Commit 7a80df63 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- OpenACS 5.9

parent 38d5de1f
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview API initialization code.
// Disable HC detaction in WebKit. (#5429)
if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
CKEDITOR.env.hc = false;
// Check whether high contrast is active by creating a colored border.
var hcDetect = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(
'<div style="width:0px;height:0px;position:absolute;left:-10000px;' +
'border: 1px solid;border-color: red blue;"></div>', CKEDITOR.document );
hcDetect.appendTo( CKEDITOR.document.getHead() );
// Update CKEDITOR.env.
// Catch exception needed sometimes for FF. (#4230)
CKEDITOR.env.hc = hcDetect.getComputedStyle( 'border-top-color' ) == hcDetect.getComputedStyle( 'border-right-color' );
catch (e)
CKEDITOR.env.hc = false;
if ( CKEDITOR.env.hc )
CKEDITOR.env.cssClass += ' cke_hc';
// Load core plugins.
CKEDITOR.plugins.load( CKEDITOR.config.corePlugins.split( ',' ), function()
CKEDITOR.status = 'loaded'; 'loaded' );
// Process all instances created by the "basic" implementation.
var pending = CKEDITOR._.pending;
if ( pending )
delete CKEDITOR._.pending;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < pending.length ; i++ )
CKEDITOR.add( pending[ i ] );
// Needed for IE6 to not request image (HTTP 200 or 304) for every CSS background. (#6187)
if ( )
// Remove IE mouse flickering on IE6 because of background images.
document.execCommand( 'BackgroundImageCache', false, true );
catch (e)
// We have been reported about loading problems caused by the above
// line. For safety, let's just ignore errors.
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on a High Contrast environment.
* @name CKEDITOR.env.hc
* @example
* if ( CKEDITOR.env.hc )
* alert( 'You're running on High Contrast mode. The editor interface will get adapted to provide you a better experience.' );
* Fired when a CKEDITOR core object is fully loaded and ready for interaction.
* @name CKEDITOR#loaded
* @event
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview Contains the third and last part of the {@link CKEDITOR} object
* definition.
// Remove the CKEDITOR.loadFullCore reference defined on ckeditor_basic.
delete CKEDITOR.loadFullCore;
* Holds references to all editor instances created. The name of the properties
* in this object correspond to instance names, and their values contains the
* {@link CKEDITOR.editor} object representing them.
* @type {Object}
* @example
* alert( <b>CKEDITOR.instances</b> ); // "editor1"
CKEDITOR.instances = {};
* The document of the window holding the CKEDITOR object.
* @type {CKEDITOR.dom.document}
* @example
* alert( <b>CKEDITOR.document</b>.getBody().getName() ); // "body"
CKEDITOR.document = new CKEDITOR.dom.document( document );
* Adds an editor instance to the global {@link CKEDITOR} object. This function
* is available for internal use mainly.
* @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance to be added.
* @example
CKEDITOR.add = function( editor )
CKEDITOR.instances[ ] = editor;
editor.on( 'focus', function()
if ( CKEDITOR.currentInstance != editor )
CKEDITOR.currentInstance = editor; 'currentInstance' );
editor.on( 'blur', function()
if ( CKEDITOR.currentInstance == editor )
CKEDITOR.currentInstance = null; 'currentInstance' );
* Removes an editor instance from the global {@link CKEDITOR} object. This function
* is available for internal use only. External code must use {@link CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.destroy}
* to avoid memory leaks.
* @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance to be removed.
* @example
CKEDITOR.remove = function( editor )
delete CKEDITOR.instances[ ];
* Perform global clean up to free as much memory as possible
* when there are no instances left
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceDestroyed', function ()
if ( this.instances ) ) 'reset' );
// Load the bootstrap script.
CKEDITOR.loader.load( 'core/_bootstrap' ); // @Packager.RemoveLine
// Tri-state constants.
* Used to indicate the ON or ACTIVE state.
* @constant
* @example
* Used to indicate the OFF or NON ACTIVE state.
* @constant
* @example
* Used to indicate DISABLED state.
* @constant
* @example
* The editor which is currently active (have user focus).
* @name CKEDITOR.currentInstance
* @type CKEDITOR.editor
* @see CKEDITOR#currentInstance
* @example
* function showCurrentEditorName()
* {
* if ( CKEDITOR.currentInstance )
* alert( );
* else
* alert( 'Please focus an editor first.' );
* }
* Fired when the CKEDITOR.currentInstance object reference changes. This may
* happen when setting the focus on different editor instances in the page.
* @name CKEDITOR#currentInstance
* @event
* var editor; // Variable to hold a reference to the current editor.
* CKEDITOR.on( 'currentInstance' , function( e )
* {
* editor = CKEDITOR.currentInstance;
* });
* Fired when the last instance has been destroyed. This event is used to perform
* global memory clean up.
* @name CKEDITOR#reset
* @event
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview Contains the first and essential part of the {@link CKEDITOR}
* object definition.
// #### Compressed Code
// Must be updated on changes in the script as well as updated in the
// ckeditor_source.js and ckeditor_basic_source.js files.
// if(!window.CKEDITOR)window.CKEDITOR=(function(){var a={timestamp:'',version:'3.6.2',rev:'7275',_:{},status:'unloaded',basePath:(function(){var d=window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH||'';if(!d){var e=document.getElementsByTagName('script');for(var f=0;f<e.length;f++){var g=e[f].src.match(/(^|.*[\\\/])ckeditor(?:_basic)?(?:_source)?.js(?:\?.*)?$/i);if(g){d=g[1];break;}}}if(d.indexOf(':/')==-1)if(d.indexOf('/')===0)d=location.href.match(/^.*?:\/\/[^\/]*/)[0]+d;else d=location.href.match(/^[^\?]*\/(?:)/)[0]+d;return d;})(),getUrl:function(d){if(d.indexOf(':/')==-1&&d.indexOf('/')!==0)d=this.basePath+d;if(this.timestamp&&d.charAt(d.length-1)!='/')d+=(d.indexOf('?')>=0?'&':'?')+('t=')+this.timestamp;return d;}},b=window.CKEDITOR_GETURL;if(b){var c=a.getUrl;a.getUrl=function(d){return,d)||,d);};}return a;})();
// #### Raw code
// ATTENTION: read the above "Compressed Code" notes when changing this code.
/* @Packager.RemoveLine
// Avoid having the editor code initialized twice. (#7588)
// Use CKEDITOR.dom to check whether the full ckeditor.js code has been loaded
// or just ckeditor_basic.js.
// Remove these lines when compressing manually.
if ( window.CKEDITOR && window.CKEDITOR.dom )
@Packager.RemoveLine */
if ( !window.CKEDITOR )
* @name CKEDITOR
* @namespace This is the API entry point. The entire CKEditor code runs under this object.
* @example
window.CKEDITOR = (function()
/** @lends CKEDITOR */
* A constant string unique for each release of CKEditor. Its value
* is used, by default, to build the URL for all resources loaded
* by the editor code, guaranteeing clean cache results when
* upgrading.
* @type String
* @example
* alert( CKEDITOR.timestamp ); // e.g. '87dm'
// The production implementation contains a fixed timestamp, unique
// for each release and generated by the releaser.
// (Base 36 value of each component of YYMMDDHH - 4 chars total - e.g. 87bm == 08071122)
timestamp : 'B8DJ5M3',
* Contains the CKEditor version number.
* @type String
* @example
* alert( CKEDITOR.version ); // e.g. 'CKEditor 3.4.1'
version : '3.6.2',
* Contains the CKEditor revision number.
* The revision number is incremented automatically, following each
* modification to the CKEditor source code.
* @type String
* @example
* alert( CKEDITOR.revision ); // e.g. '3975'
revision : '7275',
* Private object used to hold core stuff. It should not be used outside of
* the API code as properties defined here may change at any time
* without notice.
* @private
_ : {},
* Indicates the API loading status. The following statuses are available:
* <ul>
* <li><b>unloaded</b>: the API is not yet loaded.</li>
* <li><b>basic_loaded</b>: the basic API features are available.</li>
* <li><b>basic_ready</b>: the basic API is ready to load the full core code.</li>
* <li><b>loading</b>: the full API is being loaded.</li>
* <li><b>loaded</b>: the API can be fully used.</li>
* </ul>
* @type String
* @example
* if ( <b>CKEDITOR.status</b> == 'loaded' )
* {
* // The API can now be fully used.
* }
status : 'unloaded',
* Contains the full URL for the CKEditor installation directory.
* It is possible to manually provide the base path by setting a
* global variable named CKEDITOR_BASEPATH. This global variable
* must be set <strong>before</strong> the editor script loading.
* @type String
* @example
* alert( <b>CKEDITOR.basePath</b> ); // "" (e.g.)
basePath : (function()
// ATTENTION: fixes to this code must be ported to
// var basePath in "core/loader.js".
// Find out the editor directory path, based on its <script> tag.
var path = window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH || '';
if ( !path )
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < scripts.length ; i++ )
var match = scripts[i].src.match( /(^|.*[\\\/])ckeditor(?:_basic)?(?:_source)?.js(?:\?.*)?$/i );
if ( match )
path = match[1];
// In IE (only) the script.src string is the raw value entered in the
// HTML source. Other browsers return the full resolved URL instead.
if ( path.indexOf(':/') == -1 )
// Absolute path.
if ( path.indexOf( '/' ) === 0 )
path = location.href.match( /^.*?:\/\/[^\/]*/ )[0] + path;
// Relative path.
path = location.href.match( /^[^\?]*\/(?:)/ )[0] + path;
if ( !path )
throw 'The CKEditor installation path could not be automatically detected. Please set the global variable "CKEDITOR_BASEPATH" before creating editor instances.';
return path;
* Gets the full URL for CKEditor resources. By default, URLs
* returned by this function contain a querystring parameter ("t")
* set to the {@link CKEDITOR.timestamp} value.<br />
* <br />
* It is possible to provide a custom implementation of this
* function by setting a global variable named CKEDITOR_GETURL.
