct>"]
aa_equals "struct test 1" $result(id) 19
aa_equals "struct test 2" $result(content) "My content"
unset result
set result [xmlrpc_decode_test_prep "<array><data><value>phrase 1</value><value>2nd phrase</value><value>final phrase</value></data></array>"]
aa_equals "array test 1" [lindex $result 0] "phrase 1"
aa_equals "array test 2" [lindex $result 1] "2nd phrase"
aa_equals "array test 3" [lindex $result 2] "final phrase"
unset result
set result [xmlrpc_decode_test_prep "<array><data><value>phrase 1</value><value><struct><member><name>sublist</name><value><array><data><value>Got it!</value></data></array></value></member></struct></value></data></array>"]
array set struct [lindex $result 1]
aa_equals "array inside struct inside array" [lindex $struct(sublist) 0] "Got it!"
aa_register_case -cats script xml_rpc_respond {
Test the response generation code
} {
set expected_data "my data"
aa_run_with_teardown -rollback -test_code {
set result [xmlrpc::respond $expected_data]
# extract data
set doc [xml_parse -persist $result]
set value_node [xml_node_get_first_child [xml_node_get_first_child [xml_node_get_first_child [xml_doc_get_first_node $doc]]]]
set data [xmlrpc::decode_value $value_node]
xml_doc_free $doc
aa_equals "Proper data" $data $expected_data
aa_register_case -cats script xml_rpc_construct {
Test the construction code
} {
aa_run_with_teardown -rollback -test_code {
# use testcases from the ad_proc documentation
# int test
set arglist {-int 33}
set result [xmlrpc::construct {} $arglist]
aa_equals "int contruction" $result "<i4>33</i4>"
# array test
set arglist {-array {
{-int 6682}
{-boolean 0}
{-text Iowa}
{-double 8931.33333333}
{-date {Fri Jan 01 05:41:30 EST 1904}}}}
set result [xmlrpc::construct {} $arglist]
aa_equals "array construction" $result "<array><data><value><i4>6682</i4></value><value><boolean>0</boolean></value><value><string>Iowa</string></value><value><double>8931.33333333</double></value><value><dateTime.iso8601>19040101T05:41:30</dateTime.iso8601></value></data></array>"
# struct test
set arglist {-struct {
ctLeftAngleBrackets {-int 5}
ctRightAngleBrackets {-int 6}
ctAmpersands {-int 7}
ctApostrophes {-int 0}
ctQuotes {-int 3}}}
set result [xmlrpc::construct {} $arglist]
aa_equals "struct test" $result "<struct><member><name>ctLeftAngleBrackets</name><value><i4>5</i4></value></member><member><name>ctRightAngleBrackets</name><value><i4>6</i4></value></member><member><name>ctAmpersands</name><value><i4>7</i4></value></member><member><name>ctApostrophes</name><value><i4>0</i4></value></member><member><name>ctQuotes</name><value><i4>3</i4></value></member></struct>"
# test context parameter
set arglist {-int 33}
set result [xmlrpc::construct "foo bar" $arglist]
aa_equals "context test" $result "<foo><bar><i4>33</i4></bar></foo>"
aa_register_case -cats web xml_rpc_validate {
Test the standard XML-RPC validation suite
} {
# run the validation suite specified in validator-procs.tcl
# if those procs change, this proc needs to change too
set test_list \
[list \
arrayOfStructsTest 6 \
countTheEntities {ctLeftAngleBrackets 4 ctRightAngleBrackets 4 ctAmpersands 9 ctApostrophes 7 ctQuotes 1} \
easyStructTest 6 \
echoStructTest {bob 5} \
manyTypesTest {1 0 wazzup 3.14159 994261830 R0lGODlhFgASAJEAAP/////OnM7O/wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAWABIAAAJAhI+py40zDIzujEDBzW0n74AaFGChqZUYylyYq7ILXJJ1BU95l6r23RrRYhyL5jiJAT/Ink8WTPoqHx31im0UAAA7} \
moderateSizeArrayCheck {WisconsinNew York} \
nestedStructTest 7 \
simpleStructReturnTest {times1000 2000 times100 200 times10 20}
