Commit 05da7abe authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Added code to create token

parent a7b50ef9
# /packages/sencha-rest/www/login.tcl
# Copyright (C) 2013 ]project-open[
ad_page_contract {
Provide the user with cookies and a login token
@param node Passed by ExtJS to load sub-trees of a tree.
Normally not used, just in case of error.
} {
{email ""}
{password ""}
{expiry_date ""}
if {"" == $password || "" == $email} {
doc_return 200 "text/json" "FAIL - no email or password"
array set result_array [auth::authenticate \
-email $email \
-password $password \
-persistent \
set account_status "undefined"
set user_id 0
if {[info exists result_array(account_status)]} { set account_status $result_array(account_status) }
if {[info exists result_array(user_id)]} { set user_id $result_array(user_id) }
if {"ok" == $account_status && 0 != $user_id} {
ad_user_login -forever=0 $user_id
set token [im_generate_auto_login -user_id $user_id -expiry_date $expiry_date]
doc_return 200 "text/json" "{'success': true, 'message': 'success', 'token': '$token'}"
} else {
set auth_message $result_array(auth_message)
doc_return 200 "text/json" "{'success': false, 'message': '$auth_message'}"
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