* This global variable must be set <strong>before</strong> the editor script
* loading. If the custom implementation returns nothing (==null), the
* default implementation is used.
* @param {String} resource The resource whose full URL we want to get.
* It may be a full, absolute, or relative URL.
* @returns {String} The full URL.
* @example
* // e.g.
* alert( CKEDITOR.getUrl( 'skins/default/editor.css' ) );
* @example
* // e.g.
* alert( CKEDITOR.getUrl( '/skins/default/editor.css' ) );
* @example
* // e.g.
* alert( CKEDITOR.getUrl( '' ) );
getUrl : function( resource )
// If this is not a full or absolute path.
if ( resource.indexOf(':/') == -1 && resource.indexOf( '/' ) !== 0 )
resource = this.basePath + resource;
// Add the timestamp, except for directories.
if ( this.timestamp && resource.charAt( resource.length - 1 ) != '/' && !(/[&?]t=/).test( resource ) )
resource += ( resource.indexOf( '?' ) >= 0 ? '&' : '?' ) + 't=' + this.timestamp;
return resource;
// Make it possible to override the getUrl function with a custom
// implementation pointing to a global named CKEDITOR_GETURL.
var newGetUrl = window.CKEDITOR_GETURL;
if ( newGetUrl )
var originalGetUrl = CKEDITOR.getUrl;
CKEDITOR.getUrl = function ( resource )
return CKEDITOR, resource ) || CKEDITOR, resource );
return CKEDITOR;
* Function called upon loading a custom configuration file that can
* modify the editor instance configuration ({@link CKEDITOR.editor#config }).
* It is usually defined inside the custom configuration files that can
* include developer defined settings.
* @name CKEDITOR.editorConfig
* @function
* @param {CKEDITOR.config} config A configuration object containing the
* settings defined for a {@link CKEDITOR.editor} instance up to this
* function call. Note that not all settings may still be available. See
* <a href="">Configuration Loading Order</a>
* for details.
* @example
* // This is supposed to be placed in the config.js file.
* CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
* {
* // Define changes to default configuration here. For example:
* config.language = 'fr';
* config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
* };
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview Contains the second part of the {@link CKEDITOR} object
* definition, which defines the basic editor features to be available in
* the root ckeditor_basic.js file.
if ( CKEDITOR.status == 'unloaded' )
CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( CKEDITOR );
* Forces the full CKEditor core code, in the case only the basic code has been
* loaded (ckeditor_basic.js). This method self-destroys (becomes undefined) in
* the first call or as soon as the full code is available.
* @example
* // Check if the full core code has been loaded and load it.
* if ( CKEDITOR.loadFullCore )
* <b>CKEDITOR.loadFullCore()</b>;
CKEDITOR.loadFullCore = function()
// If not the basic code is not ready it, just mark it to be loaded.
if ( CKEDITOR.status != 'basic_ready' )
CKEDITOR.loadFullCore._load = 1;
// Destroy this function.
delete CKEDITOR.loadFullCore;
// Append the script to the head.
var script = document.createElement( 'script' );
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = CKEDITOR.basePath + 'ckeditor.js';
document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0].appendChild( script );
* The time to wait (in seconds) to load the full editor code after the
* page load, if the "ckeditor_basic" file is used. If set to zero, the
* editor is loaded on demand, as soon as an instance is created.
* This value must be set on the page before the page load completion.
* @type Number
* @default 0 (zero)
* @example
* // Loads the full source after five seconds.
* CKEDITOR.loadFullCoreTimeout = 5;
CKEDITOR.loadFullCoreTimeout = 0;
* The class name used to identify &lt;textarea&gt; elements to be replace
* by CKEditor instances.
* @type String
* @default 'ckeditor'
* @example
* <b>CKEDITOR.replaceClass</b> = 'rich_editor';
CKEDITOR.replaceClass = 'ckeditor';
* Enables the replacement of all textareas with class name matching
* {@link CKEDITOR.replaceClass}.
* @type Boolean
* @default true
* @example
* // Disable the auto-replace feature.
* <b>CKEDITOR.replaceByClassEnabled</b> = false;
CKEDITOR.replaceByClassEnabled = 1;
var createInstance = function( elementOrIdOrName, config, creationFunction, data )
if ( CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible )
// Load the full core.
if ( CKEDITOR.loadFullCore )
var editor = creationFunction( elementOrIdOrName, config, data );
CKEDITOR.add( editor );
return editor;
return null;
* Replaces a &lt;textarea&gt; or a DOM element (DIV) with a CKEditor
* instance. For textareas, the initial value in the editor will be the
* textarea value. For DOM elements, their innerHTML will be used
* instead. We recommend using TEXTAREA and DIV elements only.
* @param {Object|String} elementOrIdOrName The DOM element (textarea), its
* ID or name.
* @param {Object} [config] The specific configurations to apply to this
* editor instance. Configurations set here will override global CKEditor
* settings.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} The editor instance created.
* @example
* &lt;textarea id="myfield" name="myfield"&gt;&lt:/textarea&gt;
* ...
* <b>CKEDITOR.replace( 'myfield' )</b>;
* @example
* var textarea = document.body.appendChild( document.createElement( 'textarea' ) );
* <b>CKEDITOR.replace( textarea )</b>;
CKEDITOR.replace = function( elementOrIdOrName, config )
return createInstance( elementOrIdOrName, config, CKEDITOR.editor.replace );
* Creates a new editor instance inside a specific DOM element.
* @param {Object|String} elementOrId The DOM element or its ID.
* @param {Object} [config] The specific configurations to apply to this
* editor instance. Configurations set here will override global CKEditor
* settings.
* @param {String} [data] Since 3.3. Initial value for the instance.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} The editor instance created.
* @example
* &lt;div id="editorSpace"&gt;&lt:/div&gt;
* ...
* <b>CKEDITOR.appendTo( 'editorSpace' )</b>;
CKEDITOR.appendTo = function( elementOrId, config, data )
return createInstance( elementOrId, config, CKEDITOR.editor.appendTo, data );
// Documented at ckeditor.js.
CKEDITOR.add = function( editor )
// For now, just put the editor in the pending list. It will be
// processed as soon as the full code gets loaded.
var pending = this._.pending || ( this._.pending = [] );
pending.push( editor );
* Replace all &lt;textarea&gt; elements available in the document with
* editor instances.
* @example
* // Replace all &lt;textarea&gt; elements in the page.
* CKEDITOR.replaceAll();
* @example
* // Replace all &lt;textarea class="myClassName"&gt; elements in the page.
* CKEDITOR.replaceAll( 'myClassName' );
* @example
* // Selectively replace &lt;textarea&gt; elements, based on custom assertions.
* CKEDITOR.replaceAll( function( textarea, config )
* {
* // Custom code to evaluate the replace, returning false
* // if it must not be done.
* // It also passes the "config" parameter, so the
* // developer can customize the instance.
* } );
CKEDITOR.replaceAll = function()
var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName( 'textarea' );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < textareas.length ; i++ )
var config = null,
textarea = textareas[i];
// The "name" and/or "id" attribute must exist.
if ( ! && ! )
if ( typeof arguments[0] == 'string' )
// The textarea class name could be passed as the function
// parameter.
var classRegex = new RegExp( '(?:^|\\s)' + arguments[0] + '(?:$|\\s)' );
if ( !classRegex.test( textarea.className ) )
else if ( typeof arguments[0] == 'function' )
// An assertion function could be passed as the function parameter.
// It must explicitly return "false" to ignore a specific <textarea>.
config = {};
if ( arguments[0]( textarea, config ) === false )
this.replace( textarea, config );
var onload = function()
var loadFullCore = CKEDITOR.loadFullCore,
loadFullCoreTimeout = CKEDITOR.loadFullCoreTimeout;
// Replace all textareas with the default class name.
if ( CKEDITOR.replaceByClassEnabled )
CKEDITOR.replaceAll( CKEDITOR.replaceClass );
CKEDITOR.status = 'basic_ready';
if ( loadFullCore && loadFullCore._load )
else if ( loadFullCoreTimeout )
setTimeout( function()
if ( CKEDITOR.loadFullCore )
, loadFullCoreTimeout * 1000 );
if ( window.addEventListener )
window.addEventListener( 'load', onload, false );
else if ( window.attachEvent )
window.attachEvent( 'onload', onload );
CKEDITOR.status = 'basic_loaded';
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* Creates a command class instance.
* @class Represents a command that can be executed on an editor instance.
* @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance this command will be
* related to.
* @param {CKEDITOR.commandDefinition} commandDefinition The command
* definition.
* @augments CKEDITOR.event
* @example
* var command = new CKEDITOR.command( editor,
* {
* exec : function( editor )
* {
* alert( editor.document.getBody().getHtml() );
* }
* });
CKEDITOR.command = function( editor, commandDefinition )
* Lists UI items that are associated to this command. This list can be
* used to interact with the UI on command execution (by the execution code
* itself, for example).
* @type Array
* @example
* alert( 'Number of UI items associated to this command: ' + command.<b>uiItems</b>.length );
this.uiItems = [];
* Executes the command.
* @param {Object} [data] Any data to pass to the command. Depends on the
* command implementation and requirements.
* @returns {Boolean} A boolean indicating that the command has been
* successfully executed.
* @example
* command.<b>exec()</b>; // The command gets executed.
this.exec = function( data )
return false;
if ( this.editorFocus ) // Give editor focus if necessary (#4355).
return ( this, editor, data ) !== false );
}; this, commandDefinition,
// Defaults
/** @lends CKEDITOR.command.prototype */
* The editor modes within which the command can be executed. The
* execution will have no action if the current mode is not listed
* in this property.
