Commit 9787af47 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Initial Import

* xotcl-core
* Copyright (C) 2005 Gustaf Neumann,
* Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
* Institute of Information Systems and New Media
* A-1090, Augasse 2-6
* Vienna, Austria
* This is a BSD-Style license applicable for the files in this
* directory and below, except when stated explicitly different.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this
* software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted
* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in
* all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission
* notice appear in supporting documentation. We make no
* representations about the suitability of this software for any
* purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
* warranty.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
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<msg key="add">Neu: %type%</msg>
<msg key="add_long">Neue Seite vom Type %type% erzeugen</msg>
<msg key="edit_item">Editieren</msg>
<msg key="has_entered_the_room">has entered the room</msg>
<msg key="live_revision">Aktuelle Version</msg>
<msg key="permission_denied">Zugriff verweigert</msg>
<msg key="policy-error-insufficient_permissions">&lt;blockquote&gt;
Sie haben keine ausreichende Berechtigung, um die Methode %method% am Objekt %object% auszufhren.
<msg key="revision_title">Versionen des Eintrags</msg>
<msg key="revisions">Verlauf</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<msg key="add">Προσθήκη %type%</msg>
<msg key="add_long">Προσθήκη νέου αντικειμένου του τύπου %type%</msg>
<msg key="create_new_type">Δημιουργία νέου %type%</msg>
<msg key="edit_item">Επεξεργασία αντικειμένου</msg>
<msg key="edit_type">Επεξεργασία %type%</msg>
<msg key="has_entered_the_room">μπήκε στο δωμάτιο</msg>
<msg key="live_revision">Αναθεώρηση ζωντανά</msg>
<msg key="policy-error-insufficient_permissions">&lt;blockquote&gt; Δεν έχετε επαρκείς άδειες για να εφαρμόσετε τη μέθοδο %method% στο αντικείμενο %object%. &lt;/blockquote&gt;</msg>
<msg key="revision_title">Αναθεωρήσεις εισόδου</msg>
<msg key="revisions">Αναθεωρήσεις </msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
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<msg key="add">Add %type%</msg>
<msg key="add_item">Add Item</msg>
<msg key="add_long">Add new item of type %type%</msg>
<msg key="create_new_type">Create New %type%</msg>
<msg key="delete_item">Delete Item</msg>
<msg key="edit_item">Edit Item</msg>
<msg key="edit_type">Edit %type%</msg>
<msg key="has_entered_the_room">has entered the room</msg>
<msg key="live_revision">Live Revision</msg>
<msg key="permission_denied">Permission Denied</msg>
<msg key="policy-error-insufficient_permissions">&lt;blockquote&gt;
You don't have sufficient permissions for performing method %method% on object %object%.
<msg key="revision_title">Revisions of Entry</msg>
<msg key="revisions">Revisions</msg>
<msg key="view_item">View Item</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
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<msg key="add">Aadir %type%</msg>
<msg key="add_item">Aadir elemento</msg>
<msg key="add_long">Aadir un nuevo tem del tipo %type%</msg>
<msg key="create_new_type">Crear Nuevo %type%</msg>
<msg key="delete_item">Borrar elemento</msg>
<msg key="edit_item">Editar tem</msg>
<msg key="edit_type">Editar %type%</msg>
<msg key="has_entered_the_room">ha entrado en la sala</msg>
<msg key="live_revision">Revisin Viva</msg>
<msg key="policy-error-insufficient_permissions">&lt;blockquote&gt;
Usted no tiene permisos suficientes para realizar mtodo %method% en objeto %object%.
<msg key="revision_title">Revisiones de la Entrada</msg>
<msg key="revisions">Revisiones</msg>
<msg key="view_item">Ver elemento</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="xotcl-core" package_version="0.38" locale="nl_ZA" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="live_revision">Aktieve revisie</msg>
<msg key="revision_title">Revisies van lid</msg>
<msg key="revisions">Revisies</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="xotcl-core" locale="pt_BR" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="add">Adicionar %type%</msg>
<msg key="add_long">Adicionar novo item tipo %type%</msg>
<msg key="create_new_type">Criar novo %type%</msg>
<msg key="edit_item">Editar Item</msg>
<msg key="edit_type">Editar %type%</msg>
<msg key="has_entered_the_room">Entrou na sala</msg>
<msg key="live_revision">Reviso Ativa</msg>
<msg key="policy-error-insufficient_permissions">&lt;blockquote&gt;
Voc no tem permisses suficientes para executar mtodo %method% sobre objeto %object%.
