Commit 312e5c49 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Fixed saving forum topic

parent 62e2da07
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ if {!$done && $topic_id == 0} {
set parent_id ""
set read_p "f"
set scope "pm"
set scope "group"
set folder_id 0
set receive_updates "major"
set topic_status_id [im_topic_status_id_open]
......@@ -428,25 +428,21 @@ incr ctr
# -------------- Scope -----------------------------
# Default is "group", if the user can do it...
if {[im_permission $user_id add_topic_group]} {set scope "group"}
if {"" eq $scope && [im_permission $user_id add_topic_group]} {set scope "group"}
if {$topic_type_id != [im_topic_type_id_reply]} {
if {$object_admin || $user_id == $owner_id} {
append table_body "
<tr $bgcolor([expr {$ctr % 2}])>
<td>[_ intranet-forum.Access_permissions]</td>
[im_forum_scope_select "scope" $user_id $scope]
<td>[im_forum_scope_select "scope" $user_id $scope]</td>
incr ctr
} else {
append table_body "
<tr $bgcolor([expr {$ctr % 2}])>
<td>[_ intranet-forum.Access_permissions]</td>
<td>[im_forum_scope_html $scope]
<td>[im_forum_scope_html $scope]</td>
incr ctr
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