* @type Object
* @default { wysiwyg : 1 }
* @see CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.mode
* @example
* // Enable the command in both WYSIWYG and Source modes.
* command.<b>modes</b> = { wysiwyg : 1, source : 1 };
* @example
* // Enable the command in Source mode only.
* command.<b>modes</b> = { source : 1 };
modes : { wysiwyg : 1 },
* Indicates that the editor will get the focus before executing
* the command.
* @type Boolean
* @default true
* @example
* // Do not force the editor to have focus when executing the command.
* command.<b>editorFocus</b> = false;
editorFocus : 1,
* Indicates the editor state. Possible values are:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED}: the command is
* disabled. It's execution will have no effect. Same as
* {@link disable}.</li>
* <li>{@link CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON}: the command is enabled
* and currently active in the editor (for context sensitive commands,
* for example).</li>
* <li>{@link CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF}: the command is enabled
* and currently inactive in the editor (for context sensitive
* commands, for example).</li>
* </ul>
* Do not set this property directly, using the {@link #setState}
* method instead.
* @type Number
* @default {@link CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF}
* @example
* if ( command.<b>state</b> == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
* alert( 'This command is disabled' );
// Call the CKEDITOR.event constructor to initialize this instance. this );
CKEDITOR.command.prototype =
* Enables the command for execution. The command state (see
* {@link CKEDITOR.command.prototype.state}) available before disabling it
* is restored.
* @example
* command.<b>enable()</b>;
* command.exec(); // Execute the command.
enable : function()
this.setState( ( !this.preserveState || ( typeof this.previousState == 'undefined' ) ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : this.previousState );
* Disables the command for execution. The command state (see
* {@link CKEDITOR.command.prototype.state}) will be set to
* @example
* command.<b>disable()</b>;
* command.exec(); // "false" - Nothing happens.
disable : function()
* Sets the command state.
* @param {Number} newState The new state. See {@link #state}.
* @returns {Boolean} Returns "true" if the command state changed.
* @example
* command.<b>setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON )</b>;
* command.exec(); // Execute the command.
* command.<b>setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )</b>;
* command.exec(); // "false" - Nothing happens.
* command.<b>setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF )</b>;
* command.exec(); // Execute the command.
setState : function( newState )
// Do nothing if there is no state change.
if ( this.state == newState )
return false;
this.previousState = this.state;
// Set the new state.
this.state = newState;
// Fire the "state" event, so other parts of the code can react to the
// change. 'state' );
return true;
* Toggles the on/off (active/inactive) state of the command. This is
* mainly used internally by context sensitive commands.
* @example
* command.<b>toggleState()</b>;
toggleState : function()
if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF )
this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
else if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON )
CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( CKEDITOR.command.prototype, true );
* Indicates the previous command state.
* @name CKEDITOR.command.prototype.previousState
* @type Number
* @see #state
* @example
* alert( command.<b>previousState</b> );
* Fired when the command state changes.
* @name CKEDITOR.command#state
* @event
* @example
* command.on( <b>'state'</b> , function( e )
* {
* // Alerts the new state.
* alert( this.state );
* });
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview Defines the "virtual" {@link CKEDITOR.commandDefinition} class,
* which contains the defintion of a command. This file is for
* documentation purposes only.
* (Virtual Class) Do not call this constructor. This class is not really part
* of the API.
* @name CKEDITOR.commandDefinition
* @class Virtual class that illustrates the features of command objects to be
* passed to the {@link CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.addCommand} function.
* @example
* The function to be fired when the commend is executed.
* @name CKEDITOR.commandDefinition.prototype.exec
* @function
* @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor within which run the command.
* @param {Object} [data] Additional data to be used to execute the command.
* @returns {Boolean} Whether the command has been successfully executed.
* Defaults to "true", if nothing is returned.
* @example
* editorInstance.addCommand( 'sample',
* {
* exec : function( editor )
* {
* alert( 'Executing a command for the editor name "' + + '"!' );
* }
* });
* Whether the command need to be hooked into the redo/undo system.
* @name CKEDITOR.commandDefinition.prototype.canUndo
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
* @field
* @example
* editorInstance.addCommand( 'alertName',
* {
* exec : function( editor )
* {
* alert( );
* },
* canUndo : false // No support for undo/redo
* });
* Whether the command is asynchronous, which means that the
* {@link CKEDITOR.editor#event:afterCommandExec} event will be fired by the
* command itself manually, and that the return value of this command is not to
* be returned by the {@link CKEDITOR.command#exec} function.
* @name CKEDITOR.commandDefinition.prototype.async
* @default false
* @type {Boolean}
* @example
* editorInstance.addCommand( 'loadOptions',
* {
* exec : function( editor )
* {
* // Asynchronous operation below.
* CKEDITOR.ajax.loadXml( 'data.xml', function()
* {
* 'afterCommandExec' );
* ));
* },
* async : true // The command need some time to complete after exec function returns.
* });
* Whether the command should give focus to the editor before execution.
* @name CKEDITOR.commandDefinition.prototype.editorFocus
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
* @see CKEDITOR.command#editorFocus
* @example
* editorInstance.addCommand( 'maximize',
* {
* exec : function( editor )
* {
* // ...
* },
* editorFocus : false // The command doesn't require focusing the editing document.
* });
* Whether the command state should be set to {@link CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED} on startup.
* @name CKEDITOR.commandDefinition.prototype.startDisabled
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
* @example
* editorInstance.addCommand( 'unlink',
* {
* exec : function( editor )
* {
* // ...
* },
* startDisabled : true // Command is unavailable until selection is inside a link.
* });
* The editor modes within which the command can be executed. The execution
* will have no action if the current mode is not listed in this property.
* @name CKEDITOR.commandDefinition.prototype.modes
* @type Object
* @default { wysiwyg : 1 }
* @see CKEDITOR.command#modes
* @example
* editorInstance.addCommand( 'link',
* {
* exec : function( editor )
* {
* // ...
* },
* modes : { wysiwyg : 1 } // Command is available in wysiwyg mode only.
* });
This diff is collapsed.
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview Defines the "virtual" {@link CKEDITOR.dataProcessor} class, which
* defines the basic structure of data processor objects to be
* set to {@link CKEDITOR.editor.dataProcessor}.
* If defined, points to the data processor which is responsible to translate
* and transform the editor data on input and output.
* Generaly it will point to an instance of {@link CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor},
* which handles HTML data. The editor may also handle other data formats by
* using different data processors provided by specific plugins.
* @name CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.dataProcessor
* @type CKEDITOR.dataProcessor
* This class is here for documentation purposes only and is not really part of
* the API. It serves as the base ("interface") for data processors
* implementation.
* @name CKEDITOR.dataProcessor
* @class Represents a data processor, which is responsible to translate and
* transform the editor data on input and output.
* @example
* Transforms input data into HTML to be loaded in the editor.
* While the editor is able to handle non HTML data (like BBCode), at runtime
* it can handle HTML data only. The role of the data processor is transforming
* the input data into HTML through this function.
* @name CKEDITOR.dataProcessor.prototype.toHtml
* @function
* @param {String} data The input data to be transformed.
* @param {String} [fixForBody] The tag name to be used if the data must be
* fixed because it is supposed to be loaded direcly into the &lt;body&gt;
* tag. This is generally not used by non-HTML data processors.
* @example
* // Tranforming BBCode data, having a custom BBCode data processor.
* var data = 'This is [b]an example[/b].';
* var html = editor.dataProcessor.toHtml( data ); // '&lt;p&gt;This is &lt;b&gt;an example&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;'
* Transforms HTML into data to be outputted by the editor, in the format
* expected by the data processor.
* While the editor is able to handle non HTML data (like BBCode), at runtime
* it can handle HTML data only. The role of the data processor is transforming
* the HTML data containined by the editor into a specific data format through
* this function.
* @name CKEDITOR.dataProcessor.prototype.toDataFormat
* @function
* @param {String} html The HTML to be transformed.
* @param {String} fixForBody The tag name to be used if the output data is
* coming from &lt;body&gt; and may be eventually fixed for it. This is
* generally not used by non-HTML data processors.
* // Tranforming into BBCode data, having a custom BBCode data processor.
* var html = '&lt;p&gt;This is &lt;b&gt;an example&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;';
* var data = editor.dataProcessor.toDataFormat( html ); // 'This is [b]an example[/b].'
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom} object, which contains DOM
* manipulation objects and function.
* @namespace DOM manipulation objects, classes and functions.
* @see CKEDITOR.dom.element
* @see CKEDITOR.dom.node
* @example
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dtd} object, which holds the DTD
* mapping for XHTML 1.0 Transitional. This file was automatically
* generated from the file: xhtml1-transitional.dtd.
* @namespace Holds and object representation of the HTML DTD to be used by the
* editor in its internal operations.<br />
* <br />
* Each element in the DTD is represented by a property in this object. Each
* property contains the list of elements that can be contained by the element.
* Text is represented by the "#" property.<br />
* <br />
* Several special grouping properties are also available. Their names start
* with the "$" character.
* @example
* // Check if "div" can be contained in a "p" element.
* alert( !!CKEDITOR.dtd[ 'p' ][ 'div' ] ); "false"
* @example
* // Check if "p" can be contained in a "div" element.
* alert( !!CKEDITOR.dtd[ 'div' ][ 'p' ] ); "true"
* @example
* // Check if "p" is a block element.