<msg key="revision_title">Revises da Entrada</msg>
<msg key="revisions">Revises</msg>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="revisions_info">
select, n.revision_id as version_id,
person__name(n.creation_user) as author,
n.creation_user as author_id,
to_char(n.last_modified,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as last_modified_ansi,
acs_permission__permission_p(n.revision_id,:user_id,'admin') as admin_p,
acs_permission__permission_p(n.revision_id,:user_id,'delete') as delete_p,
char_length( as content_size,
content_revision__get_number(n.revision_id) as version_number
from cr_revisionsi n, cr_items ci
where ci.item_id = n.item_id and ci.item_id = :page_id
and exists (select 1 from acs_object_party_privilege_map m
where m.object_id = n.revision_id
and m.party_id = :user_id
and m.privilege = 'read')
order by n.revision_id desc
<listtemplate name="revisions"></listtemplate>
ad_page_contract {
display information about revisions of content items
@author Gustaf Neumann (
@creation-date Oct 23, 2005
@cvs-id $Id$
} {
{name ""}
} -properties {
# check they have read permission on content item
permission::require_permission -object_id $page_id -privilege read
set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
set live_revision_id [content::item::get_live_revision -item_id $page_id]
template::list::create \
-name revisions \
-no_data [_ file-storage.lt_There_are_no_versions] \
-multirow revisions \
-elements {
version_number {label "" html {align right}}
name { label ""
display_template {
<img src='/resources/acs-subsite/Zoom16.gif' \
title='View Item' alt='view' \
width="16" height="16" border="0">
sub_class narrow
link_url_col version_link
author { label #file-storage.Author#
display_template {@revisions.author_link;noquote@}
content_size { label #file-storage.Size# html {align right}
display_col content_size_pretty
last_modified_ansi { label #file-storage.Last_Modified#
display_col last_modified_pretty
description { label #file-storage.Version_Notes#}
live_revision { label #xotcl-core.live_revision#
display_template {
<a href='@revisions.live_revision_link@'> \
<img src='@revisions.live_revision_icon@' \
title='@revisions.live_revision@' alt='@revisions.live_revision@' \
width="16" height="16" border="0"></a>
html {align center}
sub_class narrow
version_delete { label "" link_url_col version_delete_link
display_template {
<img src='/resources/acs-subsite/Delete16.gif' \
title='Delete Revision' alt='delete' \
width="16" height="16" border="0">
html {align center}
db_multirow -unclobber -extend {
author_link last_modified_pretty
content_size_pretty version_link version_delete version_delete_link
live_revision live_revision_icon live_revision_link
} revisions revisions_info {} {
set version_number $version_number:
set last_modified_ansi [lc_time_system_to_conn $last_modified_ansi]
set last_modified_pretty [lc_time_fmt $last_modified_ansi "%x %X"]
if {$content_size < 1024} {
set content_size_pretty "[lc_numeric $content_size] [_ file-storage.bytes]"
} else {
set content_size_pretty "[lc_numeric [format %.2f [expr {$content_size/1024.0}]]] [_ file-storage.kb]"
if {$name eq ""} {set name [_ file-storage.untitled]}
set live_revision_link [export_vars -base make-live-revision \
{page_id name {revision_id $version_id}}]
set version_delete_link [export_vars -base delete-revision \
{page_id name {revision_id $version_id}}]
set version_link [export_vars -base view {{revision_id $version_id} {item_id $page_id}}]
if {$version_id != $live_revision_id} {
set live_revision "Make this Revision Current"
set live_revision_icon /resources/acs-subsite/radio.gif
} else {
set live_revision "Current Live Revision"
set live_revision_icon /resources/acs-subsite/radiochecked.gif
set version_delete [_ file-storage.Delete_Version]
set author_link [acs_community_member_link -user_id $author_id -label $author]
# $Id$
if {![info exists ::xotcl::version]} {
ns_log notice "**********************************************************"
ns_log notice "OOPS, apparenty you have no XOTcl installed on your aolserver."
ns_log notice "Please install XOTcl on your system(see"
ns_log notice "**********************************************************"
if {$::xotcl::version < 1.5} {
ns_log notice "**********************************************************"
ns_log notice "This version of xotcl-core requires at least XOTcl 1.5.0."
ns_log notice "The installed version ($::xotcl::version$::xotcl::patchlevel appears to be older."
ns_log notice "Please updgrade to a new version (see"
ns_log notice "**********************************************************"
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
ad_library {
XOTcl API for library file management (handling file-level dependencies)
@author Gustaf Neumann
@creation-date 2007-10-11
@cvs-id $Id$
# Support for loading files of a package in a non-alphabetical order
# Usage:
# Top of file:
# ::xo::library doc {
# .....your comment goes here ....
# }
# Load a required file:
# Source a file, which is requred by the current file
# Filename is without path and .tcl
# ::xo::library require filename
# The library to be loaded must be defined with a
# ::xo::library doc {...}
# Source files extending classes of the current file.
# When classes are defined in the current file and (some) of their methods
# are defined in other files, one has to load the methods of the
# other files after the classes are recreated in the current file
# (recreation of classes deletes the old methods).
# ::xo::library source_dependent
namespace eval ::xo {
Object library
library proc doc {comment} {
ad_library $comment
nsv_set [self]-loaded [info script] 1
#my log "--loaded nsv_set [self]-loaded [info script] 1"
library ad_proc require {{-package ""} filename} {
Use this method to indicate when some other files (from the same
package) are needed to be sourced before the current file. This
method is useful in cases where the alphabetical loading order is
a problem.
A typical use-case is a file defining a subclass of another
class. In this case, the file defining the subclass will require
the definition of the base class.
