Commit 7a6f1c42 authored by po34devklaus's avatar po34devklaus

-- task list

parent bceae10a
......@@ -88,6 +88,9 @@ ad_proc -public xmlrpc-rest::handle_rest_project {method path url_query user_id}
if {"project_id" == [lindex $query_item 0] } {
set project_id [lindex $query_item 1]
if {"last_id" == [lindex $query_item 0] } {
set last_id [lindex $query_item 1]
set project_id 27971
......@@ -100,7 +103,7 @@ ad_proc -public xmlrpc-rest::handle_rest_project {method path url_query user_id}
set output [xmlrpc-rest::render_json $object_list $search_string]
task {
set output [gtd-dashboard::render_output [im_gtd_task_list -restrict_to_project_id $project_id] task_table]
set output [gtd-dashboard::render_output [im_gtd_task_list -restrict_to_project_id $project_id] task_table $last_id]
default {set output "Object Type not found"}
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