set url [ad_url][xmlrpc::url]
aa_run_with_teardown -rollback -test_code {
foreach {test_name expected} $test_list {
set result [validate1.$test_name $url]
aa_equals $test_name $result $expected
# /packages/xml-rpc/tcl/validator-init.tcl
ad_library {
Register validator XML-RPC procs
@author Vinod Kurup []
@creation-date Fri Oct 3 19:25:19 2003
@cvs-id $Id$
xmlrpc::register_proc validator1.arrayOfStructsTest
xmlrpc::register_proc validator1.countTheEntities
xmlrpc::register_proc validator1.easyStructTest
xmlrpc::register_proc validator1.echoStructTest
xmlrpc::register_proc validator1.manyTypesTest
xmlrpc::register_proc validator1.moderateSizeArrayCheck
xmlrpc::register_proc validator1.nestedStructTest
xmlrpc::register_proc validator1.simpleStructReturnTest
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
<property name="title">XML-RPC Administration</property>
<th>XML-RPC URL:</th>
<td>@rpc_url@ </td>
<th>Status: </th>
<a href="toggle"><if @server_enabled_p@>Enabled</if><else>Disabled</else></a>
The following procedures are registered:
<th>Proc Name</th> <th>Enabled?</th>
<multiple name="rpc_procs">
<td>;noquote@</td> <td>@rpc_procs.enabled_p@</td>
# /packages/xml-rpc/www/admin/index.tcl
ad_page_contract {
Front page of admin
@author Vinod Kurup []
@creation-date Thu Oct 9 15:22:41 2003
@cvs-id $Id$
} {
} -properties {
set rpc_url [ad_url][xmlrpc::url]
set server_enabled_p [xmlrpc::enabled_p]
multirow create rpc_procs name enabled_p
foreach proc_name [xmlrpc::list_methods] {
if { $server_enabled_p } {
set enabled_p [ad_decode [nsv_get xmlrpc_procs $proc_name] 0 No Yes]
} else {
set enabled_p No
set proc_name [api_proc_link $proc_name]
multirow append rpc_procs $proc_name $enabled_p
# /packages/xml-rpc/www/admin/toggle.tcl
ad_page_contract {
Toggle the server status
@author Vinod Kurup []
@creation-date Sat Oct 11 01:10:06 2003
@cvs-id $Id$
} {
parameter::set_from_package_key \
-package_key xml-rpc \
-parameter EnableXMLRPCServer \
-value [string is false [xmlrpc::enabled_p]]
ad_returnredirect ./
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
This is the URL from which XML-RPC Requests will be handled.
Perhaps you want the <a href="admin">Admin Pages</a> or the <a
# /packages/xml-rpc/www/index.tcl
ad_page_contract {
Accept XML-RPC POST requests and processes them. GET requests are shown
links to the admin pages or docs.
@author Vinod Kurup []
@creation-date Mon Sep 29 23:35:14 2003
@cvs-id $Id$
} {
if {[string equal [ns_conn method] POST]} {
set content [xmlrpc::get_content]
ns_return 200 text/xml [xmlrpc::invoke $content]
# GET requests fall through to index.adp
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Generated by the OpenACS Package Manager -->
<package key="xml-rpc" url="" type="apm_service">
<package-name>XML-RPC Server</package-name>
<pretty-plural>XML-RPC Server</pretty-plural>
<version name="0.2" url="">
<owner url="">Vinod Kurup</owner>
<summary>A simple XML-RPC server.</summary>
<vendor url="">Vinod Kurup</vendor>
<description format="text/plain">This package implements a simple XML-RPC server. It receives XML-RPC calls, decodes the XML and then calls the requested method on the OpenACS server. Code is based on ns_xmlrpc, but now uses tDOM.</description>
<provides url="xml-rpc" version="0.2"/>
<requires url="acs-kernel" version="5.0d2"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="EnableXMLRPCServer" default="1" description="Turn your XML-RPC Server On (1) or Off (0)"/>
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