@param filename filename without path and .tcl suffix
} {
#my log "--loaded nsv_set [self]-loaded [info script] 1"
nsv_set [self]-loaded [info script] 1
set myfile [file tail [info script]]
set dirname [file dirname [info script]]
if {$package eq ""} {
set otherfile $dirname/$filename.tcl
} else {
set otherfile [acs_root_dir]/packages/$package/tcl/$filename.tcl
set vn [self]
#my log "--exists otherfile $otherfile => [nsv_exists $vn $otherfile]"
if {[nsv_exists $vn $otherfile]} {
nsv_set $vn $otherfile [lsort -unique [concat [nsv_get $vn $otherfile] [info script]]]
#my log "--setting nsv_set $vn $otherfile [lsort -unique [concat [nsv_get $vn $otherfile] $myfile]]"
} else {
nsv_set $vn $otherfile [info script]
#my log "--setting nsv_set $vn $otherfile $myfile"
#my log "--source when not loaded [self]-loaded $otherfile: [nsv_exists [self]-loaded $otherfile]"
#my log "--loaded = [lsort [nsv_array names [self]-loaded]]"
if {![nsv_exists [self]-loaded $otherfile]} {
my log "--sourcing $otherfile"
apm_source $otherfile
library ad_proc source_dependent {} {
Source files extending classes of the current file.
When classes are defined in this file and (some) of their methods
are defined in other files, we have to load the methods of the
other files after the classes are recreated in this file
(recreation of classes deletes the old methods).
Use "::xo::library source_dependent" at the end of a file
when the classes are defined.
} {
set myfile [file tail [info script]]
set dirname [file dirname [info script]]
set vn [self]
#my log "--check nsv_exists $vn $dirname/$myfile [nsv_exists $vn $dirname/$myfile]"
if {[nsv_exists $vn $dirname/$myfile]} {
foreach file [nsv_get $vn $dirname/$myfile] {
#my log "--sourcing dependent $dirname/$file"
#apm_source $dirname/$file
#my log "--sourcing dependent $file"
apm_source $file
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
ad_library {
Support for the recreation of classes objects without
destroying foreign references. Normally, when a class
definition is reloaded, the class is destroyed and created
again with the same name. During the destruction of a class
several references to this class are removed (e.g. in a
class hierarchy, the relation from instances to this class, etc.).
XOTcl provides support for altering this behavior through
the recreate method.
@author Gustaf Neumann (
@creation-date 2005-05-13
@cvs-id $Id$
if {![::xotcl::Object isclass ::xotcl::RecreationClass]} {
::xotcl::Class create ::xotcl::RecreationClass -ad_doc {
<p>This meta-class controlls the behavior of classes (and optionally
their instances), when the classes (or their instances) are
overwritten by same named new objects; we call this situation
a recreate of an object.</p>
<p>Normally, when files with e.g. class definitions are sourced,
the classes and objects are newly defined. When e.g. class
definitions exists already in this file, these classes are
deleted first before they are newly created. When a class is
deleted, the instances of this class are changed into
instances of class ::xotcl::Object. </p>
<p>This can be a problem when the class instances are not
reloaded and when they should survife the redefintion with the
same class relationships. Therefore we define a
meta class RecreationClass, which can be used to parameterize
the behavior on redefinitions. Alternatively, Classes or objects
could provide their own recreate methods.</p>
<p>Per default, this meta-class handles only the class redefintion
case and does only a reconfigure on the class object (in order
to get e.g. ad_doc updated).</p>
The following parameters are defined:
<li><b>reconfigure:</b> reconfigure class (default 1)
<li><b>reinit:</b> run init after configure for this class (default unset)
<li><b>instrecreate:</b> handle recreate of class instances (default unset)
When this flag is set to 0, instreconfigure and instreinit are ignored.
<li><b>instreconfigure:</b> reconfigure instances of this class (default 1)
<li><b>instreinit:</b> re-init instances of this class (default unset)
} -parameter {
{reconfigure 1}
{instreconfigure 1}
} -superclass ::xotcl::Class \
-instproc recreate {obj args} {
#my log "### recreateclass instproc $obj <$args>"
# the minimal reconfiguration is to set the class and remove methods
$obj class [self]
foreach p [$obj info procs] {$obj proc $p {} {}}
if {![my exists instrecreate]} {
#my log "### no instrecreate for $obj <$args>"
if {[my exists instreconfigure]} {
# before we set defaults, we must unset vars
foreach var [$obj info vars] {$obj unset $var}
# set defaults and run configure
$obj set_instance_vars_defaults
eval $obj configure $args
#my log "### instproc recreate $obj + configure $args ..."
if {[my exists instreinit]} {
#my log "### instreinit for $obj <$args>"
eval $obj init
#my log "### instproc recreate $obj + init ..."
} -proc recreate {obj args} {
#my log "### recreateclass proc $obj <$args>"
# the minimal reconfiguration is to set the class and remove methods
$obj class [self]
foreach p [$obj info instprocs] {$obj instproc $p {} {}}
if {[my exists reconfigure]} {
# before we set defaults, we must unset vars
foreach var [$obj info vars] {$obj unset $var}
# set defaults and run configure
$obj set_instance_vars_defaults
eval $obj configure $args
if {[my exists reinit]} {
eval $obj init
::Serializer exportObjects {
set version [package require XOTcl]
if {[string match "1.3.*" $version]} {
Class ad_proc recreate {obj args} {
The re-definition of recreate makes reloading of class definitions via
apm possible, since the foreign keys of the class relations
to these classes survive these calls. One can define specialized
versions of this for certain classes or use ::xotcl::RecreationClass.