* alert( !!CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ 'p' ] ); "true"
CKEDITOR.dtd = (function()
var X =,
A = {isindex:1,fieldset:1},
B = {input:1,button:1,select:1,textarea:1,label:1},
C = X({a:1},B),
D = X({iframe:1},C),
E = {hr:1,ul:1,menu:1,div:1,section:1,header:1,footer:1,nav:1,article:1,aside:1,figure:1,dialog:1,hgroup:1,mark:1,time:1,meter:1,command:1,keygen:1,output:1,progress:1,audio:1,video:1,details:1,datagrid:1,datalist:1,blockquote:1,noscript:1,table:1,center:1,address:1,dir:1,pre:1,h5:1,dl:1,h4:1,noframes:1,h6:1,ol:1,h1:1,h3:1,h2:1},
F = {ins:1,del:1,script:1,style:1},
G = X({b:1,acronym:1,bdo:1,'var':1,'#':1,abbr:1,code:1,br:1,i:1,cite:1,kbd:1,u:1,strike:1,s:1,tt:1,strong:1,q:1,samp:1,em:1,dfn:1,span:1,wbr:1},F),
H = X({sub:1,img:1,object:1,sup:1,basefont:1,map:1,applet:1,font:1,big:1,small:1,mark:1},G),
I = X({p:1},H),
J = X({iframe:1},H,B),
K = {img:1,noscript:1,br:1,kbd:1,center:1,button:1,basefont:1,h5:1,h4:1,samp:1,h6:1,ol:1,h1:1,h3:1,h2:1,form:1,font:1,'#':1,select:1,menu:1,ins:1,abbr:1,label:1,code:1,table:1,script:1,cite:1,input:1,iframe:1,strong:1,textarea:1,noframes:1,big:1,small:1,span:1,hr:1,sub:1,bdo:1,'var':1,div:1,section:1,header:1,footer:1,nav:1,article:1,aside:1,figure:1,dialog:1,hgroup:1,mark:1,time:1,meter:1,menu:1,command:1,keygen:1,output:1,progress:1,audio:1,video:1,details:1,datagrid:1,datalist:1,object:1,sup:1,strike:1,dir:1,map:1,dl:1,applet:1,del:1,isindex:1,fieldset:1,ul:1,b:1,acronym:1,a:1,blockquote:1,i:1,u:1,s:1,tt:1,address:1,q:1,pre:1,p:1,em:1,dfn:1},
L = X({a:1},J),
M = {tr:1},
N = {'#':1},
O = X({param:1},K),
P = X({form:1},A,D,E,I),
Q = {li:1},
R = {style:1,script:1},
S = {base:1,link:1,meta:1,title:1},
T = X(S,R),
U = {head:1,body:1},
V = {html:1};
var block = {address:1,blockquote:1,center:1,dir:1,div:1,section:1,header:1,footer:1,nav:1,article:1,aside:1,figure:1,dialog:1,hgroup:1,time:1,meter:1,menu:1,command:1,keygen:1,output:1,progress:1,audio:1,video:1,details:1,datagrid:1,datalist:1,dl:1,fieldset:1,form:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1,hr:1,isindex:1,noframes:1,ol:1,p:1,pre:1,table:1,ul:1};
return /** @lends CKEDITOR.dtd */ {
// The "$" items have been added manually.
// List of elements living outside body.
$nonBodyContent: X(V,U,S),
* List of block elements, like "p" or "div".
* @type Object
* @example
$block : block,
* List of block limit elements.
* @type Object
* @example
$blockLimit : { body:1,div:1,section:1,header:1,footer:1,nav:1,article:1,aside:1,figure:1,dialog:1,hgroup:1,time:1,meter:1,menu:1,command:1,keygen:1,output:1,progress:1,audio:1,video:1,details:1,datagrid:1,datalist:1,td:1,th:1,caption:1,form:1 },
* List of inline (&lt;span&gt; like) elements.
$inline : L, // Just like span.
* list of elements that can be children at &lt;body&gt;.
$body : X({script:1,style:1}, block),
$cdata : {script:1,style:1},
* List of empty (self-closing) elements, like "br" or "img".
* @type Object
* @example
$empty : {area:1,base:1,br:1,col:1,hr:1,img:1,input:1,link:1,meta:1,param:1,wbr:1},
* List of list item elements, like "li" or "dd".
* @type Object
* @example
$listItem : {dd:1,dt:1,li:1},
* List of list root elements.
* @type Object
* @example
$list: {ul:1,ol:1,dl:1},
* Elements that accept text nodes, but are not possible to edit into
* the browser.
* @type Object
* @example
$nonEditable : {applet:1,button:1,embed:1,iframe:1,map:1,object:1,option:1,script:1,textarea:1,param:1,audio:1,video:1},
* List of block tags with each one a singleton element lives in the corresponding structure for description.
$captionBlock : { caption:1, legend:1 },
* List of elements that can be ignored if empty, like "b" or "span".
* @type Object
* @example
$removeEmpty : {abbr:1,acronym:1,address:1,b:1,bdo:1,big:1,cite:1,code:1,del:1,dfn:1,em:1,font:1,i:1,ins:1,label:1,kbd:1,q:1,s:1,samp:1,small:1,span:1,strike:1,strong:1,sub:1,sup:1,tt:1,u:1,'var':1,mark:1},
* List of elements that have tabindex set to zero by default.
* @type Object
* @example
$tabIndex : {a:1,area:1,button:1,input:1,object:1,select:1,textarea:1},
* List of elements used inside the "table" element, like "tbody" or "td".
* @type Object
* @example
$tableContent : {caption:1,col:1,colgroup:1,tbody:1,td:1,tfoot:1,th:1,thead:1,tr:1},
html: U,
head: T,
style: N,
script: N,
body: P,
base: {},
link: {},
meta: {},
title: N,
col : {},
tr : {td:1,th:1},
img : {},
colgroup : {col:1},
noscript : P,
td : P,
br : {},
wbr : {},
th : P,
center : P,
kbd : L,
button : X(I,E),
basefont : {},
h5 : L,
h4 : L,
samp : L,
h6 : L,
ol : Q,
h1 : L,
h3 : L,
option : N,
h2 : L,
form : X(A,D,E,I),
select : {optgroup:1,option:1},
font : L,
ins : L,
menu : Q,
abbr : L,
label : L,
table : {thead:1,col:1,tbody:1,tr:1,colgroup:1,caption:1,tfoot:1},
code : L,
tfoot : M,
cite : L,
li : P,
input : {},
iframe : P,
strong : L,
textarea : N,
noframes : P,
big : L,
small : L,
span : L,
hr : {},
dt : L,
sub : L,
optgroup : {option:1},
param : {},
bdo : L,
'var' : L,
div : P,
object : O,
sup : L,
dd : P,
strike : L,
area : {},
dir : Q,
map : X({area:1,form:1,p:1},A,F,E),
applet : O,
dl : {dt:1,dd:1},
del : L,
isindex : {},
fieldset : X({legend:1},K),
thead : M,
ul : Q,
acronym : L,
b : L,
a : J,
blockquote : P,
caption : L,
i : L,
u : L,
tbody : M,
s : L,
address : X(D,I),
tt : L,
legend : L,
q : L,
pre : X(G,C),
p : L,
em : L,
dfn : L,
section : P,
header : P,
footer : P,
nav : P,
article : P,
aside : P,
figure: P,
dialog : P,
hgroup : P,
mark : L,
time : L,
meter : L,
menu : L,
command : L,
keygen : L,
output : L,
progress : O,
audio : O,
video : O,
details : O,
datagrid : O,
datalist : O
This diff is collapsed.
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
if ( !CKEDITOR.editor )
* No element is linked to the editor instance.
* @constant
* @example
* The element is to be replaced by the editor instance.
* @constant
* @example
* The editor is to be created inside the element.
* @constant
* @example
* Creates an editor class instance. This constructor should be rarely
* used, in favor of the {@link CKEDITOR} editor creation functions.
* @ class Represents an editor instance.
* @param {Object} instanceConfig Configuration values for this specific
* instance.
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} [element] The element linked to this
* instance.
* @param {Number} [mode] The mode in which the element is linked to this
* instance. See {@link #elementMode}.
* @param {String} [data] Since 3.3. Initial value for the instance.
* @augments CKEDITOR.event
* @example
CKEDITOR.editor = function( instanceConfig, element, mode, data )
this._ =
// Save the config to be processed later by the full core code.
instanceConfig : instanceConfig,
element : element,
data : data
* The mode in which the {@link #element} is linked to this editor
* instance. It can be any of the following values:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_NONE}: No element is linked to the
* editor instance.</li>
* <li>{@link CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE}: The element is to be
* replaced by the editor instance.</li>
* <li>{@link CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO}: The editor is to be
* created inside the element.</li>
* </ul>
* @name CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.elementMode
* @type Number
* @example
* var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1' );
* alert( <b>editor.elementMode</b> ); "1"
this.elementMode = mode || CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_NONE;
// Call the CKEDITOR.event constructor to initialize this instance. this );
* Replaces a &lt;textarea&gt; or a DOM element (DIV) with a CKEditor
* instance. For textareas, the initial value in the editor will be the
* textarea value. For DOM elements, their innerHTML will be used
* instead. We recommend using TEXTAREA and DIV elements only. Do not use
* this function directly. Use {@link CKEDITOR.replace} instead.
* @param {Object|String} elementOrIdOrName The DOM element (textarea), its
* ID or name.
* @param {Object} [config] The specific configurations to apply to this
* editor instance. Configurations set here will override global CKEditor
* settings.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} The editor instance created.
