Commit 75d8be5c authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Added parser and fixed test case

parent 5f7422e4
......@@ -36,15 +36,39 @@ ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_user_name {
return [list $arg $err]
set sql "
select party_id
from parties p
where lower( = lower('$arg')
set party_id [db_string party_id_from_name $sql -default ""]
set user_id ""
set err ""
if {"" == $party_id} { set err "Didn't find user with email ='$arg'" }
return [list $party_id $err]
# Check by email
if {"" eq $user_id} {
set sql "
select min(party_id)
from parties p
where lower( = lower('$arg')
set user_id [db_string user_id_from_email $sql -default ""]
# Check by (Windows) username
if {"" eq $user_id} {
set user_id [db_string user_id_from_username "
select min(user_id)
from users
where lower(trim(username)) = lower(trim(:name))
" -default ""]
# Check by full first + last name
if {"" == $user_id} {
set user_id [db_string user_id_from_first_last_name "
select min(person_id)
from persons
where lower(trim(im_name_from_user_id(person_id))) = lower(trim(:name))
" -default ""]
if {"" == $user_id} { set err "Didn't find user with email, username or full name ='$arg'" }
return [list $user_id $err]
......@@ -95,6 +119,40 @@ ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_project_nr {
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_date {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Generic date parser - front-end for all available date formats
} {
set result [im_csv_import_parser_date_european -parser_args $parser_args $arg]
if {"" eq [lindex $result 1]} { return $result }
set result [im_csv_import_parser_date_european_dashes -parser_args $parser_args $arg]
if {"" eq [lindex $result 1]} { return $result }
set result [im_csv_import_parser_date_american -parser_args $parser_args $arg]
if {"" eq [lindex $result 1]} { return $result }
return [list "" "Could not figure out the format of this data field"]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_boolean {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Boolean - argument is mapped to SQL boolean: 't' or 'f'
} {
set arg [string tolower [string trim $arg]]
switch $arg {
"" { return [list "" ""] }
"t" - "1" { return [list "t" ""] }
"f" - "0" { return [list "f" ""] }
return [list "" "Could not determine boolean value of arg='$arg'"]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_date_european {
{-parser_args "" }
......@@ -109,6 +167,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_date_european {
return [list "" "Error parsing European date format '$arg': expected ''. If the error remains, try to import ANSI dates (2015-01-01) and set parser to 'No change'"]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_date_european_dashes {
{-parser_args "" }
......@@ -139,6 +198,36 @@ ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_date_american {
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_number {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Parses a generic number.
There may be ambiguities between American and European number formats
with decimal and thousands separators
} {
if {[string is integer $arg]} { return [list $arg ""] }
# Now we know that there is a "." or a "," in the number
# Check for a number with one or two decimal digits
if {[regexp {^([0-9\.\,]*)([\.\,])([0-9]{1,2})$} $arg match main separator fraction]} {
if {"." eq $separator} {
# American number format - remove "," from the main part of the number
set main [string map -nocase {"," ""} $main]
if {[string is integer $main]} { return [list "$main.$fraction" ""] }
# "$main" is not an integer - no idea what is is...
} else {
# European number format - remove "." from the main part of the number
set main [string map -nocase {"." ""} $main]
if {[string is integer $main]} { return [list "$main.$fraction" ""] }
# "$main" is not an integer - no idea what is is...
return [list "$main.$fraction" ""]
return [list 0 "Could not decide if this is a European or a US number - please use a specific parser"]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_number_european {
{-parser_args "" }
......@@ -216,3 +305,50 @@ ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_hard_coded {
return [list $arg ""]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_project_parent_nrs {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Returns a project_id from a list of project_nr's
} {
set arg [string tolower [string trim $arg]]
set parent_id ""
# Loop through the list of parent_nrs
foreach parent_nr $arg {
set parent_sql "parent_id = $parent_id"
if {"" eq $parent_id} { set parent_sql "parent_id is null" }
set project_id [db_string pid "select project_id from im_projects where $parent_sql and lower(project_nr) = :parent_nr" -default ""]
if {"" eq $project_id} {
return [list "" "Didn't find project with project_nr='$parent_nr' and parent_id='$parent_id'"]
set parent_id $project_id
return [list $parent_id ""]
ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_conf_item_parent_nrs {
{-parser_args "" }
} {
Returns a project_id from a list of project_nr's
} {
set arg [string tolower [string trim $arg]]
set parent_id ""
# Loop through the list of parent_nrs
foreach parent_nr $arg {
set parent_sql "conf_item_parent_id = $parent_id"
if {"" eq $parent_id} { set parent_sql "conf_item_parent_id is null" }
set project_id [db_string pid "select conf_item_id from im_conf_items where $parent_sql and lower(conf_item_nr) = :parent_nr" -default ""]
if {"" eq $project_id} {
return [list "" "Didn't find conf_item with conf_item_nr='$parent_nr' and parent_id='$parent_id'"]
set parent_id $project_id
return [list $parent_id ""]
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<property name="context">@context_bar;literal@</property>
<property name="main_navbar_label">@main_navbar_label;literal@</property>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method=POST action="import-@redirect_object_type@.tcl" id="@form_id@">
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method=POST action="import-@redirect_object_type@.tcl">
<%= [export_vars -form {object_type return_url import_filename}] %>
<if @object_type@ eq im_hour>
......@@ -4,91 +4,33 @@ ad_page_contract {
Starts the analysis process for the file imported
} {
{ return_url "" }
{ return_url "/intranet/" }
{ main_navbar_label "" }
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# This script uses jquery-save-as-you-type in order to store