Class proc recreate is called on the class level, while
Class instproc recreate is called on the instance level.
@param obj name of the object to be recreated
@param args arguments passed to recreate (might contain parameters)
} {
# clean on the class level
#my log "proc recreate $obj $args"
foreach p [$obj info instprocs] {$obj instproc $p {} {}}
$obj instmixin set {}
$obj instfilter set {}
next ; # clean next on object level
Class ad_instproc recreate {obj args} {
The re-definition of recreate makes reloading of class definitions via
apm possible, since the foreign keys of the class relations
to these classes survive these calls. One can define specialized
versions of this for certain classes or use ::xotcl::RecreationClass.
Class proc recreate is called on the class level, while
Class instproc recreate is called on the instance level.
@param obj name of the object to be recreated
@param args arguments passed to recreate (might contain parameters)
} {
# clean on the object level
#my log "+++ instproc recreate $obj <$args> old class = [$obj info class], new class = [self]"
$obj filter set {}
$obj mixin set {}
set cl [self]
foreach p [$obj info commands] {$obj proc $p {} {}}
foreach c [$obj info children] {
my log "recreate destroy <$c destroy"
$c destroy
foreach var [$obj info vars] {
$obj unset $var
# set p new values
$obj class $cl
$obj set_instance_vars_defaults
# we use uplevel to handle -volatile correctly
set pos [my uplevel $obj configure $args]
if {[lsearch -exact $args -init] == -1} {
incr pos -1
eval $obj init [lrange $args 0 $pos]
#::xotcl::Object instforward unset -objscope
# ::xotcl::Object instforward unset
::Serializer exportMethods {
::xotcl::Class instproc recreate
::xotcl::Class proc recreate
::xotcl::Object instforward unset
} else {
ns_log notice "-- softrecreate"
::xotcl::configure softrecreate true
Class RR -instproc recreate args {
my log "-- [self args]"; next
} -instproc create args {
my log "-- [self args]"; next
#::xotcl::Class instmixin RR
\ No newline at end of file
ad_library {
::xo::OrderedComposite to create tree structures with aggregated
objects. This is similar to object aggregations, but
preserves the order. The OrderedComposite supports
hierarchical sorting.
@author Gustaf Neumann (
@creation-date 2005-11-26
@cvs-id $Id$
namespace eval ::xo {
Class OrderedComposite
OrderedComposite instproc show {} {
foreach child [my children] {
$child show
OrderedComposite instproc orderby {{-order "increasing"} variable} {
my set __order $order
my set __orderby $variable
OrderedComposite instproc __compare {a b} {
set by [my set __orderby]
set x [$a set $by]
set y [$b set $by]
if {$x < $y} {
return -1
} elseif {$x > $y} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
OrderedComposite instproc children {} {
set children [expr {[my exists __children] ? [my set __children] : ""}]
if {[my exists __orderby]} {
set order [expr {[my exists __order] ? [my set __order] : "increasing"}]
return [lsort -command [list my __compare] -$order $children]
} else {
return $children
OrderedComposite instproc add obj {
my lappend __children $obj
$obj set __parent [self]
#my log "-- adding __parent [self] to $obj -- calling after_insert"
#$obj __after_insert
OrderedComposite instproc delete obj {
my instvar __children
set p [lsearch -exact $__children $obj]
if {$p == -1} {error "can't delete '$obj' from $__children"}
set __children [lreplace $__children $p $p]
$obj destroy
OrderedComposite instproc last_child {} {
lindex [my set __children] end
OrderedComposite instproc destroy {} {
# destroy all children of the ordered composite
if {[my exists __children]} {
#my log "--W destroying children [my set __children]"
foreach c [my set __children] {
if {[my isobject $c]} {$c destroy}
#show_stack;my log "--W children murdered, now next, chlds=[my info children]"
#namespace eval [self] {namespace forget *} ;# for pre 1.4.0 versions
OrderedComposite instproc contains cmds {
my requireNamespace ;# legacy for older xotcl versions
set m [Object info instmixin]
if {[lsearch $m [self class]::ChildManager] == -1} {
set insert 1
Object instmixin add [self class]::ChildManager
} else {
set insert 0
set errorOccurred [catch {namespace eval [self] $cmds} errorMsg]
if {$insert} {
Object instmixin delete [self class]::ChildManager
if {$errorOccurred} {error $errorMsg}
Class OrderedComposite::ChildManager -instproc init args {
set r [next]
set parent [self callingobject] ;# not a true calling object (ns-eval), but XOTcl 1 honors it
#set parent [my info parent] ;# is ok in XOTcl 2, since the namespace is honored correctly
#set parent [uplevel 2 self] ;# should work everywhere
#puts stderr "-- CONTAINS p=$parent, co=[self callingobject] n=[uplevel 2 self]"
$parent lappend __children [self]
my set __parent $parent
#my __after_insert
#my log "-- adding __parent $parent to [self]"
return $r
Class OrderedComposite::Child -instproc __after_insert {} {;}
Class OrderedComposite::IndexCompare
OrderedComposite::IndexCompare instproc __compare {a b} {
set by [my set __orderby]
set x [$a set $by]
set y [$b set $by]
#my log "--value compare $x $y] => [my __value_compare $x $y 0]"
return [my __value_compare $x $y 0]
OrderedComposite::IndexCompare instproc __value_compare {x y def} {
set xp [string first . $x]
set yp [string first . $y]
if {$xp == -1 && $yp == -1} {
if {$x < $y} {
return -1
} elseif {$x > $y} {
return 1
} else {
return $def
} elseif {$xp == -1} {
set yh [string range $y 0 [expr {$yp-1}]]
return [my __value_compare $x $yh -1]
} elseif {$yp == -1} {
set xh [string range $x 0 [expr {$xp-1}]]
return [my __value_compare $xh $y 1]
} else {
set xh [string range $x 0 $xp]
set yh [string range $y 0 $yp]
#puts "xh=$xh yh=$yh"
if {$xh < $yh} {
return -1
} elseif {$xh > $yh} {
return 1
} else {
incr xp
incr yp
#puts "rest [string range $x $xp end] [string range $y $yp end]"
return [my __value_compare [string range $x $xp end] [string range $y $yp end] $def]
Class OrderedComposite::MethodCompare
OrderedComposite::MethodCompare instproc __compare {a b} {
set by [my set __orderby]
set x [$a $by]
set y [$b $by]
if {$x < $y} {
return -1
} elseif {$x > $y} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
This diff is collapsed.
