Commit 40798b16 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Added object level permissions

parent bf129e54
......@@ -32,22 +32,90 @@ set url [ns_conn url]
set url_pieces [split $url "/"]
set last_url_piece [lindex $url_pieces end]
set user_id [ad_get_user_id]
set current_user_id $user_id
set user_admin_p [im_is_user_site_wide_or_intranet_admin $current_user_id]
set current_url [im_url_with_query]
set any_perms_set_p [im_component_any_perms_set_p]
# Convert the name of the page into project_id, user_id or ticket_id
if {![info exists project_id]} { set project_id [db_string pid "select project_id from im_projects where project_nr = :last_url_piece" -default ""] }
if {"" == $project_id} { set project_id [db_string pid "select max(project_id) from im_projects where parent_id is null" -default ""] }
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Object, Object Type and Object Security
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Convert the name of the page into company_id, user_id or ticket_id
# Check if we can identify objects based on the path
if {![info exists project_id]} { set project_id [db_string pid "select project_id from im_projects where project_nr = :last_url_piece" -default ""] }
if {![info exists company_id]} { set company_id [db_string pid "select company_id from im_companies where company_path = :last_url_piece" -default ""] }
if {"" == $company_id} { set company_id [db_string pid "select max(company_id) from im_companies" -default ""] }
if {![info exists conf_item_id]} { set conf_item_id [db_string pid "select conf_item_id from im_conf_items where conf_item_nr = :last_url_piece" -default ""] }
set object_id 0
set object_type ""
set object_type_pretty ""
set object_owner_ids {0}
if {"" != $conf_item_id} {
set object_id $conf_item_id
set object_type "im_conf_item"
set object_type_pretty [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-core.Configuration_Item "Configuration Item"]
lappend object_owner_ids [db_string object_owners "select conf_item_owner_id from im_conf_items where conf_item_id = :object_id" -default 0]
im_conf_item_permissions $current_user_id $conf_item_id view_p read_p write_p admin_p
if {"" != $project_id} {
set object_id $project_id
set object_type "im_project"
set object_type_pretty [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-core.Project "Project"]
lappend object_owner_ids [db_string object_owners "select project_lead_id from im_projects where project_id = :object_id" -default 0]
im_project_permissions $current_user_id $project_id view_p read_p write_p admin_p
if {"" != $company_id} {
set object_id $company_id
set object_type "im_company"
set object_type_pretty [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-core.Company "Company"]
im_company_permissions $current_user_id $company_id view_p read_p write_p admin_p
# Convert the name of the page into conf_item_id, user_id or ticket_id
if {![info exists conf_item_id]} { set conf_item_id [db_string pid "select conf_item_id from im_conf_items where conf_item_nr = :last_url_piece" -default ""] }
if {"" == $conf_item_id} { set conf_item_id [db_string pid "select max(conf_item_id) from im_conf_items" -default ""] }
lappend object_owner_ids [db_string object_creator "select creation_user from acs_objects where object_id = :object_id" -default 0]
set object_owner_ul ""
set owner_sql "
select *
from (
select acs_object__name(pa.party_id) as user_name, as user_email,
pa.party_id as user_id
from parties pa,
acs_rels r,
im_biz_object_members bom
where r.rel_id = bom.rel_id and
r.object_id_one = :object_id and
r.object_id_two = pa.party_id and
bom.object_role_id in (1301,1302,1303)
select acs_object__name(pa.party_id) as user_name, as user_email,
pa.party_id as user_id
from parties pa
where pa.party_id in ([join $object_owner_ids ","])
) t
t.user_id > 0 and -- Exclude the anonymous user
t.user_id in (select member_id from group_distinct_member_map where group_id = [im_employee_group_id])
order by user_name
db_foreach owners $owner_sql {
append object_owner_ul "<li><a href=\"mailto:$user_email\">$user_name (mailto:$user_email)</a></li>\n"
if {!$read_p} {
set permission_msg [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-wiki.You_are_not_a_member "You are not a member of this %object_type_pretty%"]
set contact_msg [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-wiki.Please_contact_owner "Please contact one the object owners in order to obtain permissions:"]
ad_return_complaint 1 "<b>$permission_msg</b>:<br>$contact_msg<br>&nbsp;<ul>$object_owner_ul</ul><br>"
# Use the latest created object as defaults
if {"" == $project_id} { set project_id [db_string pid "select max(project_id) from im_projects where parent_id is null" -default ""] }
if {"" == $company_id} { set company_id [db_string pid "select max(company_id) from im_companies" -default ""] }
if {"" == $conf_item_id} { set conf_item_id [db_string pid "select max(conf_item_id) from im_conf_items" -default ""] }
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Get the plugin_id from available data
......@@ -74,30 +142,19 @@ if {"" == $plugin_id} {
if {"" == $plugin_id} {
set result "<pre>
<b>[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-core.Portlet_not_Found "Portlet Not Found"]</b>:
[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-core.Portlet_not_Specified_msg "Either you did not specify 'plugin_id' or we did not find 'plugin_name' or 'package_key'."]<br>
set portlet_not_found_msg [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-core.Portlet_not_Found "Portlet Not Found"]
set portlet_not_found_blurb [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-core.Portlet_not_Specified_msg "Either you did not specify 'plugin_id' or we did not find 'plugin_name' or 'package_key'."]
set result "<b>$portlet_not_found_msg</b>:\n$portlet_not_found_blurb<br>"
append result "<pre>plugin_id=$plugin_id<br>plugin_name=$plugin_name<br>package_key=$package_key<br>parameter_list=$parameter_list</pre>"
doc_return 200 "text/html" $result
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Security
# Portlet Security
# -------------------------------------------------------------
set current_user_id [ad_get_user_id]
set any_perms_set_p [im_component_any_perms_set_p]
set user_admin_p [im_is_user_site_wide_or_intranet_admin $current_user_id]
set current_url [im_url_with_query]
# Get everything about the portlet
if {![db_0or1row plugin_info "
select cp.*,
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