* @example
CKEDITOR.editor.replace = function( elementOrIdOrName, config )
var element = elementOrIdOrName;
if ( typeof element != 'object' )
// Look for the element by id. We accept any kind of element here.
element = document.getElementById( elementOrIdOrName );
// Elements that should go into head are unacceptable (#6791).
if ( element && element.tagName.toLowerCase() in {style:1,script:1,base:1,link:1,meta:1,title:1} )
element = null;
// If not found, look for elements by name. In this case we accept only
// textareas.
if ( !element )
var i = 0,
textareasByName = document.getElementsByName( elementOrIdOrName );
while ( ( element = textareasByName[ i++ ] ) && element.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'textarea' )
{ /*jsl:pass*/ }
if ( !element )
throw '[CKEDITOR.editor.replace] The element with id or name "' + elementOrIdOrName + '" was not found.';
// Do not replace the textarea right now, just hide it. The effective
// replacement will be done by the _init function. = 'hidden';
// Create the editor instance.
return new CKEDITOR.editor( config, element, CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE );
* Creates a new editor instance inside a specific DOM element. Do not use
* this function directly. Use {@link CKEDITOR.appendTo} instead.
* @param {Object|String} elementOrId The DOM element or its ID.
* @param {Object} [config] The specific configurations to apply to this
* editor instance. Configurations set here will override global CKEditor
* settings.
* @param {String} [data] Since 3.3. Initial value for the instance.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.editor} The editor instance created.
* @example
CKEDITOR.editor.appendTo = function( elementOrId, config, data )
var element = elementOrId;
if ( typeof element != 'object' )
element = document.getElementById( elementOrId );
if ( !element )
throw '[CKEDITOR.editor.appendTo] The element with id "' + elementOrId + '" was not found.';
// Create the editor instance.
return new CKEDITOR.editor( config, element, CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO, data );
CKEDITOR.editor.prototype =
* Initializes the editor instance. This function will be overriden by the
* full CKEDITOR.editor implementation (editor.js).
* @private
_init : function()
var pending = CKEDITOR.editor._pending || ( CKEDITOR.editor._pending = [] );
pending.push( this );
// Both fire and fireOnce will always pass this editor instance as the
// "editor" param in So, we override it to do that
// automaticaly.
/** @ignore */
fire : function( eventName, data )
return this, eventName, data, this );
/** @ignore */
fireOnce : function( eventName, data )
return this, eventName, data, this );
// "Inherit" (copy actually) from CKEDITOR.event.
CKEDITOR.event.implementOn( CKEDITOR.editor.prototype, true );
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.env} object, which constains
* environment and browser information.
if ( !CKEDITOR.env )
* @namespace Environment and browser information.
CKEDITOR.env = (function()
var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var opera = window.opera;
var env =
/** @lends CKEDITOR.env */
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on Internet Explorer.
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( )
* alert( "I'm on IE!" );
ie : /*@cc_on!@*/false,
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on Opera.
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera )
* alert( "I'm on Opera!" );
opera : ( !!opera && opera.version ),
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on a WebKit based browser, like
* Safari.
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit )
* alert( "I'm on WebKit!" );
webkit : ( agent.indexOf( ' applewebkit/' ) > -1 ),
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on Adobe AIR.
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( CKEDITOR.env.air )
* alert( "I'm on AIR!" );
air : ( agent.indexOf( ' adobeair/' ) > -1 ),
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on Macintosh.
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( CKEDITOR.env.mac )
* alert( "I love apples!" );
mac : ( agent.indexOf( 'macintosh' ) > -1 ),
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on a quirks mode environemnt.
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( CKEDITOR.env.quirks )
* alert( "Nooooo!" );
quirks : ( document.compatMode == 'BackCompat' ),
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on a mobile like environemnt.
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( )
* alert( "I'm running with CKEditor today!" );
mobile : ( agent.indexOf( 'mobile' ) > -1 ),
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on Apple iPhone/iPad/iPod devices.
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( CKEDITOR.env.iOS )
* alert( "I like little apples!" );
iOS : /(ipad|iphone|ipod)/.test(agent),
* Indicates that the browser has a custom domain enabled. This has
* been set with "document.domain".
* @returns {Boolean} "true" if a custom domain is enabled.
* @example
* if ( CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain() )
* alert( "I'm in a custom domain!" );
isCustomDomain : function()
if ( ! )
return false;
var domain = document.domain,
hostname = window.location.hostname;
return domain != hostname &&
domain != ( '[' + hostname + ']' ); // IPv6 IP support (#5434)
* Indicates that page is running under an encrypted connection.
* @returns {Boolean} "true" if the page has an encrypted connection.
* @example
* if ( )
* alert( "I'm in SSL!" );
secure : location.protocol == 'https:'
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on a Gecko based browser, like
* Firefox.
* @name CKEDITOR.env.gecko
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
* alert( "I'm riding a gecko!" );
env.gecko = ( navigator.product == 'Gecko' && !env.webkit && !env.opera );
var version = 0;
// Internet Explorer 6.0+
if ( )
version = parseFloat( agent.match( /msie (\d+)/ )[1] );
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on Internet Explorer 8.
* @name CKEDITOR.env.ie8
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie8 )
* alert( "I'm on IE8!" );
env.ie8 = !!document.documentMode;
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on Internet Explorer 8 on
* standards mode.
* @name CKEDITOR.env.ie8Compat
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie8Compat )
* alert( "Now I'm on IE8, for real!" );
env.ie8Compat = document.documentMode == 8;
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on Internet Explorer 9's standards mode.
* @name CKEDITOR.env.ie9Compat
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie9Compat )
* alert( "IE9, the beauty of the web!" );
env.ie9Compat = document.documentMode == 9;
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on an IE7-like environment, which
* includes IE7 itself and IE8's IE7 document mode.
* @name CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie8Compat )
* alert( "I'm on IE7 or on an IE7 like IE8!" );
env.ie7Compat = ( ( version == 7 && !document.documentMode )
|| document.documentMode == 7 );
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on an IE6-like environment, which
* includes IE6 itself and IE7 and IE8 quirks mode.
* @name CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat )
* alert( "I'm on IE6 or quirks mode!" );
env.ie6Compat = ( version < 7 || env.quirks );
// Gecko.
if ( env.gecko )
var geckoRelease = agent.match( /rv:([\d\.]+)/ );
if ( geckoRelease )
geckoRelease = geckoRelease[1].split( '.' );
version = geckoRelease[0] * 10000 + ( geckoRelease[1] || 0 ) * 100 + ( geckoRelease[2] || 0 ) * 1;
// Opera 9.50+
if ( env.opera )
version = parseFloat( opera.version() );
// Adobe AIR 1.0+
// Checked before Safari because AIR have the WebKit rich text editor
// features from Safari 3.0.4, but the version reported is 420.
if ( env.air )
version = parseFloat( agent.match( / adobeair\/(\d+)/ )[1] );
// WebKit 522+ (Safari 3+)
if ( env.webkit )
version = parseFloat( agent.match( / applewebkit\/(\d+)/ )[1] );
* Contains the browser version.<br />
* <br />
* For gecko based browsers (like Firefox) it contains the revision
* number with first three parts concatenated with a padding zero
* (e.g. for revision we have 10900).<br />
* <br />
* For webkit based browser (like Safari and Chrome) it contains the
* WebKit build version (e.g. 522).
* @name CKEDITOR.env.version
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( && <b>CKEDITOR.env.version</b> <= 6 )
* alert( "Ouch!" );
env.version = version;
* Indicates that CKEditor is running on a compatible browser.
* @name CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible
* @type Boolean
* @example
* if ( CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible )
* alert( "Your browser is pretty cool!" );
env.isCompatible =
// White list of mobile devices that supports.
env.iOS && version >= 534 ||
! && (
( && version >= 6 ) ||
( env.gecko && version >= 10801 ) ||
( env.opera && version >= 9.5 ) ||
( env.air && version >= 1 ) ||
( env.webkit && version >= 522 ) ||
false );
* The CSS class to be appended on the main UI containers, making it
* easy to apply browser specific styles to it.
* @name CKEDITOR.env.cssClass
* @type String
* @example
* myDiv.className = CKEDITOR.env.cssClass;
env.cssClass =
'cke_browser_' + ( ? 'ie' :
env.gecko ? 'gecko' :
env.opera ? 'opera' :
env.webkit ? 'webkit' :
'unknown' );
if ( env.quirks )
env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_quirks';
if ( )
env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_ie' + (
env.version < 7 ? '6' :
env.version >= 8 ? document.documentMode:
'7' );
if ( env.quirks )
env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_iequirks';
if ( env.gecko && version < 10900 )
env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_gecko18';
if ( env.air )
env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_air';
return env;
This diff is collapsed.
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview Defines the "virtual" {@link CKEDITOR.eventInfo} class, which
* contains the defintions of the event object passed to event listeners.
* This file is for documentation purposes only.
* (Virtual Class) Do not call this constructor. This class is not really part
* of the API.
* @class Virtual class that illustrates the features of the event object to be
* passed to event listeners by a {@link CKEDITOR.event} based object.
* @name CKEDITOR.eventInfo
* @example
* // Do not do this.
* var myEvent = new CKEDITOR.eventInfo(); // Error: CKEDITOR.eventInfo is undefined
* The event name.
* @name
* @field
* @type String
* @example
* someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
* {
* alert( <b></b> ); // "someEvent"
* });
* 'someEvent' );
* The object that publishes (sends) the event.
* @name CKEDITOR.eventInfo.prototype.sender
* @field
* @type Object
* @example
* someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
* {
* alert( <b>event.sender</b> == someObject ); // "true"
* });
* 'someEvent' );
* The editor instance that holds the sender. May be the same as sender. May be
* null if the sender is not part of an editor instance, like a component
* running in standalone mode.
* @name CKEDITOR.eventInfo.prototype.editor
* @field
* @type CKEDITOR.editor
* @example
* myButton.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
* {
* alert( <b>event.editor</b> == myEditor ); // "true"
* });
* 'someEvent', null, <b>myEditor</b> );
* Any kind of additional data. Its format and usage is event dependent.