ad_library {
Tcl API for Thread management provides some support for threads
under the AOL-server and XOTcl. It contains
essentially two classes THREAD and Proxy.
The class THREAD is used to create, initialize
and destroy threads and to pass commands to these
threads. It is designed in a way to create threads
lazyly such that thread definitions can be included
in the modules directory of the aolserver and
therefore be part of the aolserver blueprints.
When an instance of THREAD is created (e.g. t1),
an init-command is provided. e.g.:
::xotcl::THREAD create t1 {
Class Counter -parameter {{value 1}}
Counter instproc ++ {} {my incr value}
Counter c1
Counter c2
Commands are sent to the thread via the
"do" method, which returns the result of the
command evaluated in the specified thread.
When the first command is sent to a
non-initialized thread, such as
set x [t1 do c1 ++]
the actual thread is created and the thread
ID is remembered in a tsv array. When a
THREAD object is destroyed, the associated
thread is terminated as well.
Notice that according to the aol-server behavior it
is possible to create **persistent threads**
(when the thread object is created during
startup and provided to all request threads
through the blueprint, or to create **volatile
threads** that are created during a request
and which are deleted when the thread cleanup
is called after some timeout. Volatile threads can
shared as well (when different request-threads
create the same-named thread objects) and can
be used for caching proposes. Flushing the cache
can be done in the thread's exitHandler.
The Proxy class can be used to simplify
the interaction with a thread and to
hide the fact, that certain classes/objects
are part of a thread. The following command
creates a Proxy for an object c1 in thread t1.
After this, c1 can be used like an local object.
::xotcl::THREAD::Proxy c1 -attach t1
set x [c1 ++]
The Proxy forwards all commands to the
attached thread except the methods attatch, filter,
detachAll and destroy. The attach method can be used
to reattach a proxy instance to a different thread, such as
c1 attach t2
A proxy can be (temporarily) detachted from a thread via
c1 filter ""
Later forwarding to the thread can be re-enabled via
c1 filter forward
When a proxy is attached to a thread and
receives a destroy command, both the proxy
and the corresponding object in the thread
are deleted. If only the proxy object is to be
destroyed, the proxy must be detachted at first.
The class method detatchAll is provided to detach
all proxies from their objects.
@author Gustaf Neumann
@creation-date 2005-05-13
@cvs-id $Id$
::xotcl::Object setExitHandler {
#my log "EXITHANDLER of request thread [pid]"
#if {[catch {::xotcl::THREAD::Proxy detachAll} m]} {
# #my log "EXITHANDLER error in detachAll $m"
::Serializer exportObjects {
################## main thread support ##################
Class create ::xotcl::THREAD \
-parameter {{persistent 0} {lightweight 0}}
::xotcl::THREAD instproc check_blueprint {} {
if {![[self class] exists __blueprint_checked]} {
if {[string first ::xotcl::THREAD [ns_ictl get]] == -1} {
[self class] set __blueprint_checked 1
::xotcl::THREAD instproc init cmd {
if {$cmd eq "-noinit"} {return}
my instvar initcmd
#ns_log notice "+++ THREAD cmd='$cmd', epoch=[ns_ictl epoch]"
if {![ns_ictl epoch]} {
#ns_log notice "--THREAD init [self] no epoch"
# We are during initialization. For some unknown reasons, XOTcl
# is not available in newly created threads, so we have to care for it.
# We need only a partial initialization, to allow the exit handler
# to be defined.
set initcmd {
package req XOTcl
namespace import -force ::xotcl::*
append initcmd {
ns_thread name SELF
::xotcl::Object setExitHandler {
#my log "EXITHANDLER of slave thread SELF [pid]"
regsub -all SELF $initcmd [self] initcmd
append initcmd \n\
[list set ::xotcl::currentScript [info script]] \n\
[list set ::xotcl::currentThread [self]] \n\
my set mutex [thread::mutex create]
ns_log notice "mutex [my set mutex] created"
::xotcl::THREAD ad_proc -private recreate {obj args} {
this method catches recreation of THREADs in worker threads
it reinitializes the thread according to the new definition.
