Commit a89446e8 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Changed handling of time zones:

  - Now all dates in the Gantt Editor and in other places are
    relative to the server timezone
  - The server doesn't send any time zone information to the
    JavaScript client anymore.
  - The JavaScript client doesn't send any time zone information
    to the server anymore.
  As a result, a task that starts at 9:00 am when created
  by a computer in Europe will also start at 9:00 when viewed
  from a US computer
parent 06ac6741
......@@ -196,7 +196,8 @@ Ext.define('PO.Utilities', {
tz = tzAbs < 10 ? ('0'+tzAbs) : ''+tzAbs;
return YYYY+'-'+MM+'-'+DD+' '+hh+':'+mm+':'+ss+tzSign+tz+tzAbsFrac;
return YYYY+'-'+MM+'-'+DD+' '+hh+':'+mm+':'+ss;
// return YYYY+'-'+MM+'-'+DD+' '+hh+':'+mm+':'+ss+tzSign+tz+tzAbsFrac;
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