* @name
* @field
* @type Object
* @example
* someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
* {
* alert( <b></b> ); // "Example"
* });
* 'someEvent', <b>'Example'</b> );
* Any extra data appended during the listener registration.
* @name CKEDITOR.eventInfo.prototype.listenerData
* @field
* @type Object
* @example
* someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
* {
* alert( <b>event.listenerData</b> ); // "Example"
* }
* , null, <b>'Example'</b> );
* Indicates that no further listeners are to be called.
* @name CKEDITOR.eventInfo.prototype.stop
* @function
* @example
* someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
* {
* <b>event.stop()</b>;
* });
* someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
* {
* // This one will not be called.
* });
* alert( 'someEvent' ) ); // "false"
* Indicates that the event is to be cancelled (if cancelable).
* @name CKEDITOR.eventInfo.prototype.cancel
* @function
* @example
* someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
* {
* <b>event.cancel()</b>;
* });
* someObject.on( 'someEvent', function( event )
* {
* // This one will not be called.
* });
* alert( 'someEvent' ) ); // "true"
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.focusManager} class, which is used
* to handle the focus on editor instances..
* Creates a focusManager class instance.
* @class Manages the focus activity in an editor instance. This class is to be
* used mainly by UI elements coders when adding interface elements that need
* to set the focus state of the editor.
* @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.
* @example
* var focusManager = <b>new CKEDITOR.focusManager( editor )</b>;
* focusManager.focus();
CKEDITOR.focusManager = function( editor )
if ( editor.focusManager )
return editor.focusManager;
* Indicates that the editor instance has focus.
* @type Boolean
* @example
* alert( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.focusManager.hasFocus ); // e.g "true"
this.hasFocus = false;
* Object used to hold private stuff.
* @private
this._ =
editor : editor
return this;
CKEDITOR.focusManager.prototype =
* Used to indicate that the editor instance has the focus.<br />
* <br />
* Note that this function will not explicitelly set the focus in the
* editor (for example, making the caret blinking on it). Use
* {@link CKEDITOR.editor#focus} for it instead.
* @example
* var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
* <b>editor.focusManager.focus()</b>;
focus : function()
if ( this._.timer )
clearTimeout( this._.timer );
if ( !this.hasFocus )
// If another editor has the current focus, we first "blur" it. In
// this way the events happen in a more logical sequence, like:
// "focus 1" > "blur 1" > "focus 2"
// ... instead of:
// "focus 1" > "focus 2" > "blur 1"
if ( CKEDITOR.currentInstance )
var editor = this._.editor;
editor.container.getChild( 1 ).addClass( 'cke_focus' );
this.hasFocus = true; 'focus' );
* Used to indicate that the editor instance has lost the focus.<br />
* <br />
* Note that this functions acts asynchronously with a delay of 100ms to
* avoid subsequent blur/focus effects. If you want the "blur" to happen
* immediately, use the {@link #forceBlur} function instead.
* @example
* var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
* <b>editor.focusManager.blur()</b>;
blur : function()
var focusManager = this;
if ( focusManager._.timer )
clearTimeout( focusManager._.timer );
focusManager._.timer = setTimeout(
delete focusManager._.timer;
, 100 );
* Used to indicate that the editor instance has lost the focus. Unlike
* {@link #blur}, this function is synchronous, marking the instance as
* "blured" immediately.
* @example
* var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
* <b>editor.focusManager.forceBlur()</b>;
forceBlur : function()
if ( this.hasFocus )
var editor = this._.editor;
editor.container.getChild( 1 ).removeClass( 'cke_focus' );
this.hasFocus = false; 'blur' );
* Fired when the editor instance receives the input focus.
* @name CKEDITOR.editor#focus
* @event
* @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.
* @example
* editor.on( 'focus', function( e )
* {
* alert( 'The editor named ' + + ' is now focused' );
* });
* Fired when the editor instance loses the input focus.
* @name CKEDITOR.editor#blur
* @event
* @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance.
* @example
* editor.on( 'blur', function( e )
* {
* alert( 'The editor named ' + + ' lost the focus' );
* });
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* Creates a {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser} class instance.
* @class Provides an "event like" system to parse strings of HTML data.
* @example
* var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
* parser.onTagOpen = function( tagName, attributes, selfClosing )
* {
* alert( tagName );
* };
* parser.parse( '&lt;p&gt;Some &lt;b&gt;text&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;' );
CKEDITOR.htmlParser = function()
this._ =
htmlPartsRegex : new RegExp( '<(?:(?:\\/([^>]+)>)|(?:!--([\\S|\\s]*?)-->)|(?:([^\\s>]+)\\s*((?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:\'[^\']*\')|[^"\'>])*)\\/?>))', 'g' )
var attribsRegex = /([\w\-:.]+)(?:(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"([^"]*)")|(?:'([^']*)')|([^\s>]+)))|(?=\s|$))/g,
emptyAttribs = {checked:1,compact:1,declare:1,defer:1,disabled:1,ismap:1,multiple:1,nohref:1,noresize:1,noshade:1,nowrap:1,readonly:1,selected:1};
CKEDITOR.htmlParser.prototype =
* Function to be fired when a tag opener is found. This function
* should be overriden when using this class.
* @param {String} tagName The tag name. The name is guarantted to be
* lowercased.
* @param {Object} attributes An object containing all tag attributes. Each
* property in this object represent and attribute name and its
* value is the attribute value.
* @param {Boolean} selfClosing true if the tag closes itself, false if the
* tag doesn't.
* @example
* var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
* parser.onTagOpen = function( tagName, attributes, selfClosing )
* {
* alert( tagName ); // e.g. "b"
* });
* parser.parse( "&lt;!-- Example --&gt;&lt;b&gt;Hello&lt;/b&gt;" );
onTagOpen : function() {},
* Function to be fired when a tag closer is found. This function
* should be overriden when using this class.
* @param {String} tagName The tag name. The name is guarantted to be
* lowercased.
* @example
* var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
* parser.onTagClose = function( tagName )
* {
* alert( tagName ); // e.g. "b"
* });
* parser.parse( "&lt;!-- Example --&gt;&lt;b&gt;Hello&lt;/b&gt;" );
onTagClose : function() {},
* Function to be fired when text is found. This function
* should be overriden when using this class.
* @param {String} text The text found.
* @example
* var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
* parser.onText = function( text )
* {
* alert( text ); // e.g. "Hello"
* });
* parser.parse( "&lt;!-- Example --&gt;&lt;b&gt;Hello&lt;/b&gt;" );
onText : function() {},
* Function to be fired when CDATA section is found. This function
* should be overriden when using this class.
* @param {String} cdata The CDATA been found.
* @example
* var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
* parser.onCDATA = function( cdata )
* {
* alert( cdata ); // e.g. "var hello;"
* });
* parser.parse( "&lt;script&gt;var hello;&lt;/script&gt;" );
onCDATA : function() {},
* Function to be fired when a commend is found. This function
* should be overriden when using this class.
* @param {String} comment The comment text.
* @example
* var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
* parser.onComment = function( comment )
* {
* alert( comment ); // e.g. " Example "
* });
* parser.parse( "&lt;!-- Example --&gt;&lt;b&gt;Hello&lt;/b&gt;" );
onComment : function() {},
* Parses text, looking for HTML tokens, like tag openers or closers,
* or comments. This function fires the onTagOpen, onTagClose, onText
* and onComment function during its execution.
* @param {String} html The HTML to be parsed.
* @example
* var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();
* // The onTagOpen, onTagClose, onText and onComment should be overriden
* // at this point.
* parser.parse( "&lt;!-- Example --&gt;&lt;b&gt;Hello&lt;/b&gt;" );
parse : function( html )
var parts,
nextIndex = 0,
cdata; // The collected data inside a CDATA section.
while ( ( parts = this._.htmlPartsRegex.exec( html ) ) )
var tagIndex = parts.index;
if ( tagIndex > nextIndex )
var text = html.substring( nextIndex, tagIndex );
if ( cdata )
cdata.push( text );
this.onText( text );
nextIndex = this._.htmlPartsRegex.lastIndex;
"parts" is an array with the following items:
0 : The entire match for opening/closing tags and comments.
1 : Group filled with the tag name for closing tags.
2 : Group filled with the comment text.
3 : Group filled with the tag name for opening tags.
4 : Group filled with the attributes part of opening tags.
// Closing tag
if ( ( tagName = parts[ 1 ] ) )
tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
if ( cdata && CKEDITOR.dtd.$cdata[ tagName ] )
// Send the CDATA data.
this.onCDATA( cdata.join('') );
cdata = null;
if ( !cdata )
this.onTagClose( tagName );
// If CDATA is enabled, just save the raw match.
if ( cdata )
cdata.push( parts[ 0 ] );
// Opening tag
if ( ( tagName = parts[ 3 ] ) )
tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
// There are some tag names that can break things, so let's
// simply ignore them when parsing. (#5224)
if ( /="/.test( tagName ) )
var attribs = {},
attribsPart = parts[ 4 ],
selfClosing = !!( attribsPart && attribsPart.charAt( attribsPart.length - 1 ) == '/' );
if ( attribsPart )
while ( ( attribMatch = attribsRegex.exec( attribsPart ) ) )
var attName = attribMatch[1].toLowerCase(),
attValue = attribMatch[2] || attribMatch[3] || attribMatch[4] || '';
if ( !attValue && emptyAttribs[ attName ] )
attribs[ attName ] = attName;
attribs[ attName ] = attValue;
this.onTagOpen( tagName, attribs, selfClosing );
// Open CDATA mode when finding the appropriate tags.
if ( !cdata && CKEDITOR.dtd.$cdata[ tagName ] )
cdata = [];
// Comment
if ( ( tagName = parts[ 2 ] ) )
this.onComment( tagName );
if ( html.length > nextIndex )
this.onText( html.substring( nextIndex, html.length ) );
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
var loadedLangs = {};
* @namespace Holds language related functions.