} {
my log "recreating [self] $obj, tid [$obj exists tid]"
if {![string match "::*" $obj]} { set obj ::$obj }
$obj set recreate 1
$obj init [lindex $args 0]
if {[nsv_exists [self] $obj]} {
set tid [nsv_get [self] $obj]
::thread::send $tid [$obj set initcmd]
$obj set tid $tid
my log "+++ content of thread $obj ($tid) redefined"
::xotcl::THREAD instproc destroy {} {
my log "destroy called"
if {![my persistent] &&
[nsv_exists [self class] [self]]} {
set tid [nsv_get [self class] [self]]
set refcount [::thread::release $tid]
my log "destroying thread object tid=$tid cnt=$refcount"
if {$refcount == 0} {
my log "thread terminated"
nsv_unset [self class] [self]
thread::mutex destroy [my set mutex]
my log "+++ mutex [my set mutex] destroyed"
::xotcl::THREAD instproc get_tid {} {
if {[nsv_exists [self class] [self]]} {
# the thread was already started
return [nsv_get [self class] [self]]
# start a small command in the thread
my do info exists x
# now we have the thread and can return the tid
return [my set tid]
::xotcl::THREAD instproc do {-async:switch args} {
if {![nsv_exists [self class] [self]]} {
# lazy creation of a new slave thread
thread::mutex lock [my set mutex]
#my check_blueprint
#my log "after lock"
if {![nsv_exists [self class] [self]]} {
if {[my lightweight]} {
my log "CREATE lightweight thread"
set tid [::thread::create -thin]
} else {
set tid [::thread::create]
nsv_set [self class] [self] $tid
if {[my persistent]} {
my log "--created new persistent [self class] as $tid pid=[pid]"
} else {
my log "--created new [self class] as $tid pid=[pid]"
#my log "--THREAD DO send [self] epoch = [ns_ictl epoch]"
if {[my lightweight]} {
} elseif {![ns_ictl epoch]} {
#ns_log notice "--THREAD send [self] no epoch"
# We are during initialization. For some unknown reasons, XOTcl
# is not available in newly created threads, so we have to care
# for full initialization, including xotcl blueprint.
set initcmd [ns_ictl get]
append initcmd [my set initcmd]
#ns_log notice "INIT $initcmd"
::thread::send $tid $initcmd
} else {
set tid [nsv_get [self class] [self]]
#my log "doing unlock"
thread::mutex unlock [my set mutex]
} else {
# target thread is already up and running
set tid [nsv_get [self class] [self]]
if {![my exists tid]} {
# this is the first call
if {![my persistent] && ![my exists recreate]} {
# for a shared thread, we do ref-counting through preseve
my log "must preserve for sharing request-thread [pid]"
set tid [nsv_get [self class] [self]]
::thread::preserve $tid
my set tid $tid
#my log "calling [self class] ($tid, [pid]) $args"
if {$async} {
return [thread::send -async $tid $args]
} else {
return [thread::send $tid $args]
