Commit a1f5f5df authored by Project Open's avatar Project Open

- Created new field to show members of an object

parent 95c0fc2a
* POObjectMembers.js
* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014 ]project-open[ Business Solutions, S.L.
* This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License version 3.0 or alternatively unter the terms of the ]po[
* FL or CL license as specified in
* A special editor field used to assign members to any business object.
* There are normal members and administrative members.
* This field started off as a copy of the POTaskAssingment field,
* but there are too many differences to unify the two.
Ext.define('PO.view.field.POObjectMembers', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Trigger',
requires: ['Ext.grid.Panel'],
alias: 'widget.poobjectmembers',
statics: {
* Covert a comma separated list of initials into an
* array of user assignments
parseAssignments: function(me, value) {
if (!Ext.isString(value)) {return value; }
var result = [];
// if ("" == value) return null;
var names = value.split(";");
for(var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
var name = names[i]; // BB[20%]
var assigObject = this.parseAssignment(me, name);
if (!Ext.isString(assigObject) && null != assigObject) {
// if (0 == result.length) return null;
return result;
* Returns an assignment object if it can successfully parse a value like "BB[80%]".
* Returns a string with an error message if it can't parse the value.
parseAssignment: function(me, value) {
if (!Ext.isString(value)) {
return "Value='"+value+"' is not a string but a "+typeof value;
value = value.replace(/ /,""); // Eliminate white spaces, better than trim()
if (value.length < 2) {
return "Value='"+value+"' should contain of at least two characters";
var initials = "";
var percentString = value;
// Split the value into the "initials" part possibly including
// numbers and the remaining part hopefully containing "[80%]"
while (/^[a-zA-Z0-9]/.test(percentString.substr(0,1))) {
initials = initials + value.substr(0,1);
percentString = percentString.substring(1,value.length);
var percent = this.parseAssignmentPercent(me, percentString.trim()); // Number indicating percent or an error
if (Ext.isString(percent)) { return percent; } // Return an error string
// ToDo: Sort the user store alphabetically in order to create
// deterministic results
var result = null;
var projectMemberStore = Ext.StoreManager.get('projectMemberStore');
var letters = value.toUpperCase().split("");
projectMemberStore.each(function(user) {
if (null != result) { return; }
var firstNames = user.get('first_names');
var lastName = user.get('last_name');
var firstNamesInitial = firstNames.toUpperCase().substr(0,1);
var lastNameInitial = lastName.toUpperCase().substr(0,1);
var found = false;
if (letters[0] == firstNamesInitial && letters[1] == lastNameInitial) { found = true; }
if (found) {
// {id:123456, user_id:8864, percent:0.0}
var user_id = parseInt(user.get('user_id'));
var rel_id = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10000000000000.0));
result = {id:rel_id, user_id:user_id, percent:percent};
if (null == result) {
me.markInvalid('Unable to parse assignment "'+value+'"');
return result;
* Parse a string like "[80%]" into the number 80.
* Returns 100 for an empty or invalid string.
parseAssignmentPercent: function(me, percentString) {
if (!Ext.isString(percentString) || 0 == percentString.length) { return 100.0; }
var str = percentString;
if (!/^\[.+\]$/.test(str)) {
return "Percent specification '"+str+"' does not consist of a brackets enclosing a number.";
var str = str.substr(1,str.length - 2);
if (!/^[0-9\.]+%$/.test(str)) {
return "Percent specification '"+str+"' does not include in it's brackets a number followed by '%'.";
var str = str.substr(0,str.length - 1);
var number = parseFloat(str);
if (NaN == number) {
return "Percent specification '"+str+"' does not include a valid number between it's brackets.";
return number;
* Format assignments to a String
formatAssignments: function(assig) {
if (Ext.isString(assig)) { return assig; }
var projectMemberStore = Ext.StoreManager.get('projectMemberStore');
var groupStore = Ext.StoreManager.get('groupStore');
var result = "";
if (null != assig) {
assig.forEach(function(assignee) {
if ("" != result) { result = result + ";"; }
var userId = ""+assignee.user_id;
var userModel = projectMemberStore.getById(userId);
var groupModel = groupStore.getById(userId);
if (null == userModel && null == groupModel) {
// This can happen when moving sub-projects around, even though it shouldn't...
result = result + '#'+userId;
} else {
if (null != userModel) {
result = result + userModel.get('first_names').substr(0,1) + userModel.get('last_name').substr(0,1);
if (null != groupModel) {
result = result + groupModel.get('group_name');
if (100 != assignee.percent) {
result = result + '['+assignee.percent+'%]';
return result;
}, // End statics
initValue: function() {
var me = this;
var value = me.value;
if (Ext.isString(value)) {
me.value = me.rawToValue(value); // If a String value was supplied, try to convert it to a proper Date
getErrors: function(value) {
var me = this;
return []; // Empty list of errors at the moment
rawToValue: function(rawValue) {
var me = this;
var val = this.statics().parseAssignments(me, rawValue) || rawValue || null;
// if (val.constructor === Array) { if (val.length == 0) { val = ""; } }
console.log('POObjectMembers.rawToValue: '+rawValue+' -> '+val);
return val;
valueToRaw: function(value) {
var raw = this.statics().formatAssignments(value);
console.log('POObjectMembers.valueToRaw: '+value+' -> '+raw);
return raw;
getSubmitValue: function() {
var value = this.getValue();
return value;
* Open the TaskProperty panel with the Assignments
* tab open in order to edit assignments.
onTriggerClick: function(a, b, c, d) {
var me = this;
var treePanel = Ext.getCmp('ganttTreePanel');
var value = treePanel.getSelectionModel().getLastSelected();
var taskPropertyPanel = Ext.getCmp('ganttTaskPropertyPanel');
taskPropertyPanel.setActiveTab('taskPropertyAssignments');; // Show handled by picker management
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