* The list of languages available in the editor core.
* @type Object
* @example
* alert( CKEDITOR.lang.en ); // "true"
languages :
'af' : 1,
'ar' : 1,
'bg' : 1,
'bn' : 1,
'bs' : 1,
'ca' : 1,
'cs' : 1,
'cy' : 1,
'da' : 1,
'de' : 1,
'el' : 1,
'en-au' : 1,
'en-ca' : 1,
'en-gb' : 1,
'en' : 1,
'eo' : 1,
'es' : 1,
'et' : 1,
'eu' : 1,
'fa' : 1,
'fi' : 1,
'fo' : 1,
'fr-ca' : 1,
'fr' : 1,
'gl' : 1,
'gu' : 1,
'he' : 1,
'hi' : 1,
'hr' : 1,
'hu' : 1,
'is' : 1,
'it' : 1,
'ja' : 1,
'ka' : 1,
'km' : 1,
'ko' : 1,
'lt' : 1,
'lv' : 1,
'mn' : 1,
'ms' : 1,
'nb' : 1,
'nl' : 1,
'no' : 1,
'pl' : 1,
'pt-br' : 1,
'pt' : 1,
'ro' : 1,
'ru' : 1,
'sk' : 1,
'sl' : 1,
'sr-latn' : 1,
'sr' : 1,
'sv' : 1,
'th' : 1,
'tr' : 1,
'uk' : 1,
'vi' : 1,
'zh-cn' : 1,
'zh' : 1
* Loads a specific language file, or auto detect it. A callback is
* then called when the file gets loaded.
* @param {String} languageCode The code of the language file to be
* loaded. If null or empty, autodetection will be performed. The
* same happens if the language is not supported.
* @param {String} defaultLanguage The language to be used if
* languageCode is not supported or if the autodetection fails.
* @param {Function} callback A function to be called once the
* language file is loaded. Two parameters are passed to this
* function: the language code and the loaded language entries.
* @example
load : function( languageCode, defaultLanguage, callback )
// If no languageCode - fallback to browser or default.
// If languageCode - fallback to no-localized version or default.
if ( !languageCode || !CKEDITOR.lang.languages[ languageCode ] )
languageCode = this.detect( defaultLanguage, languageCode );
if ( !this[ languageCode ] )
CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( CKEDITOR.getUrl(
'_source/' + // @Packager.RemoveLine
'lang/' + languageCode + '.js' ),
callback( languageCode, this[ languageCode ] );
, this );
callback( languageCode, this[ languageCode ] );
* Returns the language that best fit the user language. For example,
* suppose that the user language is "pt-br". If this language is
* supported by the editor, it is returned. Otherwise, if only "pt" is
* supported, it is returned instead. If none of the previous are
* supported, a default language is then returned.
* @param {String} defaultLanguage The default language to be returned
* if the user language is not supported.
* @param {String} [probeLanguage] A language code to try to use,
* instead of the browser based autodetection.
* @returns {String} The detected language code.
* @example
* alert( CKEDITOR.lang.detect( 'en' ) ); // e.g., in a German browser: "de"
detect : function( defaultLanguage, probeLanguage )
var languages = this.languages;
probeLanguage = probeLanguage || navigator.userLanguage || navigator.language || defaultLanguage;
var parts = probeLanguage
.match( /([a-z]+)(?:-([a-z]+))?/ ),
lang = parts[1],
locale = parts[2];
if ( languages[ lang + '-' + locale ] )
lang = lang + '-' + locale;
else if ( !languages[ lang ] )
lang = null;
CKEDITOR.lang.detect = lang ?
function() { return lang; } :
function( defaultLanguage ) { return defaultLanguage; };
return lang || defaultLanguage;
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.loader} objects, which is used to
* load core scripts and their dependencies from _source.
if ( typeof CKEDITOR == 'undefined' )
if ( !CKEDITOR.loader )
* Load core scripts and their dependencies from _source.
* @namespace
* @example
CKEDITOR.loader = (function()
// Table of script names and their dependencies.
var scripts =
'core/_bootstrap' : [ 'core/config', 'core/ckeditor', 'core/plugins', 'core/scriptloader', 'core/tools', /* The following are entries that we want to force loading at the end to avoid dependence recursion */ 'core/dom/comment', 'core/dom/elementpath', 'core/dom/text', 'core/dom/rangelist' ],
'core/ckeditor' : [ 'core/ckeditor_basic', 'core/dom', 'core/dtd', 'core/dom/document', 'core/dom/element', 'core/editor', 'core/event', 'core/htmlparser', 'core/htmlparser/element', 'core/htmlparser/fragment', 'core/htmlparser/filter', 'core/htmlparser/basicwriter', 'core/tools' ],
'core/ckeditor_base' : [],
'core/ckeditor_basic' : [ 'core/editor_basic', 'core/env', 'core/event' ],
'core/command' : [],
'core/config' : [ 'core/ckeditor_base' ],
'core/dom' : [],
'core/dom/comment' : [ 'core/dom/node' ],
'core/dom/document' : [ 'core/dom', 'core/dom/domobject', 'core/dom/window' ],
'core/dom/documentfragment' : [ 'core/dom/element' ],
'core/dom/element' : [ 'core/dom', 'core/dom/document', 'core/dom/domobject', 'core/dom/node', 'core/dom/nodelist', 'core/tools' ],
'core/dom/elementpath' : [ 'core/dom/element' ],
'core/dom/event' : [],
'core/dom/node' : [ 'core/dom/domobject', 'core/tools' ],
'core/dom/nodelist' : [ 'core/dom/node' ],
'core/dom/domobject' : [ 'core/dom/event' ],
'core/dom/range' : [ 'core/dom/document', 'core/dom/documentfragment', 'core/dom/element', 'core/dom/walker' ],
'core/dom/rangelist' : [ 'core/dom/range' ],
'core/dom/text' : [ 'core/dom/node', 'core/dom/domobject' ],
'core/dom/walker' : [ 'core/dom/node' ],
'core/dom/window' : [ 'core/dom/domobject' ],
'core/dtd' : [ 'core/tools' ],
'core/editor' : [ 'core/command', 'core/config', 'core/editor_basic', 'core/focusmanager', 'core/lang', 'core/plugins', 'core/skins', 'core/themes', 'core/tools', 'core/ui' ],
'core/editor_basic' : [ 'core/event' ],
'core/env' : [],
'core/event' : [],
'core/focusmanager' : [],
'core/htmlparser' : [],
'core/htmlparser/comment' : [ 'core/htmlparser' ],
'core/htmlparser/element' : [ 'core/htmlparser', 'core/htmlparser/fragment' ],
'core/htmlparser/fragment' : [ 'core/htmlparser', 'core/htmlparser/comment', 'core/htmlparser/text', 'core/htmlparser/cdata' ],
'core/htmlparser/text' : [ 'core/htmlparser' ],
'core/htmlparser/cdata' : [ 'core/htmlparser' ],
'core/htmlparser/filter' : [ 'core/htmlparser' ],
'core/htmlparser/basicwriter': [ 'core/htmlparser' ],
'core/lang' : [],
'core/plugins' : [ 'core/resourcemanager' ],
'core/resourcemanager' : [ 'core/scriptloader', 'core/tools' ],
'core/scriptloader' : [ 'core/dom/element', 'core/env' ],
'core/skins' : [ 'core/scriptloader' ],
'core/themes' : [ 'core/resourcemanager' ],
'core/tools' : [ 'core/env' ],
'core/ui' : []
var basePath = (function()
// This is a copy of CKEDITOR.basePath, but requires the script having
// "_source/core/loader.js".
if ( CKEDITOR && CKEDITOR.basePath )
return CKEDITOR.basePath;
// Find out the editor directory path, based on its <script> tag.
var path = '';
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < scripts.length ; i++ )
var match = scripts[i].src.match( /(^|.*?[\\\/])(?:_source\/)?core\/loader.js(?:\?.*)?$/i );
if ( match )
path = match[1];
// In IE (only) the script.src string is the raw valued entered in the
// HTML. Other browsers return the full resolved URL instead.
if ( path.indexOf('://') == -1 )
// Absolute path.
if ( path.indexOf( '/' ) === 0 )
path = location.href.match( /^.*?:\/\/[^\/]*/ )[0] + path;
// Relative path.
path = location.href.match( /^[^\?]*\// )[0] + path;
return path;
var timestamp = 'B8DJ5M3';
var getUrl = function( resource )
if ( CKEDITOR && CKEDITOR.getUrl )
return CKEDITOR.getUrl( resource );
return basePath + resource +
( resource.indexOf( '?' ) >= 0 ? '&' : '?' ) +
't=' + timestamp;
var pendingLoad = [];
/** @lends CKEDITOR.loader */
return {
* The list of loaded scripts in their loading order.
* @type Array
* @example
* // Alert the loaded script names.
* alert( <b>CKEDITOR.loader.loadedScripts</b> );
loadedScripts : [],
loadPending : function()
var scriptName = pendingLoad.shift();
if ( !scriptName )
var scriptSrc = getUrl( '_source/' + scriptName + '.js' );
var script = document.createElement( 'script' );
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = scriptSrc;
function onScriptLoaded()
// Append this script to the list of loaded scripts.
CKEDITOR.loader.loadedScripts.push( scriptName );
// Load the next.
// We must guarantee the execution order of the scripts, so we
// need to load them one by one. (#4145)
// The following if/else block has been taken from the scriptloader core code.
if ( typeof(script.onreadystatechange) !== "undefined" )
/** @ignore */
script.onreadystatechange = function()
if ( script.readyState == 'loaded' || script.readyState == 'complete' )
script.onreadystatechange = null;
/** @ignore */
script.onload = function()
// Some browsers, such as Safari, may call the onLoad function
// immediately. Which will break the loading sequence. (#3661)
setTimeout( function() { onScriptLoaded( scriptName ); }, 0 );
document.body.appendChild( script );
* Loads a specific script, including its dependencies. This is not a
* synchronous loading, which means that the code to be loaded will
* not necessarily be available after this call.