# create a sample persistent thread that can be acessed
# via request threads
#::xotcl::THREAD create t0 {
# Class Counter -parameter {{value 1}}
# Counter instproc ++ {} {my incr value}
# Counter c1
# Counter c2
#} -persistent 1
################## forwarding proxy ##################
# Class ::xotcl::THREAD::Proxy -parameter {attach}
# ::xotcl::THREAD::Proxy configure \
# -instproc forward args {
# set cp [self calledproc]
# if { [string equal $cp "attach"]
# || $cp eq "filter"
# || $cp eq "detachAll"} {
# next
# } elseif {$cp eq "destroy"} {
# eval [my attach] do [self] $cp $args
# my log "destroy"
# next
# } else {
# my log "forwarding [my attach] do [self] $cp $args"
# eval [my attach] do [self] $cp $args
# }
# } -instproc init args {
# my filter forward
# } -proc detachAll {} {
# foreach i [my info instances] {$i filter ""}
# }
# sample Thread client routine, calls a same named object in the server thread
# a thread client should be created in an connection thread dynamically to
# avoid name clashes in the blueprint.
Class create ::xotcl::THREAD::Client -parameter {server {serverobj [self]}}
::xotcl::THREAD::Client instproc do args {
eval [my server] do [my serverobj] $args
namespace eval ::xo {
Class create ProtocolHandler -parameter {
ProtocolHandler ad_instproc unknown {method args} {
Return connection information similar to ad_conn
} {
my log "--[self class] unknown called with '$method' <$args>"
switch -- [llength $args] {
0 {if {[my exists $method]} {return [my set method]}
return [ad_conn $method]
1 {my set method $args}
default {my log "--[self class] ignoring <$method> <$args>"}
ProtocolHandler ad_instproc set_user_id {} {
Set user_id based on authentication header
} {
set ah [ns_set get [ns_conn headers] Authorization]
if {$ah ne ""} {
# should be something like "Basic 29234k3j49a"
my debug "auth_check authentication info $ah"
# get the second bit, the base64 encoded bit
set up [lindex [split $ah " "] 1]
# after decoding, it should be user:password; get the username
set user [lindex [split [ns_uudecode $up] ":"] 0]
set password [lindex [split [ns_uudecode $up] ":"] 1]
array set auth [auth::authenticate \
-username $user \
-authority_id [::auth::get_register_authority] \
-password $password]
my debug "auth $user $password returned [array get auth]"
if {$auth(auth_status) ne "ok"} {
array set auth [auth::authenticate \
-email $user \
-password $password]
if {$auth(auth_status) ne "ok"} {
my debug "auth status $auth(auth_status)"
my set user_id 0
return 0
my debug "auth_check user_id='$auth(user_id)'"
ad_conn -set user_id $auth(user_id)
} else {
# no authenticate header, anonymous visitor
ad_conn -set user_id 0
ad_conn -set untrusted_user_id 0
my set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
ProtocolHandler ad_instproc initialize {} {
Setup connection object and authenticate user
} {
my instvar uri method urlv destination
ad_conn -reset
set uri [ns_urldecode [ns_conn url]]
set url_regexp "^[my url]"
#my log "--conn_setup: uri '$uri' my url='[my url]' con='[ns_conn url]'"
regsub $url_regexp $uri {} uri
if {![regexp {^[./]} $uri]} {set uri /$uri}
my set_user_id
set method [string toupper [ns_conn method]]
#my log "--conn_setup: uri '$uri' method $method"
set urlv [split [string trimright $uri "/"] "/"]
set destination [ns_urldecode [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] Destination]]
if {$destination ne ""} {
regsub {https?://[^/]+/} $destination {/} dest
regsub $url_regexp $dest {} destination
if {![regexp {^[./]} $destination]} {set destination /$destination}
#my log "--conn_setup: method $method destination '$destination' uri '$uri'"
ProtocolHandler ad_instproc preauth { args } {
Handle authorization. This method is called via ns_filter.
} {
#my log "--preauth args=<$args>"
my instvar user_id
# Restrict to SSL if required
if { [security::RestrictLoginToSSLP] && ![security::secure_conn_p] } {
return filter_return
# set common data for all kind of requests
my initialize
# for now, require for every user authentification
if {$user_id == 0} {
return filter_return
#my log "--preauth filter_ok"
return filter_ok
ProtocolHandler ad_instproc register { } {
Register the the aolserver filter and traces.
This method is typically called via *-init.tcl.
Note, that the specified url must not have an entry
in the site-nodes, otherwise the openacs request
processor performs always the cockie-based authorization.
To change that, it would be necessary to register the
filter before the request processor (currently, there
are no hooks for that).
} {
set filter_url [my url]*
set url [my url]/*
foreach method {
} {
ns_register_filter preauth $method $filter_url [self]
ns_register_proc $method $url [self] handle_request
#my log "--ns_register_filter preauth $method $filter_url [self]"
#my log "--ns_register_proc $method $url [self] handle_request"
ProtocolHandler ad_instproc get_package_id {} {
Initialize the given package and return the package_id
@return package_id
} {
my instvar uri package
$package initialize -url $uri
#my log "--[my package] initialize -url $uri"
return $package_id
ProtocolHandler ad_instproc handle_request { args } {
Process the incoming HTTP request. This method
could be overloaded by the application and
dispatches the HTTP requests.
} {
my instvar uri method user_id
#my log "--handle_request method=$method uri=$uri\
# userid=$user_id -ns_conn query '[ns_conn query]'"
if {[my exists package]} {
my set package_id [my get_package_id]
if {[my procsearch $method] ne ""} {
my $method
} else {
ns_return 404 text/plain "not implemented"
# Some dummy HTTP methods
ProtocolHandler instproc GET {} {
my log "--GET method"
ns_return 200 text/plain GET-[my uri]
ProtocolHandler instproc PUT {} {
my log "--PUT method [ns_conn content]"
ns_return 201 text/plain "received put with content-length [string length [ns_conn content]]"
ProtocolHandler instproc PROPFIND {} {
my log "--PROPFIND [ns_conn content]"
ns_return 204 text/xml {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>}
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if {[server_cluster_enabled_p]} {
set my_ip [ns_config ns/server/[ns_info server]/module/nssock Address]
set my_port [ns_config ns/server/[ns_info server]/module/nssock port]
foreach host [server_cluster_all_hosts] {
set port 80
regexp {^(.*):(.*)} $host _ host port
if {"$host-$port" eq "$my_ip-$my_port"} continue
::xo::Cluster create CS_${host}_$port -host $host -port $port
foreach ip [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -parameter ClusterAuthorizedIP] {
if {[string first * $ip] > -1} {
::xo::Cluster lappend allowed_host_patterns $ip
} else {
::xo::Cluster set allowed_host($ip) 1
set url [::xo::Cluster set url]
# Check, if the filter url mirrors a site node. If so,
# the cluster mechanism will not work, if the site node
# requires a login. Clustering will only work if the
# root node is freely accessible.
array set node [site_node::get -url $url]
if {$node(url) ne "/"} {
ns_log notice "***\n*** WARNING: there appears a package mounted on\
$url\n***Cluster configuration will not work\
since there is a conflict with the aolserver filter with the same name!\n"
