Commit a46b64a4 authored by Christof Damian 's avatar Christof Damian

use multirow_sort_tree to order the table by project_nr

parent 27e60b12
......@@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ set sql "
parent.project_id as top_project_id,
children.parent_id as parent_id,
children.project_id as project_id,
children.project_nr as project_nr,
children.project_name as project_name,
......@@ -269,7 +270,8 @@ set sql "
parent.project_name as parent_project_name,
tree_level(children.tree_sortkey) -1 as subproject_level,
substring(parent.tree_sortkey from 17) as parent_tree_sortkey,
substring(children.tree_sortkey from 17) as child_tree_sortkey
substring(children.tree_sortkey from 17) as child_tree_sortkey,
lower(children.project_nr) as sort_order
im_projects parent,
im_projects children
......@@ -289,9 +291,6 @@ set sql "
and children.project_status_id not in ($closed_stati_select)
and parent.project_id in ($project_sql)
order by
# ---------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -314,7 +313,12 @@ set old_project_id 0
set closed_level 0
set closed_status [im_project_status_open]
set old_parent_project_nr ""
db_foreach hours_timesheet $sql {
db_multirow hours_multirow hours_timesheet $sql
multirow_sort_tree hours_multirow project_id parent_id sort_order
template::multirow foreach hours_multirow {
# ---------------------------------------------
# Deal with the open and closed subprojects
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