* @example
* CKEDITOR.loader.load( 'core/dom/element' );
load : function( scriptName, defer )
// Check if the script has already been loaded.
if ( scriptName in this.loadedScripts )
// Get the script dependencies list.
var dependencies = scripts[ scriptName ];
if ( !dependencies )
throw 'The script name"' + scriptName + '" is not defined.';
// Mark the script as loaded, even before really loading it, to
// avoid cross references recursion.
this.loadedScripts[ scriptName ] = true;
// Load all dependencies first.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < dependencies.length ; i++ )
this.load( dependencies[ i ], true );
var scriptSrc = getUrl( '_source/' + scriptName + '.js' );
// Append the <script> element to the DOM.
// If the page is fully loaded, we can't use document.write
// but if the script is run while the body is loading then it's safe to use it
// Unfortunately, Firefox <3.6 doesn't support document.readyState, so it won't get this improvement
if ( document.body && (!document.readyState || document.readyState == 'complete') )
pendingLoad.push( scriptName );
if ( !defer )
// Append this script to the list of loaded scripts.
this.loadedScripts.push( scriptName );
document.write( '<script src="' + scriptSrc + '" type="text/javascript"><\/script>' );
// Check if any script has been defined for autoload.
if ( CKEDITOR._autoLoad )
CKEDITOR.loader.load( CKEDITOR._autoLoad );
delete CKEDITOR._autoLoad;
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview Defines the "virtual" {@link CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition} class, which
* contains the defintion of a plugin. This file is for documentation
* purposes only.
* (Virtual Class) Do not call this constructor. This class is not really part
* of the API. It just illustrates the features of plugin objects to be
* passed to the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins.add} function.
* @name CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition
* @constructor
* @example
* A list of plugins that are required by this plugin. Note that this property
* doesn't guarantee the loading order of the plugins.
* @name CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition.prototype.requires
* @type Array
* @example
* CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sample',
* {
* requires : [ 'button', 'selection' ]
* });
* A list of language files available for this plugin. These files are stored inside
* the "lang" directory, which is inside the plugin directory, follow the name
* pattern of "langCode.js", and contain a language definition created with {@link CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition#setLang}.
* While the plugin is being loaded, the editor checks this list to see if
* a language file of the current editor language ({@link CKEDITOR.editor#langCode})
* is available, and if so, loads it. Otherwise, the file represented by the first list item
* in the list is loaded.
* @name CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition.prototype.lang
* @type Array
* @example
* CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sample',
* {
* lang : [ 'en', 'fr' ]
* });
* Function called on initialization of every editor instance created in the
* page before the init() call task. The beforeInit function will be called for
* all plugins, after that the init function is called for all of them. This
* feature makes it possible to initialize things that could be used in the
* init function of other plugins.
* @name CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition.prototype.beforeInit
* @function
* @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance being initialized.
* @example
* CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sample',
* {
* beforeInit : function( editor )
* {
* alert( 'Editor "' + + '" is to be initialized!' );
* }
* });
* Function called on initialization of every editor instance created in the
* page.
* @name CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition.prototype.init
* @function
* @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance being initialized.
* @example
* CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'sample',
* {
* init : function( editor )
* {
* alert( 'Editor "' + + '" is being initialized!' );
* }
* });
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.plugins} object, which is used to
* manage plugins registration and loading.
* Manages plugins registration and loading.
* @namespace
* @augments CKEDITOR.resourceManager
* @example
CKEDITOR.plugins = new CKEDITOR.resourceManager(
'_source/' + // @Packager.RemoveLine
'plugins/', 'plugin' );
CKEDITOR.plugins.load = CKEDITOR.plugins.load, function( originalLoad )
return function( name, callback, scope )
var allPlugins = {};
var loadPlugins = function( names )
{ this, names, function( plugins )
{ allPlugins, plugins );
var requiredPlugins = [];
for ( var pluginName in plugins )
var plugin = plugins[ pluginName ],
requires = plugin && plugin.requires;
if ( requires )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < requires.length ; i++ )
if ( !allPlugins[ requires[ i ] ] )
requiredPlugins.push( requires[ i ] );
if ( requiredPlugins.length ) this, requiredPlugins );
// Call the "onLoad" function for all plugins.
for ( pluginName in allPlugins )
plugin = allPlugins[ pluginName ];
if ( plugin.onLoad && !plugin.onLoad._called )
plugin.onLoad._called = 1;
// Call the callback.
if ( callback ) scope || window, allPlugins );
, this);
}; this, name );
* Loads a specific language file, or auto detect it. A callback is
* then called when the file gets loaded.
* @param {String} pluginName The name of the plugin to which the provided translation
* should be attached.
* @param {String} languageCode The code of the language translation provided.
* @param {Object} languageEntries An object that contains pairs of label and
* the respective translation.
* @example
* CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'myPlugin', 'en', {
* title : 'My plugin',
* selectOption : 'Please select an option'
* } );
CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang = function( pluginName, languageCode, languageEntries )
var plugin = this.get( pluginName ),
pluginLangEntries = plugin.langEntries || ( plugin.langEntries = {} ),
pluginLang = plugin.lang || ( plugin.lang = [] );
if ( pluginLang, languageCode ) == -1 )
pluginLang.push( languageCode );
pluginLangEntries[ languageCode ] = languageEntries;
This diff is collapsed.
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.scriptLoader} object, used to load scripts
* asynchronously.
* Load scripts asynchronously.
* @namespace
* @example
CKEDITOR.scriptLoader = (function()
var uniqueScripts = {},
waitingList = {};
return /** @lends CKEDITOR.scriptLoader */ {
* Loads one or more external script checking if not already loaded
* previously by this function.
* @param {String|Array} scriptUrl One or more URLs pointing to the
* scripts to be loaded.
* @param {Function} [callback] A function to be called when the script
* is loaded and executed. If a string is passed to "scriptUrl", a
* boolean parameter is passed to the callback, indicating the
* success of the load. If an array is passed instead, two array
* parameters are passed to the callback; the first contains the
* URLs that have been properly loaded, and the second the failed
* ones.
* @param {Object} [scope] The scope ("this" reference) to be used for
* the callback call. Default to {@link CKEDITOR}.
* @param {Boolean} [showBusy] Changes the cursor of the document while
+ * the script is loaded.
* @example
* CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( '/myscript.js' );
* @example
* CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( '/myscript.js', function( success )
* {
* // Alerts "true" if the script has been properly loaded.
* // HTTP error 404 should return "false".
* alert( success );
* });
* @example
* CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( [ '/myscript1.js', '/myscript2.js' ], function( completed, failed )
* {
* alert( 'Number of scripts loaded: ' + completed.length );
* alert( 'Number of failures: ' + failed.length );
* });
load : function( scriptUrl, callback, scope, showBusy )
var isString = ( typeof scriptUrl == 'string' );
if ( isString )
scriptUrl = [ scriptUrl ];
if ( !scope )
scope = CKEDITOR;
var scriptCount = scriptUrl.length,
completed = [],
failed = [];
var doCallback = function( success )
if ( callback )
if ( isString ) scope, success );
else scope, completed, failed );
if ( scriptCount === 0 )
doCallback( true );
var checkLoaded = function( url, success )
( success ? completed : failed ).push( url );
if ( --scriptCount <= 0 )
showBusy && CKEDITOR.document.getDocumentElement().removeStyle( 'cursor' );
doCallback( success );
var onLoad = function( url, success )
// Mark this script as loaded.
uniqueScripts[ url ] = 1;
// Get the list of callback checks waiting for this file.
var waitingInfo = waitingList[ url ];
delete waitingList[ url ];
// Check all callbacks waiting for this file.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < waitingInfo.length ; i++ )
waitingInfo[ i ]( url, success );
var loadScript = function( url )
if ( uniqueScripts[ url ] )
checkLoaded( url, true );
var waitingInfo = waitingList[ url ] || ( waitingList[ url ] = [] );
waitingInfo.push( checkLoaded );
// Load it only for the first request.
if ( waitingInfo.length > 1 )
// Create the <script> element.
var script = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'script' );
script.setAttributes( {
type : 'text/javascript',
src : url } );
if ( callback )
if ( )
// FIXME: For IE, we are not able to return false on error (like 404).
/** @ignore */
script.$.onreadystatechange = function ()
if ( script.$.readyState == 'loaded' || script.$.readyState == 'complete' )
script.$.onreadystatechange = null;
onLoad( url, true );
/** @ignore */
script.$.onload = function()
// Some browsers, such as Safari, may call the onLoad function
// immediately. Which will break the loading sequence. (#3661)
setTimeout( function() { onLoad( url, true ); }, 0 );
// FIXME: Opera and Safari will not fire onerror.
/** @ignore */
script.$.onerror = function()
onLoad( url, false );
// Append it to <head>.
script.appendTo( CKEDITOR.document.getHead() ); 'download', url ); // @Packager.RemoveLine
showBusy && CKEDITOR.document.getDocumentElement().setStyle( 'cursor', 'wait' );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < scriptCount ; i++ )
loadScript( scriptUrl[ i ] );
This diff is collapsed.
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
* @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.themes} object, which is used to
* manage themes registration and loading.
* Manages themes registration and loading.
* @namespace
* @augments CKEDITOR.resourceManager
* @example
CKEDITOR.themes = new CKEDITOR.resourceManager(
'_source/'+ // @Packager.RemoveLine
'themes/', 'theme' );
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