#ns_register_filter trace GET $url ::xo::Cluster
ns_register_filter preauth GET $url ::xo::Cluster
#ad_register_filter -priority 900 preauth GET $url ::xo::Cluster
ad_library {
XOTcl cluster support
@author Gustaf Neumann
@creation-date 2007-07-19
@cvs-id $Id$
namespace eval ::xo {
proc clusterwide args {
# first, excute the command on the local server
eval $args
# then, distribute the command in the cluster
eval ::xo::Cluster broadcast $args
proc cache_flush_all {cache pattern} {
# Provide means to perform a wildcard-based cache flushing on
# (cluster) machines.
foreach n [ns_cache names $cache $pattern] {ns_cache flush $cache $n}
Class Cluster -parameter {host {port 80}}
Cluster set allowed_host_patterns [list]
Cluster set url /xotcl-cluster-do
Cluster array set allowed_host {
"" 1
# The allowed commands are of the form
# - command names followed by
# - optional "except patterns"
Cluster array set allowed_command {
set ""
unset ""
nsv_set ""
nsv_unset ""
nsv_incr ""
bgdelivery ""
ns_cache "^ns_cache\s+eval"
xo::cache_flush_all ""
# Prevent unwanted object generations for unknown
# arguments of ::xo::Cluster.
Cluster proc unknown args {
error "[self] received unknown method $args"
# handling the ns_filter methods
Cluster proc trace args {
my log ""
return filter_return
Cluster proc preauth args {
my log ""
my incoming_request
return filter_return
Cluster proc postauth args {
my log ""
return filter_return
# handle incoming request issues
Cluster proc incoming_request {} {
set cmd [ns_queryget cmd]
set addr [lindex [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] x-forwarded-for] end]
if {$addr eq ""} {set addr [ns_conn peeraddr]}
#ns_log notice "--cluster got cmd='$cmd' from $addr"
if {[catch {set result [::xo::Cluster execute [ns_conn peeraddr] $cmd]} errorMsg]} {
ns_log notice "--cluster error: $errorMsg"
ns_return 417 text/plain $errorMsg
} else {
#ns_log notice "--cluster success $result"
ns_return 200 text/plain $result
Cluster proc execute {host cmd} {
if {![my exists allowed_host($host)]} {
set ok 0
foreach g [my set allowed_host_patterns] {
if {[string match $g $host]} {
set ok 1
if {!$ok} {
error "refuse to execute commands from $host (command: '$cmd')"
set cmd_name [lindex $cmd 0]
set key allowed_command($cmd_name)
#ns_log notice "--cluster $key exists ? [my exists $key]"
if {[my exists $key]} {
set except_RE [my set $key]
#ns_log notice "--cluster [list regexp $except_RE $cmd] -> [regexp $except_RE $cmd]"
if {$except_RE eq "" || ![regexp $except_RE $cmd]} {
ns_log notice "--cluster executes command '$cmd' from host $host"
return [eval $cmd]
error "command '$cmd' from host $host not allowed"
# handline outgoing request issues
Cluster proc broadcast args {
foreach server [my info instances] {
eval $server message $args
Cluster instproc message args {
my log "--cluster outgoing request to [my host]:[my port] // $args"
# set r [::xo::HttpRequest new -volatile \
# -host [my host] -port [my port] \
# -path [Cluster set url]?cmd=[ns_urlencode $args]]
# return [$r set data]
set r [::xo::AsyncHttpRequest new -volatile \
-host [my host] -port [my port] \
-path [Cluster set url]?cmd=[ns_urlencode $args]]
# ::bgdelivery do ::xo::AsyncHttpRequest new \
# -host [my host] -port [my port] \
# -path [Cluster set url]?cmd=[ns_urlencode $args] \
# -mixin ::xo::AsyncHttpRequest::SimpleListener \
# -proc finalize {obj status value} { my destroy }
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namespace eval ::xotcl-core {
ad_proc ::xotcl-core::before_install_callback {} {
Callback for checking whether xotcl is installed for OpenACS
@author Gustaf Neumann (
} {
ns_log notice "-- before-install callback"
if {[info command ::xotcl::Class] eq ""} {
error " XOTcl does not appear to be installed on your system!\n\
Please follow the install instructions on"
} elseif {$::xotcl::version < 1.5} {
error " XOTcl 1.5 or newer required. You are using $::xotcl::version$::xotcl::patchlevel.\n\
Please install a new version of XOTcl (see"
} else {
ns_log notice "XOTcl $::xotcl::version$::xotcl::patchlevel is installed on your system."
ad_proc ::xotcl-core::after_upgrade_callback {
} {
Callback for upgrading
@author Gustaf Neumann (
} {
ns_log notice "-- UPGRADE $from_version_name -> $to_version_name"
set v 0.88
if {[apm_version_names_compare $from_version_name $v] == -1 &&
[apm_version_names_compare $to_version_name $v] > -1} {
ns_log notice "-- upgrading to $v"
set dir [acs_package_root_dir xotcl-core]
foreach file {
} {
if {[file exists $dir/$file]} {
ns_log notice "Deleting obsolete file $dir/$file"
file delete $dir/$file
\ No newline at end of file
# The following two commands to setup the cache were moved to
# generic-procs due to problems with install.xml
# ns_cache create xotcl_object_cache -size 200000
# ns_cache create xotcl_object_type_cache -size 10000
#ns_cache create xotcl_object_cache -size 200000
#ns_cache create xotcl_object_type_cache -size 10000
# should provide parameter at some time...
# [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -parameter MaxSize -default 200000]
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