Commit 38bd270c authored by cosine's avatar cosine

- Now adding a vacation replacement user to tasks

parent 6805997f
......@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ ad_proc -public wf_task_list {
set sql "
select [join $select ",\n "]
from [join $from ",\n "]
where [join $where "\n and "]"
select [join $select ",\n "]
from [join $from ",\n "]
where [join $where "\n and "]
db_foreach user_tasks $sql -column_array row {
lappend result [array get row]
} if_no_rows {
......@@ -150,10 +150,9 @@ ad_proc -public wf_task_info {
} {
Get detailed information about one task.
@param date_format Use this to customize the date-format
used. Must be a valid Oracle date format specification.
@return an <code>[array get]</code> representation with the following keys:
<code>task_id, case_id, object_id, object_name, object_type_pretty, workflow_key, task_name,
state, state_pretty, enabled_date, enabled_date_pretty, started_date, started_date_pretty,
......@@ -162,30 +161,19 @@ ad_proc -public wf_task_info {
holding_user_email, hold_timeout, hold_timeout_pretty, deadline, deadline_pretty, days_till_deadline
estimated_minutes, instructions, sysdate, journal, attributes_to_set, assigned_users,
this_user_is_assigned_p, roles_to_assign</code>.
The values for the keys <code>journal, attributes_to_set and assigned_users</code>
are themselves Tcl lists of <code>[array
get]</code> repesentations. For the journal entry, see <a
The key <code>attribute_to_set</code> contains these keys: <code>attribute_id, attribute_name,
pretty_name, datatype, value, wf_datatype</code>.
The key <code>assigned_users</code> contains these keys: <code>user_id, name, email</code>.
The key <code>transitions_to_assign</code> contains these keys: <code>transition_key, transition_name</code>
Sysdate is provided, so you can calculate the number of days
between now and any of the other dates provided.
......@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ if {[llength $approval_attributes] == 0} { set approval_task_p 0 }
# is assigned to the task.
if {!$task(this_user_is_assigned_p)} { set approval_task_p 0 }
# ad_return_complaint 1 "<pre>[join [array get task] "\n"]</pre>"
# Show reassign links (Assign yourself / reassign)?
set reassign_p [im_permission $user_id wf_reassign_tasks]
......@@ -115,7 +119,7 @@ set reassign_p [im_permission $user_id wf_reassign_tasks]
<th align="right">#acs-workflow.Comment#<br></th>
<td><textarea name="msg" cols=20 rows=4></textarea></td>
<td><textarea name="msg" cols=30 rows=5></textarea></td>
......@@ -58,6 +58,14 @@ wf_sweep_message_transition_tcl
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Does the current user have a vacation replacement?
# In this case assign the user so that he or she can
# execute the same actions
im_absences_assign_vacation_replacement -task_id $task_id
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Get everything about the task
......@@ -70,8 +78,10 @@ if {[catch {
[lang::message::lookup "" acs-workflow.Task_not_found_message "
This error can occur if a system administrator has deleted a workflow.<br>
This situation should not occur during normal operations.<p>
Please contact your System Administrator
Please contact your System Administrator.
<br>&nbsp;<br>Here is the error message:
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