# the user settings for mapping. This way a user does not need
# to start all over again if an import fails.
# The script stores ALL form vars so please add any new vars
# added to the form that should not be stored to the
# "exclude" section see (.adp file) to avoid side effects.
template::head::add_javascript -src "/intranet-csv-import/js/jquery-save-as-you-type/source/sayt.min.jquery.js" -order 1000
template::head::add_javascript -src "/intranet-csv-import/js/jquery-save-as-you-type/dependencies/jquery-cookie.js" -order 1000
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default & Security
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
set current_user_id [auth::require_login]
set page_title [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-cvs-import.Upload_Objects "Upload Objects"]
set context_bar [im_context_bar "" $page_title]
set admin_p [im_is_user_site_wide_or_intranet_admin $current_user_id]
set current_user_id [auth::require_login]
# fraber 130225: Permissions are now handled by the import-* files
# if {!$admin_p} {
# ad_return_complaint 1 "Only administrators have the right to import objects"
# ad_script_abort
# }
# Get the file from the user.
# number_of_bytes is the upper-limit
# Get the file from the user. number_of_bytes is the upper-limit
set max_n_bytes [parameter::get -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key im_package_filestorage_id] -parameter "MaxNumberOfBytes" -default 0]
set tmp_filename [ns_queryget upload_file.tmpfile]
im_security_alert_check_tmpnam -location "import-2.tcl" -value $tmp_filename
if { $max_n_bytes && ([file size $tmp_filename] > $max_n_bytes) } {
if {$max_n_bytes && ([file size $tmp_filename] > $max_n_bytes)} {
ad_return_complaint 1 "Your file is larger than the maximum permissible upload size:
[util_commify_number $max_n_bytes] bytes"
# Empty return_url?
# Choose depending on the object type...
# Varied form_id's tio support 'jquery-save-as-you-type'
if {"" == $return_url} {
switch $object_type {
im_company {
set return_url "/intranet/companies/index"
set form_id "intranet-csv-import-import2-companies"
im_conf_item {
set return_url "/intranet-helpdesk/index"
set form_id "intranet-csv-import-import2-confitems"
im_project {
set return_url "/intranet/projects/index"
set form_id "intranet-csv-import-import2-projects"
person {
set return_url "/intranet/users/index"
set form_id "intranet-csv-import-import2-users"
im_hour {
set return_url "/intranet/index"
set form_id "intranet-csv-import-import2-hours"
im_membership {
set return_url "/intranet/index"
set form_id "intranet-csv-import-import2-memberships"
default {
set return_url "/intranet"
set form_id "intranet-csv-import-import2-other"
# strip off the C:\directories... crud and just get the file name
if {![regexp {([^//\\]+)$} $upload_file match filename]} {
# couldn't find a match
......@@ -140,8 +82,8 @@ set header_len [llength $headers]
set values_lol [im_csv_get_values $lines_content $separator]
# Check if there are lines with less then 4 elements
# set error [im_csv_import_check_list_of_lists $values_lol]
# if {"" != $error} { ad_return_complaint 1 $error }
set error [im_csv_import_check_list_of_lists $values_lol]
if {"" != $error} { ad_return_complaint 1 $error }
# Take a sample of max_row rows from the file and show
set max_row 10
......@@ -169,6 +111,13 @@ set object_type_pairs [list "" ""]
foreach field $object_fields { lappend object_type_pairs [string tolower $field] [string tolower $field] }
lappend object_type_pairs "hard_coded" "Hard Coded Functionality"
# --------------------------------------------------
# Main Loop
# Try to guess the mapping and the parser for each field
# --------------------------------------------------
set cnt 0
foreach header_name $headers {
ns_log Notice "import-2: otype=$object_type, field_name=$header_name"
......@@ -186,14 +135,16 @@ foreach header_name $headers {
# Guess the object's field to which to map.
set object_field_best_guess [im_csv_import_guess_map -object_type $object_type -field_name $header_name -sample_values $parser_sample_values]
ns_log Notice "import-2: otype=$object_type, field_name=$header_name => field=$object_field_best_guess"
ns_log Notice "import-2: im_csv_import_guess_map -object_type $object_type -field_name $header_name -sample_values {$parser_sample_values}"
ns_log Notice "import-2: => $object_field_best_guess"
set guess_parser_field_name $header_name
if {"" != $object_field_best_guess} { set guess_parser_field_name $object_field_best_guess }
# Guess the parser how to convert the field values
set defs [im_csv_import_guess_parser -object_type $object_type -field_name $guess_parser_field_name -sample_values $parser_sample_values]
ns_log Notice "import-2: otype=$object_type, field_name=$header_name => parser=$defs"
ns_log Notice "import-2: im_csv_import_guess_parser -object_type $object_type -field_name $guess_parser_field_name -sample_values {$parser_sample_values}"
ns_log Notice "import-2: => $defs"
set default_parser [lindex $defs 0]
set default_parser_args [lindex $defs 1]
set override_map [lindex $defs 2]
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